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Banksia, narrow-leaved, cone of—Birytch; Biytch.

Banksia, large-leaved—Bulgalla.

Banksia, large-leaved, cone of—Metjo.

Banksia, flower—Mangyt.

Banksia, of low grounds, flower of—Dubarda.

Barb, of a spear—Măngar; Dtarhra; Nambar.

Bare, clear, open—Bărnak; Barda-ăr.

Bark, of trees—Mabo.

Bark, of Banksia, or Hakea—Yabbăl; Djanni.

Bark, of Mahogany, or other gum-trees—Budto.

Bark, to, as a dog—Niran.

Barter, to,—Bang-al yong-a.

Bat (the animal)—Bambi; Babilgun.

Basalt, sp. of—Gagalyang; Kadjor.

Battue, of Kangaroo—Kaabo.

Be off (Go away)—Watto.

Beams, of the sun—Mandu; Battamandu; Ngangabatta.

Bear, to, children—Gudja ijow.

Bear, in the arms—Munang

Beard, the—Nganga; Nganga batta.

Beat, to—Buma; Wurtamar.

Beautiful—Gwabbalitch; Ngworryn-ngworryn.

Becoming, getting—Abbin.

Bee, a species of—Blura.

Bee-eater—Merops melanura—Birunbirun.

Beetle, light-green species—Bullor.

Befall, to—Echenna.

Before—Gorijăt; Gwytch-ăngăt; Gwadjăt.

Beg, to—Gut.

Begone (Be off)—Watto.

Behaviour—Nhurdo; Karra.


Behold, to—Djinnăng; N-yăngow.



Bellow, to—Mohăm.

Belly, the—Kobolo.

Below (low down)—Ngardăk; Ngardăl; Borak.



Betray, to—Kobat kobatăn.

Between—Kardăgor; Mănda.

Bid, to (tell)—Warrangăn.

Big—Gumbar; Ngomon.

Bird, a small—Jida.

Bird, species of—Bilyar; Bulangat

Bird's-nest—Jidamya; Măn-ga.

Bite, to—Bakkan.


Bittern (the bird)—Botaurus; Bărdănitch.



Blade (Shoulder-bone)—Djărdăm.

Bleak (open)—Kăbbar; Bărnăk.

Bless, to (to thank)—Yang-anan.

Blood—Ngubu; Baru.

Blood, coagulated, exuded from a wound—Kundu.


Blow, to, with the mouth—Bobban

Blue—Mu-yubărra; Ngilarăk; Nguyup.

Bluebird—Malurus pectoralia—Djărjil-ya.

Blunt (as a knife)—Kărrin.

Blunt-headed (as a spear)—Meto.

Board, for throwing the spear—Miro.

Bone, a—Kot-ye; Quet-ye (Upper Swan); Quetje; Quej (K.G.S).

Bony—Kot-yedăk; Kot-yelara; Widing.