Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/112

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bloody battle, in which he was at first victorious, but at last was entirely defeated, and lost his life either by suicide, or by order of Severus, after having been made a prisoner. His body was ill treated by Severus, who sent his head to Rome, and accompanied it with an insolent letter, in which he mocked the senate for their adherence to Albinus. The town of Lugdunum was plundered and destroyed, and the adherents of Albinus were cruelly prosecuted by Severus.

Albinus was a man of great bodily beauty and strength; he was an experienced general; a skilful gladiator; a severe, and often cruel commander ; and he has been called the Catiline of his time. He had one son, or perhaps two, who were put to death with their mother, by order of Severus. It is said that he wrote a treatise on agriculture, and a collection of stories, called Milesian. (Capitolinus, Clodius Albinus : D. C. 70.4-7; Herodian, 2.15, 3.5-7.)

There are several medals of Albinus. In the one annexed he is called D. CLOD. SEPT. ALBIN. CAES. [W. P.]

ALBI'NUS, LUCE'IUS, was made by Nero procurator of Mauretania Caesariensis, to which Galba added the province of Tingitana. After the death of Galba, A. D. 69, he espoused the side of Otho, and prepared to invade Spain. Cluvius Rufus, who commanded in Spain, being alarmed at this, sent centurions into Mauretania to induce the Mauri to revolt against Albinus. They accomplished this without much difficulty; and Albinus was murdered with his wife. (Tac. Hist. 2.58, 59.)

A'LBION or ALE'BION (Ἀλβίων or Ἀλεβίων), a son of Poseidon and brother of Dercynus or Bergion, together with whom he attacked Heracles, when he passed through their country (Liguria) with the oxen of Geryon. But they paid for their presumption with their lives. (Apollod. 2.5.10; Pomp. Mela, 2.5.39.) The Scholiast on Lycophron (648) calls the brother of Alebion, Ligys. The story is also alluded to in Hyginus (Poet. Astr. 2.6) and Dionysius. (1.41.) [L. S.]

ALBUCILLA, he wife of Satrius Secundus, and infamous for her many amours, was accused in the last year of the reign of Tiberius (A. D. 37) of treason, or impiety, against the emperor (impietatis in principem), and, with her, Cn. Domitus Ahenobarbus, Vibius Marsus, and L. Arruntius, as accomplices. She was cast into prison by command of the senate, after making an ineffectual attempt to destroy herself. (Tac. Ann. 6.47, 48.)

ALBU'NEA, a prophetic nymph or Sibyl, to whom in the neighbourhood of Tibur a grove was consecrated, with a well and a temple. Near it was the oracle of Faunus Fatidicus. (Verg. A. 7.81, &c.; Hor. Carm. 1.7.12; Tib. 2.5. 69.) Lactantius (De Sibyll. 1.6) states, that the tenth Sibyl, called Albunea, was worshipped at Tibur, and that her image, holding a book in one hand, was found in the bed of the river Anio. Her series, or oracles, which belonged to the libri fatales, were, at the command of the senate, deposited and kept in the Capitol. The small square temple of this Sibyl is still extant at Tivoli. Respecting the locality, see Kephalides, Reisen durch Italien, i. p. 125, &c. [L. S.]

ALBU'CIUS or ALBU'TIUS, a physician at Rome, who lived probably about the beginning or middle of the first century after Christ, and who is mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 29.5) as having gained by his practice the annual income of two hundred and fifty thousand sesterces (about 1953l. 2s. 6d.). This is considered by Pliny to be a very large sum, and may therefore give us some notion of the fortunes made by physicians at Rome about the beginning of the empire. [W. A. G.]

T. ALBU'CIUS or ALBU'TIUS, finished his studies at Athens at the latter end of the second century B. C., and belonged to the Epicurean sect. He was well acquainted with Greek literature, or rather, says Cicero, was almost a Greek. (Brut. 35.) On account of his affecting on every occasion the Greek language and philosophy, he was satirized by Lucilius, whose lines upon him are preserved by Cicero (de Fin. 1.3); and Cicero himself speaks of him as a light-minded man. He accused, but unsuccessfully, Q. Mucius Scaevola, the augur, of maladministration (repetundae) in his province. (Brut. 26, De Orat. 2.70.) In B. C. 105 Albucius was praeter in Sardinia, and in consequence of some insignificant success which he had gained over some robbers, he celebrated a triumph in the province. On his return to Rome, he applied to the senate for the honour of a supplicatio, but this was refused, and he was accused in B. C. 103 of repetundae by C. Julius Caesar, and condemned. Cn. Pompeius Strabo had offered himself as the accuser, but he was not allowed to conduct the prosecution, because he had been the quaestor of Albucius. (De Prov. Cons. 7, in Pison. 38, Div. in Caecil. 19, de Off. 2.14.) After his condemnation, he retired to Athens and pursued the study of philosophy. (Tusc. 5.37.) He left behind him some orations, which had been read by Cicero. (Brut. 35.) Varro (de Re Rust. 3.2.17) speaks of some satires by L. Albucius written in the style of Lucilius; he appears to be the same person as Titus.



ALCAEUS (Ἀλκαῖος). 1. A son of Perseus and Andromeda, and married to Hipponome, the daughter of Menoeceus of Thebes, by whom he became the father of Amphytrion and Anaxo. (Apollod. 2.4.5; Schol. ad Eurip. Hecub. 886.) According to Pausanias (8.14.2) his wife's name was Laonome, a daughter of the Arcadian Guneus, or Lysidice, a daughter of Pelops.

2. According to Diodorus (1.14) the original name of Heracles, given him on account of his descent from Alcaeus, the son of Perseus. [HERACLES.]

3. A son of Heracles by a female slave of Jardanus, from whom the dynasty of the Heraclids in Lydia were believed to be descended. (Hdt. 1.7.) Diodorus (4.31) calls this son of Heracles, Cleolaus. (Comp. Hellanicus, apud Steph. Byz. s. v. Ἀκέλη; Wesseling, ad Diod. l.c.)

4. According to Diodorus (5.79) a general of Rhadamanthys, who presented him with the island