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The Flag of Freedom Series By CAPTAIN RALPH BONEHILL. A favorite Line of American Stories for American Boys. Every volume complete in itself, and handsomely illustrated. i2mo. Bound in cloth Stamped in Colors. Price, 60 Cents per Volume. Postpaid. WITH CUSTER IN THE BLACK HILLS Or, A Young Scout among the Indians. Tells of the remarkable experiences of a youth who, with his parents, j goes to the Black Hills in search of gold. Custer's last battle is well ' described. A volume every lad fond of Indian stories should possess. BOYS OF THE FORT Or, A Young Captain's Pluck. This story of stirrmg doings at one of our well-known forts in the Wild West is of more than ordinary interest. The young capt^iin had a difficult task to accomplisli, but he had been drilled to do his duty, and does it thoroughly. Gives a good insight into army life of to-day. THE YOUNG BANDMASTER Or, Concert, Stage, and Battlefield. The hero is a youth with a passion for music, who becomes a cometist in an orchestra, and works his way up to the leadership of a brass band. He is carried off to sea and falls in with a secret service cutter bound for Cuba, and while there joins a military band which accompanies our soldiers in the never-to-be-forgotten attack on Santiago. OFF FOR HAWAII Or, The Mystery of a Great Volcano. Here we have fact and romance cleverly in*^erwoven. Several boys start on a tour of the Hawaiian Islands. They have heard that there is a treasure located in the vicinity of Kilauea, the largest active volcano in the world, and go in search of it. Their numerous adventures will be followed with much interest. A SAILOR BOY WITH DEWEY Or, Afloat in the Philippines. The story of Dewey's victory in Manila Bay will never grow old, but here we have it told in a new form— as it appeared to a real, live American youth who was in the navy at the time. Many adventures in Manila and in the interior follow, give true-to-life scenes from this portion of the globe- WHEN SANTIAGO FELL Or, the War Adventures of Two Chums. Two boys, an American and his Cuban chum, leave New York to join their parents in the interior of Cuba. The war between Spain and the Cubans is on, and the boys are detained at Santiago, but escape by crossing the bay at night. Many adventures between the lines follow, and a good pen-picture of General Garcia is given. GROSSET & DUNLAP, ' NEW YORK