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To First-Class

I, hereby, Recommend Dr. S. M. LANDIS, with whom I have been acquainted for ten or twelve years, and who has Played for me to crowded houses, and Lectured in my Grand Opera House, and I Esteem him a most able Author and Versatile and Attractive Actor. His New Temperance Sensation will undoubtedly catch all classes of people.

Detroit, Mich. Apr. 18. 1888. CHAS. O. WHITE, Grand Opera House.



Synopsis of Dick Shaw, The Fiend, or Preacher-Doctor.


Scene 1.—Palace of Mr. Pert Force, the millionaire. Miss Sallie Force, tempts, her betrothed, Mr. Sam Pool, with the first taste of grape wine, which instanter runs him to ruin! She makes her soul-stirring appeal to heaven! Sharp rebuke by Madam Willard, President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Dick Shaw's cause in the ascendency. Tableau.

Scene 2.—Wm. Cuttle, the "Innocent Philosopher," harangueing the Fiend's Bums. Threats of hanging Cuttle. Sam Pool now the confederate of Dick Shaw, and low drunkard.

Scene 3.—Grand Reception and Feast of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at Mr. Force's palace. Wm. Cuttle, the spokesman, makes his lady-love. Mad. Willard, very mad, by his "innocent philosophy" and slips of his Yankee tongue. Rev. Preacher-Doctor refusing to say grace at the table over di.shes that create the appetite for rum, causes a sensation within; and without a howling Dick Shaw mob is clamoring for admission! Wm. Cuttle also gets too much liquor on board, and he, Sam Pool and Pert Force, literally walk on the "W. C. T. U's. feasting table. Tableau.


Scene 1.—Rev. Preacher-Doctor, by his eloquent reformatory logic, comforts and wins the love of Miss Sallie Force. Mr. Pert Force, in a moment of passion, while intoxicated, strikes his only child. Miss Sallie, who forbids him to leave home to join Dick Shaw's bums. Terrific scene between father and daughter. Enter, Rev. Preacher-Doctor, who cures Miss Sallie Force's bruises, both of body and soul! Wm. Cuttle intrudes his "innocent philosophy." Rev. P. D., defining Philosophy and Love to Miss Sallie. Diver, announces, Dick Shaw, Sam Pool and Bums. Sudden withdrawal of the lovers.

Scene 2.—Bar Room. Diver and Dutch Nancy in Specialties, and appearance of the Rev. Preacher-Doctor and Miss Sallie, in search of Mr. Force. Exit Miss Sallie, when Rev. P. D. is transformed, before the audience, into Dick Shaw. Fire, fury, death and confusion. Tab.

Scene 3.—Chamber of the Fiend's Gang. Dick Shaw and Sam Pool on the track of Miss S. Terrific threats, and conspiracy to possess Miss S. Force's love or dive in blood to his neck.

Scene 4.—Sam Pool in disguise on his way to Miss Force's home on behalf of Dick Shaw.

Scene 5.—Sam Pool's entrance into Miss F's parlors; makes love to Dutch Nancy, who screams and brings Dick to the rescue. Dick wants her himself . Change to Rev. P. D. Tab.


Scene 1.—The two millionaire drunkards, (Force and Pool,) conspire against the W. C. T. U. Miss F. banishes them from the house. Rev. P. D. rescues Miss F. from the riotous Bums. Tab.

Scene 2.—Mad. Willard, tongue-lashes Cuttle, her lover, for rum debauches. He retorts by asserting that the W.&nbspC. T. U. are to blame by their rum-bottic-thirst-creating spices and damn salt herring food; claiming that they are just as great slaves to their condiments, dainties and rum-thirst-creating seasonings, as he is to rum. Cuttle plans Dick Shaw's death. Tab.


Scene 1.—Dick Shaw torturing Miss Sallie Force in her own home. Terrific struggle! Sam Pool rescues her and promises to save herself and father from death by Dick. Tableau.

Scene 2.—Diver and Dutch Nancy in specialties, closing with fight by Shaw's Bums. Tab.

Scene 3.—Dick Shaw and Sam Pool after Mr. Force; murder him and funeral procession.

Scene 4.—Miss Force and Sam Pool planning to kill Dick. Shaw's terrific curse of Cuttle. Pool's treachery; while Sallie stabs Shaw to death. Soul-harrowing death struggle! Tableau.


Scene 1.—Miss Force's Parlor. Grand Singing. The New Order of Things! Sam Pool fully reformed, but lost his former betrothed by his profligacy. The Lovers. Happy Ending

Grand Tableau!