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THE NEW CREW. lO/ to keep the schooner's head in the right direction, and having placed the other four at the royal and top-gallant halyards, proceeded to mount the foremast To clamber up the foreshrouds and the top-shrouds on to the cross-trees was mère chîld's play to the active apprentice. In a few minutes he had unfurled the top- gallant-saîl, mounted to the royal-yard, unfurled the royal, again reached the cross-trees, and having caught hold of one of the starboard backstays, had descended to the deck ; there he gave the necessary directions, and the two sails were made fast, and both yards braced. Nor did this content him. The stay-sails were set between the masts, and thus the " Pilgrim ** was running along, crowded to the full, with ail her canvas. The only additional sails whîch Dick could possibly hâve employed would hâve been some studding-sails to larboard, but as the setting of thèse was a matter of some difficulty, and they were not always readily struck in the case of a sudden squall, he contented himself without them. Again he took his place at the helm. The breeze was manifestly freshening, and the " Pilgrim," almost imper- ceptibly heeling to starboard, glided ràpidly along the surface of the water, leaving behind her a wake, smooth and clean, that bore plain witness to the true adjustment of her water-line. " This is good progress, Mrs. Weldon," he said ; " may Heaven grant the wind and weather may continue thus favourable ! " The lady, in silence, shook the boy's hand ; and thon, wom-out with the excitement of the past hours, went to her cabin, where she lay down and fell into a troubled doze. The new crew remained on watch. They were stationed on the forecastle, in readiness to make any altération which the sails might require, but the wind was so steady and unshifting that no need arose for theîr services. And Cousin Benedict ? ail this time, where was he ? -and what had he been doing ? He was sîtting in his cabin ; he had a magi:vvÎ7vtvç^-^"^"s»