Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/300

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very ill a reputation, that every body is ashamed of appearing for him. My Lord of Essex saith he believes he is the worst man in the world, which every body will find in six months after he hath been in a place. I writ to him the last week, to tell him I could do him no service, but did not write all the particulars. I said something of this when I parted with you, but I have heard many things of him since, which hath increased my bad opinion of him.

I know I do not write with the respect I owe you, but it is because you have commanded it, and, therefore, I will only say that no man in the world loves you better, nor is more ready to do you service.

11th.I went with Sir Harry Capell to Mr. Montague ; in the way he told me how every thing had passed that same day at the Council: I find him extremely unsatisfied at the King's proceedings; he tells me they will again attempt it. When I came back, Lord Sunderland told me how I must set him right with the Prince: I am to tell him the whole story, and how all that hath been done could not be avoided; he can't say but that the King may at some time take measures with France, but never to the prejudice of the Prince