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Dioxippus lived in the time of Alexander the Great. (Aelian, V. H. x. 22; Diod. xvii. 100; Athen. vi. p. 251, a.) Alcimachus therefore probably lived about the same time. [C.P. M.]

ALCI′MEDE (Άλκιμέδη), a daughter of Phylacus and Clymene, the daughter of Minyas. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 45; Schol. ad loc. and ad i. 230.) She married Aeson, by whom she became the mother of Jason (Ov. Heroid. iv. 105; Hygin. Fab. 13 and 14), who, however, is called by others a son of Polymede, Arne, or Scarphe. (Apollod. i. 9. § 8; comp. Aeson, Jason.) [L. S.]

ALCI′MEDON (Άλκιμέδων). 1. An Arcadian hero, from whom the Arcadian plain Alcimedon derived its name. He was the father of Phillo, by whom Heracles begot a son, Aechmagoras, whom Alcimedon exposed, but Heracles saved. (Paus, viii. 12. § 2.) [Aechmagoras.]

2. One of the Tyrrhenian sailors, who wanted to carry off the infant Dionysus from Naxos, but was metamorphosed, with his companions, into a dolphin. (Ov. Met. iii. 618; Hygin. Fab. 134; comp. Acoetes.)

3. A son of Laerceus, and one of the commanders of the Myrmidons under Patroclus. (Horn. Il. xvi. 197, xvii. 475, &c.) [L. S.]

ALCI′MEDON, an embosser or chaser, spoken of by Virgil (Eclog. iii 37, 44), who mentions some goblets of his workmanship.[C.P. M.]

ALCI′MENES (Άλκιμένης). 1. A son of Glaucus, who was unintentionally killed by his brother Bellerophon. According to some traditions, this brother of Bellerophon was called Deliades, or Peiren. (Apollod. ii. 3. § 1.)

2. One of the sons of Jason and Medeia. When Jason subsequently wanted to marry Glauce, his sons Alcimenes and Tisander were murdered by Medeia, and were afterwards buried by Jason in the sanctuary of Hera at Corinth. (Diod. iv. 54, 56.) [L. S.]

ALCI′MENES (Ἀλκιμένης), an Athenian comic poet, apparently a contemporary of Aeschylus. One of his pieces is supposed to have been the Κολυμϐῶσαι (the Female Swimmers). His works were greatly admired by Tynnichus, a younger contemporary of Aeschylus.

There was a tragic writer of the same name, a native of Megara, mentioned by Suidas. (Meineke, Hist. Crit. Comicorum Graec. p. 481; Suid. s. v. Ἀλκιμένης and Ἀλκμάν)[C.P. M.]

A′LCIMUS (Άλκειμος), also called Jacimus, or Joachim (Ίάκειμος), one of the Jewish priests, who espoused the Syrian cause. He was made high priest by Demetrius, about b.c. 161, and was installed in his office by the help of a Syrian army. In consequence of his cruelties he was expelled by the Jews, and obliged to fly to Antioch, but was restored by the help of another Syrian army. He continued in his office, under the protection of the Syrians, till his death, which happened suddenly (b.c. 159) while he was pulling down the wall of the temple that divided the court of the Gentiles from that of the Israelites. (Joseph. Ant. Jud. xii. 9. § 7; 1 Maccab. vii. ix.)

A′LCIMUS (Άλκιμος), a Greek rhetorician whom Diogenes Laertius (ii. 114) calls the most distinguished of all Greek rhetoricians, flourished about b.c. 300. It is not certain whether he is the same as the Alcimus to whom Diogenes in another passage (iii. 9) asciibes a work πρὁς Άμὐνταν. Athenaeus in several places speaks of a Sicilian Alcimus, who appears to have been the author of a great historical work, parts of whicb are referred to under the names of Ίταλικα and Σικελικά. But whether he was the same as the rhetorician Alcimus, cannot be determined. (Athen. x. p. 441, xii. p. 518, vii. p. 322.) [L. S.]

A′LCIMUS (AVI′TUS) ALE′THIUS, the writer of seven short poems in the Latin anthology, whom Wernsdorf has shewn {Poët. Lat. Min. vol. vi. p. 26, &c.) to be the same person as Alcimus, the rhetorician in Aquitania, in Gaul, who is spoken of in terms of high praise by Sidonius Apollinaris, {Epist. viii. 11, v. 10,) and Ausonius. {Profess. Burdigal. ii.) His date is determined by Hieronymus in his Chronicon, who says that Alcimus and Delphidius taught in Aquitania in a.d. 360. His poems are superior to most of his time. They are printed by Meier, in his "Anthologia Latina," ep. 254-260, and by Wernsdorf, vol. vi. p. 194, &c.

ALCI′NOUS (Άλκίνοος). 1. A son of Nausithous, and grandson of Poseidon. His name is celebrated in the story of the Argonauts, and still more in that of the wanderings of Odysseus. In the former Alcinous is represented as living with his queen Arete in the island of Drepane. The Argonauts, on their return from Colchis, came to his island, and were most hospitably received. When the Colchians, in their pursuit of the Argonauts, likewise arrived in Drepane, and demanded that Medeia should be delivered up to them, Alcinous declared that if she was still a maiden she should be restored to them, but if she was already the wife of Jason, he would protect her and her husband against the Colchians. The Colchians were obliged, by the contrivance of Arete, to depart without their princess, and the Argonauts continued their voyage homewards, after they had received munificent presents from Alcinous. (Apollon. Rhod. iv. 990-1225; Orph. Argon. 1288, &c.; Apollod. i. 9. § 25, 26.) According to Homer, Alcinous is the happy ruler of the Phaeacians in the island of Scheria, who has by Arete five sons and one daughter, Nausicaa. {Od. vi. 12, &c., 62, &c.) The description of his palace and his dominions, the mode in which Odysseus is received, the entertainments given to him, and the stories he related to the king about his own wanderings, occupy a considerable portion of the Odyssey (from book vi. to xiii.), and form one of its most chamiing parts. (Comp. Hygin. Fab. 125 and 126.)

2. A son of Hippothoon, who, in conjunction with his father and eleven brothers, expelled Icarion and Tyndareus from Lacedaemon, but Avaa afterwards killed, with his father and brothers, by Heracles. (Apollod. iii. 10. §5.) [L. S.]

A′LCINOUS (Άλκίνους), a Platonic philosopher, who probably lived under the Caesars. Nothing is known of his personal history, but a work entitled Έπιτομἠ τῶν Πλάτωνος δογμάτων, containing an analysis of the Platonic philosophy, as it was set forth by late writers, has been preserved. The treatise is written rather in the manner of Aristotle than of Plato, and the author has not hesitated to introduce any of the views of other philosophers which seemed to add to the completeness of the system. Thus the parts of the syllogism (c. 6), the doctrine of the mean and of the ἒξεις and ἑνεργεῗαι (c. 2. 8), are attributed to Plato; as well as the division of philosophy which was common to the Peripatetics and Stoics. It