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different phases of the moon, but the meaning of several of the terms has not been distinctly ascertained:—

Moon Waxing:

New moon, Werberang warri.
First quarter, Marongorong.
Half-moon, Bangal.
Second quarter, Kabbul.
Full moon, Gerradil Katti.

Moon Waning:

Bina Bardok.
Three quarters, Burno Wandat.
Half-moon, Jidik golang.
Last quarter, Narrat.

Mikăng, s.—Moonlight.

Miki, s.—The moon.

Mila, ad.—Hereafter; at some future period.

Milgar, a.—Fresh; new—as Boka milgar, a new cloak.

Mil-yarm, s.—The stars.

Mil-yu, s.—Samphire. Abundant both on the sea-coast and on the salt plains in the interior.

Mimak, s.—The moon.

Mi-mang-a, s.—A whale. Both sperm and black whales abound on the coast. Sometimes a dead whale is thrown on the shore, and affords luxurious living to the natives.

Mimbat, s.—The eyebrows.

Mimi, s.—The skins or layers of the Bohn root. They resemble the layers of an onion.

Mimidi, s.—Xanthorea; the under-ground grass tree. Sheep and cattle eat the centre leaves. This species is not found eastward of the Darling range.

Mimmal, s.—A species of shag or diver.

Mindar, s.—Grass-tree leaves, of which those that are dry and withered, and fit for burning, are well suited to make a very good traveller's bed in the bush.

Min-dyt, a.—Sick; in pain; unwell. See Mendyk.

Ming-al, s.—A tear.

Ming-al-ya, s,—Tears.

Mihg-art, s.—Eyelash.

Ming-o, s.—The chest.

Minam—(K.G.S.) Truly.

Minang—(K.G.S.) The south.

Mini, s.—An edible root; a large species of Bohn.

Minidang, or Minijidang, s.—Petroica Goodenovii red-crowned robin.

Minjin, s.—See Mallawaur. Another name for the horned thorny lizard.