Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/262

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conclusion of these matters will give as much satisfaction as the beginning of them afforded occasion for jealousy and dispute. You cannot give me a greater mark of your kindness than your continuing to do me good offices where I am so ambitious to be well, and I do not doubt you will get so good an interest there yourself, as that, besides your own satisfaction, it will be an advantage and a furtherance to those things that are designed.

It is no small mark of the Prince's credit that he hath been able to draw Monsieur Van Beuninghen from his opinion, to which he is naturally partial enough, if I do not mistake him; therefore, if our disagreements here, when the Parliament meeteth, do not prove to be such as will discourage all our friends abroad from dealing with us, I am in hopes we may join in the means for our preservation, notwithstanding the arts as well the power of France, which are both great arguments to discompose any model that can be made against them. We say here that the Duke of Monmouth will go next week, and the Duke a day after him. The King seemeth inclined to go to Newmarket; his inclination is so strong for it, that it is an ill way of making one's court to dissuade him from it,