Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/186

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168 ANCHISES. philosopher. His extant works are, 1. Five synodal decrees, published in Greek and Latin in the Jius (Jr. Rom. (iii. p. 227), and 2. A dialogue with the emperor Manuel Comnenus conceraing the claims of the Roman pontiff. Of the latter work only some extracts have been publishad, by Leo Alla- tius. {De Eccles. Occident, utqite Orient, perpei. Consens.) [P. S.] ANCHI'NOE. [AcHiROE.] ANCHIMO'LIUS {'Ayx^/noKios), the son of Aster, was at the head of the first expeditioji sent b}' the Spartans to drive the Peisistratidae out of Athens ; but he was defeated and killed, about R. c. 511, and was buried at Alopccae in Attica. (Herod. V. 63.) ANCIirSES ('A7x^o'i70"> ^ son of Capys and Themis, the daughter of llus. His descent is traced by Aeneas, his son (Horn. //. xx. 208, &c.), from Zeus himself. (Comp. ApoUod. iii. 1 2. § 2 ; Tzetz, adLycoph. 1232.) Hyginus {Fub. 94) makes him a son of Assaracus and grandson of Capys. Anchises was related to the royal house of Troy and king of Dardanus on mount Ida. In beauty he equalled the immortal gods, and was beloved by Aphrodite, by whom he became the father of Aeneas. (Hom. //. ii. 820 ; Has. Thcori. 1008 ; ApoUod. Hygin. //. cc.) According to the Homeric hymn on Aphrodite (45, &c.), the goddess had visited him in the disguise of a daughter of the Phrj'gian king Otreus. On parting from him, she made herself known, and announced to him that he would be the father of a son, Aeneas, but she commanded him to give out that the child was a son of a nymph, and added the threat that Zeus would destroy him with a flash of lightning if he should ever betray the real mother. When, there- fore, on one occasion Anchises lost controul over his tongue and boasted of his intercourse with the goddess, he was struck by a flash of lightning, which according to some traditions killed, but ac- cording to others only blinded or lamed him. (Hj^gin. /. c; Serv. ad Am. ii. 648.) Virgil in his Aeneid makes Anchises survive the capture of Tro}', and Aeneas carries his father on his shoul- ders from the burning city, that he might be assisted by his wise counsel during the voyage, for "Virgil, after the example of Ennius, attributes pro- phetic powers to Anchises. {Aen. ii. 687, with Serv. note.) According to Virgil, Anchises died soon after the first arrival of Aeneas in Sicil}-, and was buried on mount Ervx. {^Aen. iii. 710, v. 759, 1^) This tradition seems to have been firmly believed in Sicily, and not to have been merelj- an invention of the poet, for Dionysius of Kalicarnassus (i. 53) states, that Anchises had a sanctuary at Egesta, and the funeral games cele- brated in Sicily in honour of Anchises seem to have continued down to a late period. (Ov. Fast. iii. 543.) According to other traditions Anchises died and was buried in Italy. (Dionys. i. 64 ; Strab. V. p. 229 ; Aurel. Vict. De Oriy. Gent. Rom. 10, &c.) A tradition preserved in Pausanias (viii. 12. § 5) states, that Anchises died in Arcadia, and was buried there by his son at the foot of a hill, which received from him the name of Anchisia. There were, however, some other places besides which boasted of possessing the tomb of Anchises ; for some said, that he was buried on mount Ida, in accordance with the tradition that he was killed there by Zeus (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 894), and others, that he was interred in a place on the ANDOCIDES. gulf of Thermus near the Hellespont. (Conon, 46.) According to Apollodorus (iii. 12. § 2), Anchises had by Aphrodite a second son, Lyrus or Lyrnus, and Homer (//. xiii. 429) calls Hippodameia the eldest of the daughters of Anchises, but does not mention her mother's name. An Anchises of Sicyon occurs in //. xxiii. 296. [L, S.] ANCHISl'AUES ('A7xio'ta57js), a patronymic from Anchises, used to designate his son Aeneas (Hom. //. xvii. 754; Virg. Aen. vi. 348), and Echepolus, the son of Anchises of Sicyon. (Hom. //. xxiii. 296.) [L. S.] ANCHU'RUS ("Ayxovpos), a son of the Phrj-- gian king Midas, in whose reign the earth opened in the neighbourhood of the town of Celacnae in Phrygia. JMidas consulted the oracle in what manner the opening might be closed, and he was commanded to throw into it the most precious thing he possessed. He accordingly threw into it a great quantity of gold and silver, but when the chasm still did not close, his son Anchurus, thinking that life was the most precious of all things, mounted his horse and leapt into the chasm, which closed immediately. (Pint. ParalL 5.) [L. S.] ANGUS MA'RCIUS, the fourth king of Rome, is said to have reigned twenty-three or twenty- four years, from about B. c. 638 to 614. Accord- ing to tradition he was the son of Nunia's daughter, and sought to tread in the footsteps of his grand- father by reestablishing the religious ceremonies which had fallen into neglect. But a war with the liatins called him from the pursuits of peace. He conquered the Latins, took many Latin towns, transported the inhabitants to Rome, and gave them the Aventine to dwell on. These conquered Latins, according to Niebuhr's views, formed the original Plebs. {Diet, of Ant, s. v. Plehs.) It is related further of Ancus, that he founded a colony at Ostia, at the mouth of the Tiber ; built a fortress on the Janiculum as a protection against Etruria, and united it with the city by a bridge across the Tiber ; dug the ditch of the Quirites, as it was called, which was a defence for the open ground between the Caelian and the Palatine ; and built a prison to restrain offenders, who were increasing. (Liv. i. 32, 33; Dionys. iii. 36—45; Cic. deRcp. ii. 18 ; Pint. A'ujn. 21 ; Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, i. p. 352, &c.; Arnold, Hist, of Rome, i. p. 19.) ANDO'BALES. [Indibilis.] ANDO'CIDES ('Aj/SokiStjs), one of the ten Attic orators, whose works were contained in the Alexandrine Canon, was the son of Leogoras, and was born at Athens in b. c. 467. He belonged to the ancient eupatrid family of the Ceryces, who traced their pedigree up to Odysseus and the god Hermes. (Plut. Vit. X. Orat. p. 834, b., Alcib. 21; comp. Andoc. de Redit. § 26 ; de Mpter. § 141.) Being a noble, he of course joined the oligarchical party at Athens, and through their influence ob- tained, in b. c. 436, together with Ulaucon, the command of a fleet of twenty sail, which was to protect tlie CorcjTaeans against the Corinthians. (Thuc. i. 51 ; Plut. Vit. X. Orat. I. c.) After this he seems to have been employed on various occa- sions as ambassador to Thessaly, ]Macedonia, Mo- lossia, Thesprotia, Italy, and Sicily (Andoc. c. Al- cib. § 41); and, although he was frequently at- tacked for his political opinions {e. Alcib. § 8), he yet maintained his ground, until in B. c. 415, when he became involved in the charge brought against Alcibiades for having profaned the mysteries and