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is the first time I have had an opportunity of taking it since coming to the colony.

Monday.—Schoales went off this morning with Jemmy Miller to look for a kangaroo. I gave him a horse and they went up Ellen's Brook, but have returned unsuccessful, or—as Schoales technically expresses it—they "took nothing by their motion."

Nov. 29th.—The Joshua Carroll is said to be likely to sail on Sunday, so I brought down this letter in order to get ready. I have sent by this vessel seven bales of wool.

Dec. 17th.—Since I sent my letter by the Joshua Carroll I have not found it convenient to renew my journal, but I shall now pick up some dropped stitches, and the work will afterwards proceed more regularly. For the last fortnight we have been busied at the harvest. I have eleven persons cutting, most of whom are working by the job, at 25s. an acre. I expect to have all cut down to-morrow evening. On Wednesday last I got 250 sheep over from York, with the loss of only three. These are to be put on my farm at Ellensbrook. We are all a little anxious about our fee simples.

Sir James Stirling is making arrangements for his departure. Last week H.M.S. Conway touched here on her way from Sydney to India. She brought a great number of letters and papers for this colony which had been lying at Hobart Town and Sydney for more than a year. We had been expecting servants by the Britomart, but no—even those settlers who have arrived have not brought any for themselves, at least not enough. There are some who seem to wish to become stewards or overseers, but are imbued with too high notions to work. These will not do for us in any way. We are able to be our own overseers; we want workmen. I hope the investment of my wool money may soon come out. I am really very badly off for many things. I had to go this day to Mr. Brockman to beg of him to let me have two or three pair of summer trousers, of which he brought a large stock from