Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/303

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had been put to death by the people on account of her cruelty, her youngest son succeeded to the crown. (Diod. l. c., Exc. xxiv. p. 626, ed. Wess.; Polyb. iii. 5, xxxii. 20, 23, xxxiii. 12; Justin, xxxv. 1, xxxvii. 1.)

VI. The youngest son of the preceding, reigned about 34 years, b. c. 130—96. He was a child at his succession. He married Laodice, the sister of Mithridates Eupator, king of Pontus, and was put to death by Mithridates by means of Gordius. (Justin, xxxvii. 1, xxxviii, 1; Memnon, ap. Phot. Cod. 224, p. 230, a. 41, ed. Bekker.) On his death the kingdom was seized by Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, who married Laodice, the widow of the late king. But Nicomedes was soon expelled by Mithridates, who placed upon the throne,

VII. A son of Ariarathes VI. He was, however, also murdered by Mithridates in a short time, who now took possession of his kingdom. (Justin, xxxviii. 1.) The Cappadocians rebelled against Mithridates, and placed upon the throne,

VIII. A second son of Ariarathes VI.; but he was speedily driven out of the kingdom by Mithridates, and shortly afterwards died a natural death. By the death of these two sons of Ariarathes VI., the royal family was extinct. Mithridates placed upon the throne one of his own sons, who was only eight years old. Nicomedes sent an embassy to Rome to lay claim to the throne for a youth, who, he pretended, was a third son of Ariarathes VI. and Laodice. Mithridates also, with equal shamelessness, says Justin, sent an embassy to Rome to assert that the youth, whom he had placed upon the throne, was a descendant of Ariarathes V., who fell in the war against Aristonicus. The senate, however, did not assign the kingdom to either, but granted liberty to the Cappadocians. But as the people wished for a king, the Romans allowed them to choose whom they pleased, and their choice fell upon Ariobarzanes. (Justin, xxxviii. 1, 2; Strab. xii. p. 540.)

IX. A son of Ariobarzanes II., and brother of Ariobarzanes III. (Cic. ad Fam. xv. 2), reigned six years, b. c. 42—36. When Caesar had confirmed Ariobarzanes III. in this kingdom, he placed Ariarathes under his brother's government. Ariarathes succeeded to the crown after the battle of Philippi, but was deposed and put to death by Antony, who appointed Archelaus as his successor. (Appian, B. C. v. 7; Dion Cass. xlix. 32; Val. Max. ix. 15, ex. 2.)

Clinton makes this Ariarathes the son of Ariobarzanes III. (whom he calls the second); but as there were three kings of the name of Ariobarzanes, grandfather, son, and grandson [Ariobarzanes], and Strabo (xii. p. 540) says that the family became extinct in three generations, it seems most probable, that this Ariarathes was a brother of Ariobarzanes III. Cicero (ad Att. xiii. 2) speaks of an Ariarathes, a son of Ariobarzanes, who came to Rome in b. c. 45; but there seems no reason to believe that he was a different person from the one mentioned above, the son of Ariobarzanes II.

Respecting the kings of Cappadocia, see Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. Appendix, c. 9.

The four coins that have been given above, have been placed under those kings to whom they are usually assigned; but it is quite uncertain to whom they really belong. The coins of these kings bear only three surnames, ΕΥΣΕΒΟΥΣ, ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ, and ΦΙΛΟΜΗΤΟΡΟΣ. On the reverse of all, Pallas is represented. (Eckhel, iii. p. 198.)

ARIASPES (Ἀριάσπης), called by Justin (x. 1) Ariarates, one of the three legitimate sons of Artaxerxes Mnemon, was, after the death of his eldest brother Dareius, driven to commit suicide by the intrigues of his other brother, Ochus. (Plut. Artax. c. 30.)

ARIBAEUS (Ἀρίβαιος), the king of the Cappadocians, was slain by the Hyrcanians, in the time of the elder Cyrus, according to Xenophon's Cyropaedia. (ii. l. §5, iv. 2. § 31.)

ARICI'NA (ApiKiVt?), a surname of Artemis, derived from the town of Aricia in Latium, where she was worshipped. A tradition of that place related that Hippoiytus, after being restored to life by Asclepius, came to Italy, ruled over Aricia, and dedicated a grove to Artemis. (Pans. ii. 27. § 4.) This goddess was believed to be the Taurian Artemis, and her statue at Aricia was considered to be the same as the one which Orestes had brought with him from Tauris. (Serv. ad Aen. ii. 116; Strab. v. p. 239 ; Hygin. Fab. 261.) According to Strabo, the priest of the Arician Artemis was always a run-away slave, who obtained his office in the following manner : — The sacred grove of Artemis contained one tree from which it was not allowed to break off a branch ; but if a slave succeeded in effecting it, the priest was obliged to fight with him, and if he was conquered and killed, the victorious slave became his successor, and might in his turn be killed by another slave, who then succeeded him. Suetonius {Calig. 35) calls the priest rea: 7iemorensis. Ovid (Fast. iii. 260, &c.), Suetonius, and Pausanias, speak of contests of slaves in the grove at Aricia, which seem to refer to the frequent fights between the priest and a slave who tried to obtain his office. [L. S.]

ARIDAEUS. [Ariaeus; Arrhidaeus.]

ARIDO'LIS ('Api'SwAjs), tyrant of Alabanda in Caria, accompanied Xerxes in his expedition against Greece, and was taken by the Greeks off Artemisium, B. c. 480, and sent to the isthmus of Corinth in chains. (Herod, vii. 195.)

ARIGNO'TE {'Apiyvcir-n), of Samos, a female Pythagorean philosopher, is sometimes described as a daughter, .it other times merely as a disciple of Pythagoras and The.nno. She wrote epigrams and several works upon the worship and mysteries of Dionvsus. (Suidas, .s-.r. 'Ap»7vciJTi7, ©cavc^, YluOay.^ Clem'. Alex. Strom.^ iv. p. .522, d., Paris, 1629; Harpocrat. s. v. Evo7.)

ARIGNO'TUS ('Apiyj/orros), a Pythagorean in the time of Lucian, was renowned for his wisdom.