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lives now, and thus vindicate the majesty of the law, but 10 to 1 we shall have an outcry in England that we should be called to account for it. Let them come here and convert the natives, and let us defend ourselves in the way which we find to be the best.

August 1st.—Busy yesterday and to-day transplanting and pruning vines: got about 50 rooted plants put down and a great many cuttings. It was interesting to see some little birds, like robins and wagtails, perching on the bushes and watching to pick up the grubs as they were turned up. An absurd rumour has reached this, that Capt. and Lieut. Armstrong have both been speared by the natives on their way to York. Men's minds are full of fears.

Thursday.—Two whales have been caught within the last week, after a considerable interval. There is an intention of establishing a ship company here. Our Perth whale company has not been so successful as the Fremantle, the managers of which live upon the spot. The melancholy loss of a whole boat's crew, and of a decked boat of considerable size, have been rather a damper upon the Perth company. Got some more vines planted to-day. I have now a hundred, many of which may bear fruit this year; nine peach, and six fig trees bearing; then almonds; also cherry trees, oranges, lemon, guava, and banana. Such is my present stock.

August 7th.—Busy all day in the garden, planting and transplanting. The two Messrs. B— dined here to-day. They have just come over from York, where they have been settled for some time. They give an unpleasant account of the state of things there, on account of the natives. I have now got the names of 18 natives who were concerned in the murder of the two settlers at York; some of them, I am sorry to say, are not far from this.

Wednesday.—Some hints having been communicated with respect to mischief which was brewing by the natives at Perth, the Governor being uneasy about it, despatched a person up