Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/223

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Phot. Cod. 166, p. 112, Bekker), as the author of marvellous stories respecting distant countries: he is spoken of in the preceding article.

Suidas mentions "another Antiphanes, an Athenian comic poet, later than Panaetius," who is mentioned by no other writer, unless he be the Antiphanes who wrote a work Περὶ Ἑταιρῶν. (Suidas, s. v. Νάνιον; Athen. xiii. p. 586.)

Antiphanes Carystius, who is called by Eudocia (p. 61) a comic poet, was really a tragedian, contemporary with Thespis. (Suidas, s. v.)

[P. S.]

ANTI'PHANES ('A»'ti(|)o»/tjs), an Epigrammatic poet, several of whose epigrams are still extant in the Greek anthology. He lived after the time of Meleager (i.e. after B. C. 100), but before the time of Philip of Thessalonica, that is, about the reign of Augustus; for Philip incorporated the epigrams of Antiphanes in his Anthology, by which means they have come down to our times. (Jacol's, ufl Anihd. Grcu^c. xiii. p. 850, &c.)

[L. S.]

ANTI'PHANES ('Aj/Tt0a«/rjs), a physician of Belos, who is quoted by Caelius Aurelianus (De Alorb. Chron. iv. 8, p. 537), and Galen (Ze Comjtos. Mcdicain. sec. Locos, v. 5, vol. xii. p. 877), and must therefore have lived some time in or before the second century after Christ. He is mentioned by St. Clement of Alexandria {Paedaff. ii. 1, p. 140) as having said, that the sole cause of diseases in man was the too great variety of his food. [W. A. G.] ANTIPHAS. [Laocoon.] ANTI'PHATES ('Ajri^arTis), a king of the Laestrygones in Sicily. When on the seventh day after leaving the island of Aeolus Odysseus landed on the coast of the Laestrygones, and sent out three of his men to explore their country, one of them was immediately seized and devoured by Antiphates, for the Laestrygones were more like giants than men. They now made an attack upon the ships of Odvsseus, who escaped with only one vessel. {Horn." Od. x. 80-132.) Two other mythical heroes of this name occur in Od. xv. 242, &c.; Virg. Jen. ix. Gf)tJ. [L. S.] ANTIPHE'MUS {' Apt icpvinos), the Rhodian, founder of Gela, B. c. 690. The colony was composed of Rhodians and Cretans, the latter led by Entimus the Cretan (Thuc. vi. 4, and Schol. ad Pind. 01. ii. 14), the former chiefly from liiiidus (Herod, vii. 153), and to this town Antiphemus himself (Philostephanus, ap. Athcn. vii. p. 297, f.) belonged. From the Etym. Magn. (s. v. TeAa) and Aristaenetus in Steph. Byzantinus (s. v. TiKa) it appears the tale ran, that he and his brother Lacius, the founder of Phaselis, were, when at Delphi, suddenly bid to go forth, one eastward, one westward; and from his laughing at the unexpected response, the city took its name. From Pausanias (viii. 46. § 2) we hear of his taking the Sicanian town of Omphace, and carrying off from it a statue made by Daedalus. Miiller (Dor. i. 6. §§ 5, 6) considers him a mythical person. (See Bockh, Comm. cul Pind. p. 115; Clinton, F. H. B. c. 690; Hermann, Pol. Antiq. § 85 ; Goller, de Ong. Si/racus. p. 265.) [A. H. C] ANTI'PHILUS, an architect, built, in conjunction with Pothaeus and Megacles, the treasury of the Carthaginians at Olympia.(Paus. vi. 19. § 4.) His age and country are unknown. [P. S.] ANTI'PHILUS ('A>/Ti>A()s), an Athenian general, was appointed as the successor of Leosthenes iii the Lamiim war, b. c. 323, and gained a ANTIPHON. 205 victory over Leonnatus. (Diod. xviii. 13 — 15; Piut. Phndov, 24.) [C. P. M.] ANTI'PHILUS ('A./T.>iAos), of Byzantium, a writer of epigrams, who lived about the time of the emperor Nero, as appears from one of his epigrams in which he mentions the favour conferred by that emperor upon the island of Rhodes. {Anthol. Gr. ix. n. 178 ; comp. Tacit. Annul, xii. 58.) The number of his epigrams still extant is upwards of forty, and most of them are superior in conception and style to the majority of these compositions. Reiske, in his notes on the Anthology of Cephalas (p. 191), was led, by the difference of style in some of the poems bearing the name of Antiphilus, to suppose that there were two or three poets of this name, and that their productions were all by mistake ascribed to the one poet of Byzantium. But there is not sufficient ground for such an hypothesis. (Jacobs, ad Anthol. Gr. xiii. p. 85'l, &c.) [L. S.] ANTI'PHILUS. of Egypt, a very-distinguished painter, was the pupil of Ctesidemus, and the contemporary and rival of Apelles. (Lucian, de Calumu. lix. 1-5.) Having been born in Egypt, he went when young to the court of Macedonia, where he painted portraits of Philip and Alexander. The latter part of his life was spent in Egypt, under the patronage of Ptolemy, the son of Lagus, whom he painted hunting. He flourished, therefore, during the latter half of the 4th century B. C. Concerning his false accusation against Apelles before Ptolemy, see Apelles. The quality in which he most excelled is thus described by Quintilian, who mentions him among the greatest painters of the age of Philip and Alexander (xii. 10. § 6): "facilitate Antiphilus, concipiendis visionibus, quas (pavTaaias vocant," which expressions seem to describe a light and airy elegance. In the list of his works given by Pliny are some which answer exactly in subject to the "r/jaj/rao-tot" of Quintilian. (Plin. xxxv. 37, 40.) Varro (P. R. iii. 2. § 5, Schn.) names him with Lysippus. [P. S.] A'NTIPHON (^KvTKpciv). 1. The most ancient among the ten Attic orators contained in the Alexandrine canon, was a son of Sophilus the Sophist, and born at Rhamnus in Attica in B. C. 480. (Plut. Vit. X. Oral. p. 832, b. ; Philostrat. Vit. Soph. i. 15. § 1 ; Phot. Cod. p. 485 ; Suid. s. v.; Eudoc. p. 59.) He was a man of eminent talent and a firm character (Thucyd. viii. 68; Plut. Ale. 6), and is said to have been educated partly by his father and partly by Pythodorus, while according to others he owed his education to none but himself. When he was a young man, the fame of Gorgias was at its height. The object of Gorgias' sophistical school of oratory was more to dazzle and captivate the hearer by brilliancy of diction and rhetorical artifices than to produce a solid conviction based upon sound arguments; it was, in short, a school for show-speeches, and the practical purposes of oratory in the courts of justice and the popular assembly lay beyond its sphere. Antiphon perceived this deficiency, and formed a higher and more practical view of the art to which he devoted himself; that is, he wished to produce conviction in the minds of the hearers by means of a thorough examination of the subjects proposed, and this not with a view to the narrow limits of the school, but to the courts and the assembly. Hence the ancients call Antiphon the inventor of