Page:Diary of the times of Charles II Vol. I.djvu/410

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This is most of it the same letter I had writ last post.


March 2d.

I am mightily sorry to hear that you have any illness fallen upon your eyes, which was an affliction I met with in my employments abroad, and so am the more sensible of it upon your occasion. You must spare them from reading and writing whilst it lasts, and by no means tamper with them. I never found any thing do mine so much good as putting a leaf of tobacco into each nostril as soon as you wake, and keep it for an hour either sitting up in your bed or dressing yourself. It will make you a little sick, perhaps, at first, but when it does, pull it out, and 'tis presently past; then you may put new in, and 'twill grow easier with custom. You should not be cold when you use it.

Sir Robert Southwell may be with you as soon as this, having resolved to embark this afternoon. I hope he may acquit himself well of his commission, setting aside a little formality, which may pass in Germany. He has positive injunctions to communicate every thing to the Prince and you,