Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/372

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January 31st.I was with Monsieur Van Beuninghen. He told me that he had been with the French Ambassador; that his proposition is, that they should let his Master make war in Italy, and do every thing else he hath a mind to, provided that he engaged not to meddle with the Low Countries. He repents that he did not speak in time to him, and would give one of his fingers that he had not begun this business. He told me, that he had rather (though it was not fit to be said) the King of France should attack the Low Countries than Italy. Mr. Rockwood and Freeman dined with me: I find the last horribly unsatisfied with the King, a friend to the Prince, and ready to do him any service, a great enemy to the Duke. I was with Monsieur Belmont. He told me that I had done more good than all my predecessors before me.

February 1st.I dined with the Prince, who told me he was every day more and more for the alliance with Spain. He is glad that Fitzpatrick is going there. Monsieur Rounswinckle told me that Monsieur Staatman was to come, and would lie at Monsieur Campricht's. He saith that they have not accepted their bills for the contribution, that is, for the Duchy of Cleves, 200,000 crowns, and