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l86 DICK SANDS, THE BOY CAPTÀIN. A_ cany the entire load ; a proposai, however, to which Dick would not listen for a moment

    • You are a fine fellow, Hercules/' saîd Harris, scruti-

nizing the gîant wîth the eye of a connoisseur ; "you would be worth somethîng in the Afrîcan market." " Those who want me now must catch me first," retorted Hercules, wîth a grîn. The services of all hands were enlisted, and in a com- paratively short time sufficient food was packed up to supply the party for about ten days' march. " You must allow us to show you what hospitalîty îs în our power," said Mrs. Weldon, addressîng her new acquaint- ance ; " our breakfast will be ready in a quarter of an hour, and we shall be happy if you will join us." " It will gîve me much pleasure," answered Harris, gaîly ; " I will employ the înterval in fetching my horse, who has breakfasted already." " I will accompany you," said Dick. " By all means, my young friend ; come wîth me, and I will show you the lower part of the river." While they were gone, Hercules was sent in search of Cousin Benedîct, who was wandering on the top of the cliff în quest of some wonderful însect, which, of course, was not to be found. Without asking his permission, Hercules unceremoniously brought him back to Mrs. Weldon, who explained how they were about to start upon a ten days* march into the înterior of the country. The entomologîst was quite satisfied with the arrangement, and declared him- self ready for a march across the entire continent, as long as he was free to be adding to his collection on the way. Thus assured of her cousines acquiescence in her plans^ Mrs. Weldon procccdcd to prépare such a substantial meal as she hoped would invigorate them all for the approaching joumey. Harris and Dick Sands, meantîme, had tumed the corner of the cliff, and walked about 300 paces along the shore ùntîl they came to a tree to which a horse was tethered. The créature neighed as it recognized îts master. It was a strong-built animal, of a kind that Dick had not seen