Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/238

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220 ANYTUS. Anyte'9 epigrams (15, Jacobs) is an inscription for a monument erected by a certain Damis over his horse, which had been killed in battle. Now, the only historical personage of this name is the Damis who was made leader of the Messenians after the death of Aristodemus, towards the close of the first Messenian war. (Pans. iv. 10. § 4, ] 3, § 3.) We know also from Pausanias that the Arcadians were the allies of the Messenians in that war. The conjecture of Reiske, therefore, that the Damis mentioned by Anyte of Tegea is the same as the leader of the Messenians, scarcely deserves the contempt with which it is treated by Jacobs. This conjecture places Anyte about 7'23 b. c. This date may be thought too high to suit the style and sub- jects of some of her epigrams. But one of these (17) bears the name of "Anyte of Mylilene^ and the same epigram may be fixed, by internal evi- dence, at 279 B. c. (Jacobs, xiii. p. 853.) And since it is very common in the Anthology for epi- grams to be ascribed to an author simply by name, without a distinctive title, even when there was more than one epigrammatist of the same name, there is nothing to prevent the epigrams which bear traces of a later date being referred to Anyte of Mytilene. [P. S.] A'NYTUS ("Aj/utos), a Titan who was be- lieved to have brought up the goddess Despoena. In an Arcadian temple his statue stood by the side of Despoena's. (Paus. viii. 37. § 3.) [L. S.] A'NYTUS ("AvuTos), an Athenian, son of Anthemion, was the most influential and formid- able of the accusers of Socrates. (Plat. Apol. p. 18, b.; Hor. Sat. iu 4. 3.) His father is said to have made a large fortune as a tanner, and to have transmitted it, together with his trade, to his son. (Plat. Men. p. 90, a. ; Xen. Apol. § 29 ; Schol. ad Plat. Apd. I. c.) Anytus seems to have been a man of loose principles and habits, and Plutarch alludes {Ak. p. 193, d, e.; Amat. p. 762, c, d.) to his intimate and apparently disreputable connexion with Alcibiades. In B. c. 409, he was sent with 30 ships to relieve Pylos, which the Lacedaemo- nians were besieging; but he was prevented by bad weather from doubling Malea, and was obliged to return to Athens. Here he was brought to trial on the charge of having acted treacherously, and, according to Diodorus and Plutarch, who mention this as the first instance of such corruption at Athens, escaped death only by bribing the judges. (Xen. HeU. i. 2. § 18; Diod. xiii. 64; Plut. Cor. p. 220, b. ; Aristot. ap. Harpocr. s. v. AeKa^wv. But see Thirlwall's Greece, vol. iv. p. 94.) He appears to have been, in politics, a leading and in- fluential man, to have attached himself to the democratic party, and to have been driven into banishment during the usurpation of the 30 tyrants, B. c. 404. Xcnophon makes Theramenes join his name with that of Thrasybulus ; and Lysias men- tions him as a leader of the exiles at Phyle, and records an instance of his prudence and moderation in that capacity. (Plat. Men. p. 90 ; Apol. p. 23, e. ; Xen. Apol. § 29 ; HeU. ii. 3. §§ 42, 44 ; Lys. c. Affor. p. 1 37.) The grounds of his enmity to Socrates seem to have been partly professional and partly personal. (Plat. Apol. pp. 21 — 23 ; Xen. Me7n. i. 2. §§ 37, 38 ; Apol. § 29 ; Plat. Men. p. 94, in Jin.) The Athenians, according to Diogenes Laertius (ii. 43), having repented of their condemnation of Socrates, put Meletus to death, and sent Anytus and Lycon into banish- APELLAS. ment For the subject generally, see Stallbaum ad Plat. Apol. pp. 18, b., 23, e. ; Schleiermach. Introd. to the Menon, in fin. ; Thirl wall's Greece y vol. iv. pp. 274—280. [E. E.] AOEDE. [MusAE.] AON ("Awj/), a son of Poseidon, and an ancient Boeotian hero, from whom the Boeotian Aonians and the country of Boeotia (for Boeotia was an- ciently called Aonia) were believed to have derived their names. (Paus. ix. 5. § 1 ; Stat. Thd). i. 34 ; Steph. Byz. s. «. Bojorrfo.) [L. S.] A'PAMA ('ATTo/ia or 'Airc^iiiT?). 1. The wife of Seleucus Nicator and the mother of Antiochus Soter, was married to Seleucus in b. c. 325, when Alexander gave to his generals Asiatic wives. According to Arrian (vii. 4), she was the daughter of Spitamenes, the Bactrian, but Strabo (xii. p. 578) calls her, erroneously, the daughter of Arta- bazus. (Comp. Appian. Syr. 57; and Liv. xxxviii. 1 3, who also makes a mistake in calling her the sister, instead of the wife, of Seleucus ; Steph. Byz. s. V. 'Airdfj-fia.) 2. The daughter of Antiochus Soter, married to Magas. (Paus. i. 7. § 3.) 3. The daughter of Alexander of Megalopolis, married to Amynander, king of the Athamanes, about B. c. 208. (Appian, 5yr. 13; Liv. xxxv. 47, who calls her Apamia.) APANCHO'MENE ('ATrayxo/iei^), the stran- gled (goddess), a surname of Artemis, the origin of which is thus related by Pausanias. (viii. 23. § 5.) In the neighbourhood of the town of Caphyae in Arcadia, in a place called Condylea, there was a sacred grove of Artemis Condyleatis. On one oc- casion when some boys were playing in this grove, they put a string round the goddess' statue, and said in their jokes they would strangle Artemis. Some of the inhabitants of Caphyae who found the boys thus engaged in their sport, stoned them to death. After this occurrence, all the women of Caphyae had premature births, and all the children were brought dead into the world. This calamity did not cease until the boys were honourably bu- ried, and an annual sacrifice to their manes was instituted in accordance with the command of an oracle of Apollo. The surname of Condyleatis was then changed into Apanchomene. [L. S.] APATU'RIA {* Anrarovpia or * hirdrovpos), that is, the deceitful. 1. A surname of Athena, which was given to her by Aethra. (Paus. ii, 33. § 1.) [Aethra.] 2. A surname of Aphrodite at Phanagoria and other places in the Taurian Chersonesus, where it originated, according to tradition, in this Avay : Aphrodite was attacked by giants, and called He- racles to her assistance. He concealed himself with her in a cavern, and as the giants approached her one by one, she surrendered them to Heracles to kill them. (Strab. xi. p. 495 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. ^ Ktrdrovpov.) [L. S.] APATU'RIUS, of Alabanda, a scene-painter, whose mode of painting the scene of the little theatre at Tralles is described by Vitruvius, with the criticism made upon it by Licinius. (Vitruv. vii. 5. §§ 5, 6.) [P. S.] APELLAS or APOLLAS ('ATreAAos, 'AttoA- Aas). 1. The author of a work TlepX rav Iv TliXoTTovvriacf) iroKiuv (Athen. ix. p. 369, a.) and AeXcpiKu. (Clem. Alex. Protr. p. 31, a., Paris, 1629.) He appears to be the same as Apellas, the geographer, of Cyrcne. (Marc. Heracl. p. 63,