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dismounting, told one of the hostlers to feed and water the animal when it had cooled off.

As Dick started up the steps to the porch, intending to make some inquiries of the landlord, he suddenly started back in surprise, for, coming out of the main entrance, was Simon Scardale.

"Hello, Simon!" exclaimed Dick.

"Why-er-w-w-why, hello—Dick," stammered Simon. Have you come to—what are you doing here?" he managed to say, with an attempt at pleasantry.

"I might ask you the same thing," responded Dick.

But Simon did not wait to hear anything further. He darted back into the hotel murmuring:

"Wait a minute—I've forgotten something—see you right away—"

"He acts as though he was afraid to meet me," thought Dick, as he walked on. "I wonder what he's doing here?"

An instant later he was surprised to see Simon come out of a side door and fairly run to the stables. At the same instant a man appeared in the door of the barn, and to him Simon made frantic gestures to remain hidden. Then, as Dick watched this by-play with a bewildered air, there came from the stable the bark of a dog.

"Grit!" exclaimed Dick. "Grit! Grit, old boy!"