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Quart—(Mountain dialect.) To throw.

Quelăp, s.—The first appearance of pubescence in youth of either sex.

Quele, s.—A name. See Kole, (Perth dialect). It may be useful to bear in mind, with reference to this word Quele for Kole, and Quet-ye for Kot-ye, and words of similar sound, that in the dialects of the interior E and O are interchangeable.

Quelken, v.—(Upper Swan dialect.) To step on one side in order to avoid a spear, or other missile weapon. Gwelgannow.

Quet-ye, s.—(Upper Swan.) A bone. Kot-ye.

Quibbang, v.—Pres. Part., Quibbănwin; past tense, Quibbangăga. To do anything very secretly.

Quippal, v.—To steal. Supposed to be an imported word.

Quogga, s.—A bandicoot, found in the southern districts.

Quonnert, or Kwonnat—A species of acacia. See also Kunart.


N.B.—The Sounds T and D are in so many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is difficult to distinguish frequently which sound is most predominant. The predominant sound varies in different districts. See Preface.

Tab-a-dak? (K.G.S.) A species of fish.

Tabba, s.—The native knife; a rude implement formed of sharp-edged chips of quartz, set in a row, about four inches long, and fixed by means of Kadjo, or Xanthorea gum, to a short wooden stick about as thick as a man's finger.

Tabitbh? (K.G.S.) Dry.

Taddar, s.—(Upper Swan dialect.) Fuller's earth.

Tadibi, s.—Prepared Xanthorea gum resin. See Tudtebu.

Takil—(K.G.S.) A feather.

Takkan, v.—Pres. part, Takkanin; past tense, Takkanăgga. To break.


Tammin, s.—A grandmother; a grandfather.

Tandaban—(K.G.S.) To spring; to jump.

Tapingur—(K.G.S.) To steal.

Tdo-dăk (K.G.S.) Raw; uncooked. See Djidik.

Tdon-gan—(K.G.S.) A species of By-yu.

Tdu-dar—(K.G.S.) A girl.

Tdud-tin—(K.G.S.) A species of Xanthorea.

Tdun-dal, a.—(Northern Dialect.) Fair; white; light coloured.

Tdun-jar—(K.G.S.) A species of frog eaten by the natives.

Tdur-dăng—(K.G.S.) Green.

Tdur-tin—(K.G.S.) Trackless; untraversed; without a path.

Tdur-tyl—(K.G.S.) A species of fly.