Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1007

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DEMOSTHENES. (I^p. ad Avim. . 4) makes the second the first, and the third the second in the series ; and this order has been defended by R. Rauchenstein, de Orat. Olynth. ordine^ I^ipz. 1821, which is re- printed in vol. i. of Schaefer's Apparatus. The other order is defended by Becker, in his German translation of the Philippics, i. p. 103, &c., and by Westennann, Sfiive, Zieniann, Petrenz, and Briick- ner. in separate dissertations. There is a good edition of the Olynthiac orations, with notes, by C. H. Frotscher and C. H. Funkhanel, Leipzig, 1834, 8vo. .5. The oration on the Peace, delivered in B. c. 34t). Respecting the question as to whether this oration was actually delivered or not, see Becker, Philijypisclie Reden^ i. p. 222, &c., and VomeL, Frolepom. ad Orat. de Face, p. 240, &c. 6. The second Philippic, delivered in B. c. 344. See Vdmel, hiiegram esse Dcviosth. Philip. II. ap- paret ex dispositione., Frankf. 1 828, whose opinion is opposed by Rauchenstein in Jaliii's Jahrb. vol. xi. 2, p. 144, &c. 7. On Halonesus, b. c. 343, was suspected by tl)e ancients themselves, and ascribed to Hegesippns. (Liban. Arqum. p. 75 ; Harpocrat. and Etym. M. .«. r. ; Vhot. Bibl. p. 491.) Weiske endeavoured to vindicate the oration for Demosthenes in Dis- sertatio super Orat. de Halm., Lubben. 1808, but he is opposed by Becker in Seebode^s Archiv. for 182.5, i. "p. 84, &c., Philippische Reden, ii. p. 301, iVc, and by Vbmel in O.itenditur Hegesippi esse ora- tinnem de Haloneso, Frankf. 1830, who published a separate edition of this oration under the name of Hegesippus in 1833. 8. Ilfpl rHv ev Xf^f>ovriffqj, delivered in b. c. 342. 9. The third Philippic, delivered in b. c. 342. See Vomel, Demostlwtiis Philip. III. habitam esse ante Cherscmesiticam , Frankf. 1837 ; L. Spengel, Uel>er die dritte Philip. Rede des iJem., Munich, 1839. 10. The fourth Philippic, belongs to b. c. 341, but is thought by nearly all critics to be spurious. See Becker, Philip. Rede?}, ii. p. 491, iS,:c. ; W. H. Veersteg, Orat. Philip. 1 1'. Demosth. alrjudicatur, Groningae, 1818. 11. npds Trjv *Em<TToTiv TTjf ^iXiinrov, refers to the year b. c. 340, but is a spurious oration. Becker, Philip. Redeji, ii. p. 516, &c. B. Other Political Orations. 12. Utpl 2i;«^a|€ci>s, refers to b. c. 353, but is acknowledged on all hands to be spurious. F. A. Wolf, Proleq. odLeptin. p. 124 ; Schaefer, ^T^ptiro/. Crit. i. p. 686. 13. Ufpl "Xvtxfxopmv, was deli veered in b. c. 354. See Amersfoordt, Introdtui. in Orat. de Symvior. Lugdun. Bat. 1821, reprinted in Schaefer's ^jopar. Crit. vol. i. ; Parreidt, Disputat. de Instit. eo A then, cujtis ordinat. et correct, in arai. Tlepl l^vfifi. inscripta suadet Demosth., Magdeburg, 1 836. 14. 'Tirep MfyaoiroiToiv, b. c. 353. 15. Tlfp rris 'PoSicov eKfvdfpia^, b. C 351. 16. llfpl Twi' irp6s'A(^avSpov avvdrjKwv, refers to b. c. 325, and was recognized as spurious by the ancients themselves. (Dionys. de Admir. vi die. I>.m. 57 ; Liban. Anjum. p. 211.) n. Judicial or Private Orations. 