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and no journal that night. The next day I had to go to Guildford as Commissioner of Roads and Bridges. Called on Sam. on my way back; dined, came home, and said to myself "I shall have a fine spell at my journal to-night." Just as I was sitting down to it, in came Mr. B. to tell me about an illness that had attacked all the horses at his places (three of mine among the number). One of his had died, the others recovered. The illness appeared very unaccountable, but I got a little whisper that they had made their way into a wheat field, and hence the illness. But Mr. B. stayed so late there was no journal last night either. "Well, I was determined to make amends this night, and had just snugged down to it when a voice hailed from the other side of the river. Mr. Mackie and a number of strange gentlemen have just arrived—come for the loan of three or four bottles of wine. Won't I go over and spend the evening, and could I make up a spare bed for one of the party?" The Fates conspire against the journal.

Thursday.—A Mr. Livingstone, who had come here as surgeon of the Hero, slept here on Tuesday night. I set out for Perth yesterday soon after breakfast, and I have only just returned at eight o'clock very ready for dinner.

Friday.—Captain Mangles has sent me two cases containing rare and useful plants and flowers, such as tea, pomegranate, cork, oak, &c., and wishes me to return the cases filled in the same way. The plants are put into earth in boxes having a glazed sloping roof, quite air tight. The earth is watered when first put in, but not afterwards, nor are they either opened or disturbed till they reach their destination. I must employ our botanist to procure the plants the captain wishes, for I should not like to run the risk of doing it ineffectually myself. Captain M. has also sent me a few books as a present—the 4th volume of Martin's History of British Colonies; Burns' Travels into Bokhara; Tour in the Prairie; and Life of Salt. He wishes me to send him also some live