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302 DICK SANDS, THE BOY CAPTAIN. was not partaking in thc repose that was so indispensable to thcm ail ; but he could not slecp ; his every thougfat was absorbcd in thc responsibîlîty that rested on hîm to rescuc those undcr his charge from the dangers that thrcatcned thcm. Again and agaîn he recalled cvay incident that had occurred since the loss of Captain Hull and his crew ; he rcmembered the occasion when he had stood with his pîstol pointed at Negoro's head ; why, oh why, had his hand faltcred then ? why had he not atthat moment hurled the misérable wretch overboard, and thus relievcd himself and his partners in trouble from Ac catastrophe that had since befallen them ? Péril was stîH staring them in the face, and his sole drop of consolatioo în the bitter cup of despondency was that Mrs. Weldon was still ignorant of their real situation. At that moment, just in the fever of hîs agony, he fdt a light brcath upon his forehcad ; a hand was laid upon his shoulder, and a gcntlc voicc murmurcd in his ear, — " My poor boy, I know every thing. God will help us I His will bc donc 1"