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Gwabba, a.—Good; pretty; right; proper; well in health.

Gwabbalitch, a.—Beautiful; excellent; very good; as minyte gwabbalitch, a beautiful countenance.

Gwabbanijow, v.—Compound of Gwabba, right, good, and ijow, to put; to put in order.

Gwadjat, a.—Previous; first in order; before.

Gwardyn, s.—A root eaten by the natives; it somewhat resembles the Bohn, but is tougher and more stringy.

Gwardo, v.—Pres. part., Gwardin; past tense, Gwardagga; to throw; to cast; to fall; to die.

Gwart, v.—Abbreviation of Gwardo. To throw; to cast.

Gwelgannow, v.—Compounded of Gwel, and Gannow; to step; to shift the position; to avoid a spear by stepping on one side.

Gwende, s.—(Mountain dialect.) The Bandicoot Kundi.

Gwetalbar, s.—Falco Melanogenys. Peregrine falcon.

Gwineen—(K.G.S.) The common stock of food.

Gwirak, s.—Sinews. The dried sinews of the kangaroo, particularly those of the tail, used by the natives in the operation of sewing the kangaroo skins together to form their cloaks.

Gwoyrat, s.—A daughter.

Gwytch, ad.—Just now; at once; immediately.

Gwytch-ang-at, a.—First ; before.

Gyn, a.—One.

Gyn-yăk, ad.—Enough; sufficient.

Gyn-yăng, ad.—Once.

I. (Sounded as in Fatigue. See Preface.)

Idal-ya, feathers.

Idi-yal, pron.—(Vasse dialect.) I myself, See Ngadjul.

id-yal, s.—A shrimp.

Igan, v.—Pres. part., Igan; past tense, Igan. To alarm; to disturb; to drive.

I-i, ad.—Yes; sign of assent: pronounced guturally with the lips nearly closed, and the chin projected forwards.

Ijan, v.—To mock; to make game of.

Ijarăp, s.—The snapper-fish, caught in great abundance on banks or shoals near the coast.

Ijow, v.—Pres. part., Ijowin; past tense, Ijaga. To place; to put; to produce, as animals their young, a tree its fruit, a hen her eggs.

llakilak, ad.—At once; immediately.

Ilar, a.—Dry; not wet.

Ilyn, s.—Flesh; muscle.

llyn-gădak, a.—Stout; fleshy.