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Baru, s.—(Vasse and K. G. S.) Blood.

Barukur, s.—(K. G. S.) The bowels.

Barup. s.—(K. G. S.) Dew; water resting in drops.

Batdoin, a.—(Northern dialect.) Small; thin; wasted.

Batta, s.—The sun's rays. Nganga batta: the sun's beams.

Batta, s.—Thysanotus fimbriatus. A rush, with which the natives sew the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks This word is used in the northern dialects equally with Jilba to express that there is grass in a place. It means also rushes in general.

Battardal, s.—A waste, barren tract of land, destitute of edible roots, or of any means of subsistence.

Battiri, a.—Rough; hard; like an unprepared kangaroo skin.

Bebal, s.—Knee-cap; knee-pan.

Bedoan, s.—A mother-of-pearl-like oyster shell.

Began, v.—(Vasse) To unfasten; to untie; to open.

Bellak, ad.—Enough; sufficient.

Belli, a —Superior; excellent.

Bellibelli, ad.—On this side or that side.

Bellogar, s.—Petaurus Mairarus. Grey squirrel.

Bema, s.—Semen.

Beper, or Bepil, s.—(K. G. S.) A species of fish.

Bepumer.—(K. G. S.) A large species of hawk.

Betan, s.—A knot.

Bettich, s.—(K. G. S.) An old man.

Bettik bettik, ad.—Gently; noiselessly; quietly.

Bettinun, v.—(Northern word.) Pres, part., Bettinun; past tense, Bettinun. To pinch.

Bewel, s.—(Vasse and K. G. S.) The paper-bark tree.

Bi, s.—A fish.

Bian, v.—Pres. part, Bianwin; past tense, Biana, or Bianaga. To dig; to scrape; to scratch; to bury. The natives dig roots, dig animals out of the earth, and dig graves; but they do not cultivate the ground. They neither plant nor sow, but rely wholly upon the spontaneous products of the soil for vegetable food; as they do also on the wild animals for animal food.

Biara, s.—Banksia nivifolia. The Banksia tree, with long narrow leaves; colonially, honeysuckle, from the hairy, long, cone-shaped flowers, producing abundance of honey, which the natives are fond of regaling upon, either by sucking or soaking the flowers in water. This tree furnishes the best and favourite firewood. Biara Kalla, the dead wood of the Banksia fit for firing.

Biargăr, a.—(Upper Swan word.) Light; not heavy.

Bibi, s.—Female breast.