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seemed impossible that he could ever get loose, or bending himself until he resembled an animated horse shoe. He was "as limber as an eel," the boys used to say.

"That's all right," responded the amateur circus performer, "I'll be in a show some day, with a suit of green and gold spangles, and you fellows will be paying money to see me. All except Dick. I'll give him a free pass."

"Thanks," answered Dick with a laugh, as he started the engine on full speed again.

"Say, wouldn't it be great if we could only make a trip to New York this way," remarked Fred Murdock.

"Yes, this boat would look nice traveling over dry land the best part of the way," said Dick with a smile. "If this lake only opened into a river or a canal we might do it, but it's out of the question now."

"Why don't you go in your automobile?" suggested Simon, with a curious look at Guy.

"That's so, I never thought of it," replied Dick. "I believe I will if dad will let me."

"Take us along?" asked Frank. "Maybe I could get an engagement there in one of the theatres. I can do quite a lot of turns now."

"My car's too small for this bunch," replied the millionaire's son.

"Hire a touring car; you have lots of money," spoke up Guy, with a covert sneer.

"Good idea!" exclaimed Dick, not noticing the