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I02 DICK SANDS, THE BOY CAPTAIN. the halyards, haul it aboard the tack, and unfurl it. But în puUing at the halyards the muscular energy of Hercules, which was supplemented by that of Actaeon, not to forget little Jack, who had volunteered his assistance, proved to be overpowerîng, and the rope snapped in two. AU three of them, of course, fell flat upon the deck ; but fortunately neither of them was hurt, and Jack laughed heartily at his tumble as an excellent joke. " Up with you ! " cried Captain Dlck ; " there's no harm donc ; splice the rope, and haul away more gently next time." It took but a few minutes to exécute the order, and the " Pilgrim " was soon sailing away rapidly with her head to the east. " Well done, my friends ! " saîd Dick, who had not left his post at the helm ; " you will bc first-rate sailors before the end of the voyage." " We shall do our best, I promise you, Captain Sands," replied Tom, making it a point to give the young com- mander his proper title. Mrs. Weldon also congratulated the new crew upon the success of their first attempt. " I believe it was Master Jack who broke that rope," said Hercules, with a sly twinkle in his eye ; " he is very strong, I can tell you." Jack looked as though he thoroughly appreciated the compliment, and evidenced his satisfaction by giving his huge friend a hearty shake of the hand. There were still several sails that were not yet set. Running well before the wind as the " Pilgrim " was, Dick nevertheless felt that the gallant, royal, and stay-sails, if brought into service, would materially assist her progress, and he determined not to dispense with their help. The stay-sails could be hoisted from below, but to bring the gallant and royal into play demanded more expérience than any of his crew had had. Knowing that he could not entrust the task to them, and yet resolved not to be baulked of his wish to set them, he undertook the task himself. He first put Tom to the helm, showing him how