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can run it—with the assistance of Mr. Dick, of course," he hastened to add.

"What we came here for to-day," said Henry, "was to give you these papers, Dick," and he handed over a large bundle.

"What are they?" asked Mr. Hamilton.

"The prospectus and incorporation papers of The International and Consolidated Old Metal Corporation," interrupted Mr. Darby. "I drew them up myself, and I know they are right. They show the interest you have in the concern," turning to Dick, "and your interests are fully looked after. I wish, also, to endorse the note my son gave you."

"It isn't necessary," declared Dick.

"Pardon me, young man, but it is," insisted Mr. Darby. "Business is business," he continued, with a grand air, and, when Dick produced the note, Mr. Darby, with a flourish, put his name on the back of it.

"It has doubled in value," he remarked, without the ghost of a smile. "Now, our matters being concluded, I will bid you good-afternoon," he said, and with a low bow to Mr. Hamilton and Dick, he backed out, attended by McIverson.

"If he'd let Henry alone the business might amount to something," commented Mr. Hamilton when the visitors had gone.

"Yes, the idea of his taking some of the money to buy a new suit," observed Dick. "Well, I