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Perth, February 1836.

Feb. 22nd.—I did not return from Perth till yesterday morning. In the meantime John Eakins and two other men have taken Mr. S——'s farm for three years; they are to give him half the produce of the land for rent, he supplying a team. I dare say they will have at least 50 acres under wheat crop. Johnny had a few sheep which I had my eye on to purchase, and he had engaged to give me the offer of them when he wanted to sell them. In the settlement of wages with him there was a point in which he thought I was too strict with him, namely, charging him for any days on which he was absent. So, to vex me, he went out into the kitchen and sold them to James,—5 ewes, 3 ewe lambs, and two wether lambs, £20. I paid Johnny £8 as balance of wages. Servants might become very comfortable here in a little while, if they took care of themselves. Those men with whom I formerly agreed have set out for my grant this day, James accompanying them. They have left a man in his stead. I am getting the floor of the sitting room boarded, and have retired for the occasion, or withdrawn myself into my bed-room.

March 2nd.—The former part of this letter must be dovetailed into one which I sent by Van Diemen's Land. The ship has not yet sailed. James has this day returned from over the hills. All arrived safe there, and the men have taken my sheep, and taken up a position on my grant there. I have just been puzzling over the account of the flock which Mr. Solomon has rendered. I sent 251 ewes there in May last, and I have only returned to me 266 now, besides 32 ewe lambs, 31 wether lambs, and 47 wethers, 26 of which wethers