Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/283

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ARCHESTRATUS. ARCHE'MACHUS ('Apxfuaxos). There are two mythical personages of this name, concerning whom nothing of interest is known, the one a son of Heracles and the other a son of Priam. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 8, iii. 12. § 5.) [L. S.] ARCHE'MACHUS {'Apxffiaxos), of Euboea, wrote a work on his native country, which con- sisted at least of three books. (Strab. x. p. 465 ; Athen. vi. p. 204, a. ; Clem. Alex. Strom, i. p. 327, a. ed. Paris, 1629 ; Harpocrat. s. v. KorvKaiou 6pos ; Pint, de Is. et Osir. c. 27.) Whether this Archelaus was the author of the grammatical work At MeTwj/u/xfat (SchoL ad ApoUon. Jihod. iv. 262), is uncertain. ARCHEMO'RUS {'Apxefioopos), a son of the Nemean king Lycurgus, and Eurydice. His real name was Opheltes, which Avas said to have been changed into Archemorus, that is, "the Forerunner of death," on the following occasion. When the Seven heroes on their expedition against Thebes stopped at Nemea to take in water, the nurse of the child Opheltes, while shewing the way to the Seven, left tlie child alone. In the meantime, the child was killed by a dragon, and buried by the Seven. But as Amphiaraus saw in this accident an omen boding destruction to him and his com- panions, they called the child Archemorus, and instituted the Nemean games in honour of him. (Apollod. iii. 6. § 4.) [L. S.] ARCHE'NOR ('Apx^"tt'p), one of the Niobids (Hygin. Fab. 11), and perhaps the same who is called by Ovid {Met. vi. 248) Alphenor. The names of the Niobids, however, differ very much ill the different lists. [L. S.] ARCHES IT A. [Arcesilaus, Artists, No. 4.] ARCHE'STRATUS ('ApxeVrpaTos). 1. One of the ten (TTcaTTjyoi who were appointed to super-* sede Alcibiadcs in the command of the Athenian fleet after the battle of Notium, b. c. 407. Xeno- phon and Diodorus, who give us his name in this list, say no more of him ; but we learn from Lysias that he died at Mytilene, and he appears therefore to have been with Conon wheil Callicratidas chased the Athenian fleet thither from 'EkutSu- vr<Toi (Xen. JleU. i. 5. § 16 ; Diod. xiii. 74, 77, 78; Lys. 'AttoA, Z(>)po^. p. 162; Schn, ad Xen. Ilell. i. 6. § 16 ; Thirlwall's Greece, vol. iv. p. 1 19, note 3.) 2. A member of the )8ouAi^ at Athens, who during the siege of the city after the battle of Aegospntami, u. c. 405, was thrown into prison for advising capitulation on the terms required by the Spartans. (Xen. Hell. ii. 2. § 15.) 3. The mover of the decree passed by the Athenians at the instigation of Agnonides, that an embassy should be sent to the Macedonian king Arrhidaeus Philip, and the regent Polysperchon, to accuse Phocion of treason, b. c. 318. (Plut. Plioc. 0. 33.) Schneider {ad Xen. Hell. ii. 2. § l>)i by a strange anachronism, identifies this Archestratus with the one mentioned immediately above. [E. E.] ARCHE'STRATUS ('ApxcTTpaTos). 1. Of Gela or Syracuse (Athen. i. p. 4, d), but more usually described as a native of Gela, appears to have lived about the time of tlie younger Dio- nysius. He travelled through various countries in order to become accurately acquainted with every tiling which could be used for the table ; and gave the results of his researches in an Epic poem on the Art of Cookery, which was celebrated in an- ARCHIAS. i;65 tiquity, and is constantly referred to by Athenaeus. In no part of the Hellenic world was the art of good living carried to such an extent as in Sicily (the Siculac dopes, Hor. Carm. iii. 1. 18, became proverbial) ; and Terpsion, who is described as a teacher of Archestratus, had already written a work on the Art of Cookery. (Athen. viii. p. 337, b.) The work of Archestratus is cited by the an- cients under five different titles, — TaarpoKoyia, TaaTpovojiia, 'O^/OTroua, Aet7ri/oAo7ia, and 'HSuTra- 0€(o. Ennius wrote an imitation or translation of this poem under the title of (7ar7«/na Hedypathelica or Hedypathica. (Apul. Apol. p. 484, Oudend.) Archestratus delivered his precepts in the style and with the gravity of the old gnomic poets, whence he is called in joke the Hesiod or Theognis of gluttons, and his work is referred to as the " Golden Verses," like those of Pythagoras. (Athen. vii. pp. 3 10, a. 320, f.) His description of the various natural objects used for the table was so accurate, that Aristotle made use of his work in giving an account of the natural history of fishes. The ex- tant fragments have been collected and explained by Schneider, in his edition of Aristotle's Natural History (vol. i. pp. Iv. — Ixxv.), and also by Do- menico Scina, under the title of " I frammenti della Gastronomia di Archestrato raccolti e volga- rizzati," Palermo, 1823, 8vo. 2. The author of a work HepX AuAtjtwj/ (Athen. xiv. p. 634, d.) seems to be a different person from the one mentioned above. ARCHETI'MUS {'Apx^rifios), of Syracuse, wrote an account of the interview of Thales and the other wise men of Greece with Cypselus of Corinth, at which Archetimus was present. (Diog. Laert. i! 40.) A'RCHIAS Ckpxias), of Corinth, the founder of Syracuse, B. c. 734. He was a Heracleid, either of the Bacchiad or the Temenid line, and of high account at Corinth. In consequence of the death, of Actaeon [Actaeon, No. 2] he resolved to leave his country. He consulted the Delphic Oracle, which directed him, says Pausanias, who gives the three hexameters, "to an Ortygia in Trinacria, where Arethusa and Alpheius reappeared." Ac-- cording to an account given in Strabo, Steph. Byz., and at greater length, with the four verses of the Oracle, by the Scholiast to Aristophanes, he and Myscellus, the founder of Crotoii, were inquiring together, and when the Pythoness asked which they would choose, health or wealth, Myscellus chose health, and Archias wealth ; a decision with which, it was thought, the after- fortunes of their colonies were connected. Archias sailed in company, we are also told b}' Strabo, with Chersicrates, his countryman, and left him at Corcyra : as also Myscellus at Croton, in the founding of which he assisted. Thence he pro- ceeded to his destination. (Thuc. vi. 3 ; Pint. Amat. Narr. p. 772 ; Diod. Kac. ii. p. 288 ; Paus. V. 7. § 2 ; Strabo, vi. pp. 262, 269 ; Steph. Byz. s. V. Syracus.; Schol. ad Arist. Eq. 1089. See also Clinton, F. II. B. c. 734, and vol. ii. pp. 264, 265 ; Muller's Dor. i. 6. § 7.) [A. H. C] ARCHIAS {'Apxias). 1. A Spartan, who fell bravely in the Lacedaemonian attack upon Samos in B. c. 525. Herodotus saw at PiUina in Laconia his grandson Archias. (Herod, iii. 55.) 2. Of Thurii, originally an actor, was sent in B. c. 322, after the battle of Cranoii, to apprehend the orators whom Antipater had demanded of the