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lean Society ; Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vol. ii. p. 544 ; Pope- Blount, Censura celdjriorum Authorum^ Lond. 1690, fol.) [W. F. D.] ARCHIME'DES, of Tralles, wrote coramento- ries upon Homer and Plato, and also a work upon mechanics. (Suidas, »-. r.; Eudocia, p. 74.) ARCHIME'LUS {'Apxif^V^os the author of an epigram on the great ship of Hiero, which ap- pears to have been built about 220 B. c. (Athen. V. p. 209.) To this epigram Brunck (Analect. ii. p. 64) added another, on an imitator of Euripides, the title of which, however, in the Vatican MS. is ApxifJ-vSovs^ which there is no good reason for altering, although we have no other mention of a poet named Archimedes. [P. S.] ARCHI'NUS {"Apx^vos). 1. An Athenian statesman and orator. He was a native of Coele, and one of the leading Athenian patriots, who to- gether with Thrasybulus and Anytus occupied Phyle, led the Athenian exiles back, and over- threw the government of the Thirty tyrants, B. c. 403. (Demosth. c. Timocrat. p. 742.) It was on the advice of Archinus that Thrasybixlus proclaim- ed the general amnesty (Aeschin. de Fals. Leg. p. 338) ; Archinus, moreover, carried a law which afforded protection to those included in the amnesty against sycophantism. (Isocrat. in Callim. p. 618.) Although the name of Archinus is obscured in history by that of Thrasybulus, yet we have every reason for believing that he v/as a better and a greater man. Demosthenes says, that he was often at the head of armies, and that he was particularly great as a statesman. When Thrasybulus proposed, contrary to law, that one of his friends should be rewarded with a crown, Archinus opposed the illegal proceeding, and came forward, as accuser of Thrasybulus. (Aeschin. c. Ctedph. p. 584.) He acted in a similar manner when Thrasybidus en- deavoured in an illegal way to procure honours for Lysias. (Plut. Vit. X. Oral. p. 835, f.; Phot. Cod. 260.) There are several other passages of ancient writers which attest that Archinus was a skilful and upright statesman. He is also of importance in the literary history of Attica, for it was on his advice that, in the archonship of Eucleides, B. c. 403, the Ionic alphabet i^luviKd. ypafi/MTa) was introduced into all public documents, (Suid. s. v. 'Safilav 6 Sij/xos.) Some ancient as well as modern writers have believed that Archinus wrote a fimeral oration, of which a fragment was thought to be preserved in Clemens of Alexandria. (Strom. vi, p. 749.) But this is a mistake which arose with Dionysius of Halicarnassus {De adm. vi tlicend. in Demosth. p. 178) from a misunderstood passage of Plato. {Menex. p. 403.) See Valesius, ad Harpocrat p. 101, &c. ; Ruhnken, Hist. Orai. O'raec. p. xlii. ; Taylor, Li/siae Vita, p. 141, &c.) , A Greek historian of uncertain date, who wrote a work on the historj' of Thessaly which is now lost. (Schol. ad Find. Pyth. iii. 59 ; Steph. Byz. s.v. Aoirtov.) [L. S.]

ARCHIPPUS ("ApxtTH-os), an Achaean, who accompanied Andronidas to Diaeus, the commander of the Achaeans, to oifer peace from the Romans, B. c. 146. He was seized by Diaeus, but released upon the payment of forty minae. (Polyb. xl. 5, comp. c. 4, init.) There was another Archippus, an Achaean, who expelled the garrison of Nabis from Argos, b. c. 194. (Liv. xxxiv. 40.)

ARCHIPPUS (^ApxiTTTTos), an Athenian comic poet of the old comedy, gained a single prize B. c. 415. (Suidas, s. V.) His chief play was 'Ix^Gj, " the Fishes," in which, as far as can be gathered from the fragments, the fish made war upon the Athenians, as excessive eaters of fish, and at length a treaty was concluded, by which Melanthius, the tragic poet, and other voracious fish-eaters, were given up to be devoured by the fishes. The wit of the piece appears to have consisted chiefly in playing upon words, which Archippus was noted for carrying to great excess. (Schol. i?i Aristoph. Vesp. 481, Bekker.) The other plays of Archippus, mentioned by the grammarian^, are 'Aficpirpvusu^ 'Hpa/cATjs yafjLwv^ "Ovov aKid^ IIKovtos, and 'Pivuu. Four of the lost plays which are assigned to Aris- tophanes, were by some ascribed to Archippus, namely, IlotTjcris, Kavayos, Nrjcrot, Njygts or n/oSos. (Meineke, i, 207—210.) Two Pythagorean phi- losophers of this name are mentioned in the list of Fabricius. {BiOl. Grace, i. p. 831.) [P. S.]

ARCHI'TELES {'ApxiTiXrjs). 1. Father of the boy Eunomus, whom Heracles killed by acci- dent on his visit to Architeles. The father forgave Heracles, but Heracles nevertheless went into vo- luntary exile. (ApoUod. ii. 7. § 6 ; Died. iv. 36, who calls the boy Eurynomus; Athen. ix. p. 410, &c.)

2. A son of Achaeus and Automate, and brother of Archander, together -with whom he carried on a war against Lamedon. (Pans. ii. 6. § 2.) He mar- ried Automate, the daughter of Danaus. (vii. 1. § 3.) [L. S.]

ARCHITI'MUS ('Apxlrifios), the author of a work on Arcadia. (Plut. Quaest. Grace, c. 39.) ARCHO, the daughter of Herodicus, a Thessa- lian chief, whose children met with the tragical death mentioned by Livy. (xl. 4.) [Theoxena.] ARCHON ("Apx^"). 1. The Pellaean, ap- pointed satrap of Babylonia after the death of Alexander, b.c. 323 (Justin, xiii. 4; Diod. xviii. 3), is probably the same as the son of Cleinias men- tioned in the Indian expedition of Alexander. (Arrian, Tnd. c. 18.) . Of Aegeira, one of those who defended the conduct of the Achaean league with reference to Sparta before Caecilius Metellus, b. c. 1 85. He was one of the Achaean ambassadors sent to Egypt in B. c. 168 (Polyb. xxiii. 10, xxix. 10), and is perhaps the same as the Archo, the brother of Xenai'chus, mentioned by Livy. (xli. 29.) ARCHYTAS ('ApxyTos), of Amphissa, a Greek poet, who was probably a contemporary of Euphorion, about b. c. 300, since it was a matter of doubt with the ancients themselves whether the epic poem Vepavos was the work of Archytas or Euphorion. (Athen. iii. p. 82.) Plutarch {Quaest. Gr. 15) quotes from him an hexameter verse con- cerning the country of the Ozolian Locrians. Two other lines, which he is said to have inserted in the Hermes of Eratosthenes, are preserved in Stobaeus. {Serm. Iviii. 10.) He seems to have been the same person whom Laertius (viii. 82) calls an epigrammatist, and upon whom Bion wrote an epigram which he quotes, (iv. 52.) [L. S.] ARCHY'TAS ('AoxuTos), of Mytilene, a musician, who may perhaps have been the author of the work Hepl Avuv, which is ascribed to Archytas of Tarentum. (Diog. Laert. viii. 82 ; Athen, xiii. p. 600, f., iv. p. 184, e.) ARCHY'TAS {'Apxvras), a Greek of Taren- tum, who was distinguished as a philosopher, mathematician, general, and statesman, and waa T