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[ 7 ]

I'll give her gold, I'll give her diet,
I'll give her all things if ſhe's quiet,
But if in words ſhe does rebel,
I'll take a ſtick and bang her well.

A neighbour coming for to meet him,
Just on purpoſe for to vex him,
I'll tell you what I ſaw juſt now,
As I was coming unto you.

I ſaw your wife and Will the weaver,
Mighty free and cloſs together,
At the threſhold of the door,
They both went in, I ſaw no more.

Home he went, all in a wonder,
Knocking at the door like thunder,
Who is there, the weaver cry'd?
It is my huſband, you muſt hide.

Up the chimney ſtraight he ventur'd,
In the houſe her huſband enter'd.
Where have you been all the day,
Come and tell me now I pray?

A ſpending of your gold and treaſure,
All the day long out of meaſure,
While I poor girl muſt ſtay at home,
By myſelf to make my moan.

Loving Wive, no more affliction,
But pray follow my direction,
Bring me ſome beer, for I am dry,
This to her he did reply.