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warned the young millionaire to be careful of where he went, and in what company he lingered.

A week passed, during which Dick enjoyed himself in New York. The steam yacht proved to be all that was claimed for her, and the purchase was completed.

"You are now the owner of the Albatross," said the lawyer to Dick, one morning, handing him several papers.

"That's great! Now to get a captain, a crew, put coal and provisions aboard, and set sail."

"For what port?"

"Vm going to Cuba, partly on business and partly for pleasure. Some of my school chums are going along, and we'll have a good time. And that reminds me of something. There's a friend of mine in New York, whom I'd like to have go along with me. He's Tim Muldoon, a former newsboy."

"A newsboy?" and Mr. Blake looked surprised.

"Yes, and one of the truest characters who ever sold a paper. I must look him up. He's good fun, and will enjoy the trip."

Two days later, the legal formalities all being completed, Dick engaged the services of Captain Amos Barton, a grizzled veteran of the seas, to command the Albatross, and then the young millionaire returned to Hamilton Corners.

Captain Barton had agreed to select a small, but competent crew, and he would also see to putting the yacht in commission. She would be ready to