Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/102

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their ancestors the victory of the Romans over the Latins at lake Regillus (B. C. 496), and, to confirm the truth of what they said, that they stroked his black hair and beard, which immediately became red. (Suet. Nero 1; Plut. Aemil. 25, Coriol. 3 ; Dionys. A. R. 6.13; Tertull. Apol. 22.)


1 Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos, b. c. 192. 2 Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. Suff. b. c 162. 3. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. b. c. 122. 4 Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. B. c 96. 5 L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. b. c. 94. 6 Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Probably son of No. 4. Died B. c. 81. Married Cornelia, daugh- ter of L. Cornelius Cinna, Cos. b. c. 87. 7. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. B. c. 54. Married Porcia, sister of M. Cato. 8.Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. B. c. 32. 9. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. b. c. 16. Married Antonia, daughter of M. Antonius and Octavia. 10. Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, Cos. A. D. 32. Married Agrippina, daughter of Germanicus. 11. Domitia. Married Crispus Passienus 12. Domitia Lepida. Married M. Valerius Messala. 13. L. Domitius Ahenobarbus, the emperor Nero.

1. CN. DOMITIUS, L. F. L. N. AHENOBARBUS, plebeian aedile B. C. 196, prosecuted, in conjuncti with his colleague C. Curio, many pecuarii, and with the fines raised therefrom built a temple Faunus in the island of the Tiber, which he dedicated in his praetorship, B. C. 194. (Liv. 31.42, 34.42, 43, 53.) He was consul in 192 and was sent against the Boii, who submitted him; but he remained in their country till the following year, when he was succeeded by the consul Scipio Nasica. (35.10, 20, 22, 40, xxx 37.) In 190, he was legate of the consul L. Scipio in the war against Antiochus the Great. (35.39; Plut. Apophth. Rom. Cn. Domit.) In his consulship one of his oxen is said to have utter the warning " Roma, cave tibi." (Liv. 35.2 V. Max. 1.6.5, who falsely says, Bello Punico secundo.)

2. CN. DOMITIUS CN. F. L. N. AHENOBARBUS, son of the preceding, was chosen pontifex in B. C. 172, when a young man (Liv. 42.28), and in 169 was sent with two others as commissioner into Macedonia. (44.18.) In 167 he was one of the ten commissioners for arranging the affairs of Macedonia in conjunction with Aemilius Paullus (xlv 17); and when the consuls of 162 abdicated account of some fault in the auspices in their election, he and Cornelius Lentulus were chosen consuls in their stead. (Cic. de Nat. Deor. 2.4, de Div 2.35; Val. Max. 1.1.3.)

3. CN. DOMITIUS CN. F. CN. N. AHENOBARBUS, son of the preceding, was sent in his consulship B. C. 122, against the Allobroges in Gaul, because they had received Teutomalius, the king of the Salluvii and the enemy of the Romans, and had laid waste the territory of the Aedui, the friend of the Romans. In 121 he conquered the Allobroges and their ally Vituitus, king of the Arverni, near Vindalium, at the confluence of the Sulga and the Rhodanus; and he gained the battle mainly through the terror caused by his elephants. He commemorated his victory by the erection of trophies, and went in procession through the province carried by an elephant. He triumphed in 120. (Liv. Epit. 61; Florus, 3.2; Strab. iv. p.191 ; Cic. Font. 12, Brut. 26; Vell. 2.10, 39 ; Oros. 5.13; Suet. Nero 2, who confounds him with his son.) He was censor in 115 with Caecilius Metellus, and expelled twenty-two persons from the senate. (Liv. Epit. 62; Cic. Clu. 42.) He was also Pontifex. (Suet. l.c.) The Via Domitia in Gaul was made by him. (Cic. Font. 8.)

4. CN. DOMITIUS CN. F. CN. N. AHENOBARBUS, son of the preceding, was tribune of the plebs B. C. 104, in the second consulship of Marius. (Ascon. in Cornel. p. 81, ed. Orelli.) When the college of pontiffs did not elect him in place of his father, he brought forward the law (Lex Domitia), by which the right of election was transferred from the priestly colleges to the people. (Dict. of Ant. pp. 773, b. 774, a.) The people afterwards elected him Pontifex Maximus out of gratitude. (Liv. Epit. 67; Cic. pro Deiot. 11; V. Max. 6.5.5.) He prosecuted in his tribunate and afterwards several of his private enemies, as Aemilius Scaurus and Junius Silanus. (Val. Max. l.c. ; Dio Cass. Fr. 100; Cic. Div. in Caecil. 20, Verr. 2.47, Cornel. 2, pro Scaur. 1.) He was consul B. C. 96 with C. Cassius, and censor B. C. 92, with Licinius Crassus, the orator. In his censorship he and his colleague shut up the schools of the Latin rhetoricians (Cic. de Orat. 3.24; Gel. 15.11), but this was the only thing in which they acted in concert. Their censorship was long celebrated for their disputes. Domitius was of a violent temper, and was moreover in favour of the ancient simplicity of living, while Crassus loved luxury and encouraged