1 7. Tlfpl "^Tfcpdvov, or on the Crown, was de- livered in B. c. 330. There are numerous separate ••ditions of this fainiou& onition ; the best are by I. DEMOSTHENES. 98<) Bekker with scholia, Halle, 1815, and Berlin, 1 825. by Bremi (Gotha, 1834), and by Dissen (Giit- tingen, 1837). Comp. F. Winiewski, Comment, Ilistorica et Chronolog. in Demosth. Orat. de Coron., Monasterii, 1829. The genuineness of the docu- ments quoted in this oration has of late been the subject of much discussion, and the most important among the treatises on this question are those of Droysen ( Ueber die Aechtheil der Urkund. in De- mosth. Rede vom Kranz, in the Zeitschri/i fur die Alterthums7c. for 1839, and reprinted separately at Berlin, 1839), and F. W. Newman {Classical Museum, vol. i. pp. 141 — 169), both of whom deny the genuineness, while Vcimel in a series of programs (commenced in 1841) endeavours to prove their authenticity. Comp. A. F. Wolper, de Forma liodiema Orat. Demoslh. de Coron. Leipzig, 1 825 ; L. C. A. Briegleb, Comment, de Demosth. Orat. pro Ctesiph. praestantiu, Isenac. 1832. 18. Tiipi TTjy TlapairpfaSiias, delivered in B. '% 342. 19. riepi TTs (XTeAetas irp3s AfrrTipr^v, was spoken in B. c. 355, and it has been edited separately by F. A. Wolf, Halle, 1789, which edition was reprinted at Zurich, 1831. 20. KttTci MftSj'ou ir€p rov kov5vov, was com- posed in B. c. 355. There are separate editions by Buttmann (Berlin, 1823 and 1833), Blume (Sund. 1828), and Meier (Halle, 1832). Com- pare Bockh, Ueber die Ztitr^rhdltnisse der Midiana in the Abliandl. der Berlin. Akadem. for 1820, p. 60, &c. 21. Kara *A.v^poTlwvos trapapo/jiuv, belongs to B. c. 355, and has been edited separately by Fun • khanel, Leipzig, 1832. 22. Karat 'ApiaTOKpaTovs, B. c. 352. See Rumpf, De Charidetno Orita, Giessen, 1815. 23. KoTct TtnoKparovs, B. c. 353. See Blnme, Prolegom. in Demoslh. Orat. c. Tiniocrat., Berlin, 1823. 24 and 25. The two orations against Aristo- geiton belong to the time after b. c. 338. The genuineness of these two orations, especially of the first, was strongly doubted by the ancients them- selves (Dionys. de Admir. ri die. Dem. 57 ; Har- pocrat. s. w. &fupls and veoArJs ; Pollux, x. 155), though some believed them to be the productions of Demosthenes. (Liban. Argum. p. 769 ; Phot. Bibl. p. 491.) Modem critics think the first spurious, others the second, and others again both. See Schmidt, in the Excursus to his edition of Deinarchus, p. 1 06, &c. ; Westermann, Quaest. Demosth. iii. p. 96', &c. 26 and 27. The two orations against Aphobus were delivered in b. c. 364. 28. np6sAtpo€ov ^pfvSofjoprvpiuv, is suspected of being spurious b}' ^^'estermann, Quaest. Dem. iii. p. 11, &c. Comp. Schumann, de Jure Fubl. Grace, p. 274. 29 and 30. The two orations against Onetor. See Schmeisser, de Re Tutelari ap, Athen., &c., Freiburg, 1829. The genuineness of these ora- tions is suspected by Bbckh, Publ. Econ. of Athens, Index, s. r. Demosthenes. 31. nopo7pa^T) irpos Zr)v66ffiiv, falls after the year b. r. 355. 32. Upos 'AiraTovpiov irapaypaxpi^, is of uncertain date. 33. ripor i>opnlu;va irept Savdov, was spoken in b. c. 33-'. See Baumstark, Prolegom. in Orat. Demosth. adr. Phonn., Heidelberg, 182().