Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/306

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288 ARISBE. tiacus, the only noble Aeduan who had neither given hostiiges nor taken the oath, requested help from Caesar, and was accompanied by a numerous deputation of Gallic chiefs of all tribes, who had now forgotten their mutual quarrels in their terror of the common foe. They all expressed the greatest fear lest their request should be known to Ario- vistus, and the Sequani regarded him with such awe, that they durst not utter a word to Caesar, but only shewed their misery by their downcast looks. Caesar, who was afraid that first Gaul and then Italy would be overrun by the barbarians, sent orders to Ariovistus to prevent the irruption of any more Germans, and to restore the hostages to the Aedui. These demands were refused in the same haughty tone of defiance which Ariovistus had before used in declining an interview proposed by Caesar. Both parties then advanced with war- like intentions, and the Romans seized Vesontio (Besanfon), the chief town of tlie Sequani. Here they were so terrified by the accounts which they heard of the gigantic bulk and fierce courage of the Germans, that they gave themselves up to despair, and the camp was filled with men making their wills. Caesar reanimated them by a brilliant speech, at the end of which he said that, if they refused to advance, he should himself proceed with his favourite tenth legion only. Upon this they repented of their despondency, and prepai-ed for battle. Before this could take place, an inter- view between Caesar and Ariovistus was at last held by the request of the latter. They could come, however, to no agreement, but the battle was still delayed for some days ; Ariovistus con- triving means of postponing it, on account of a prophecy that the Germans would not succeed if they engaged before the new moon. The battle ended by the total defeat of ^Vriovistus, who im- mediately fled with his army to the Rhine, a distance of 50 miles from the field. Some crossed the river by swimming, others in small boats, and among the latter Ariovistus himself. His two wives perished in the retreat ; one of his daughters was taken prisoner, the other killed. The fame of Ariovistus long survived in Gaul, so that in Tacitus {Hist. iv. 73) we find Cerealis telling the Treveri that the Romans had occupied the banks of the Rhine, " nequh alius Ariovisttis ref/no Galliarum putireinr.' This shews that the representation which Caesar gives of his power is not exaggerated. (Caes. JS, G. i. 31—53; Dion Cass, xxxviii. 31,

  • c.; Plut. Caes. 18 ; Liv. EpU. 104.) [G.E.L.Cl

ARIPHRON ('Ap((i>poou). 1. The father of Xanthippus, and grandfather of Pericles. (Herod, ri. 131, 136, vii. 33, viii. 131 ; Pans. iii. 7. § 8.) 2. The brother of Pericles. (Plat. Protag. p. 320, a.) 3. Of Sicyon, a Greek poet, the author of a beau- tiful paean to health ('Tyt'eia), which has been preserved by Athenaeus. (xv. p. 702, a.) The beginning of the poem is quoted by Lucian {do iMpsu inter Salt. c. 6.) and Maximus Tyrius (xiii. 1.) It is printed in Bergk's Poetae Lyi-ici Graeci, p. 841. ARISBE ('AptV§rj). 1. A daughter of Merops and first wife of Priam, by whom she became the nio'.her of Aesacus, but was afterwards resigned to Hyrtacus. (Apollod. i. 12. § 5.) According to Borae accounts, the Trojan town of Arisbe derived its name from her. (Steph. Byz. s. v.) 2. A daughter of Teucer and wife of Dardanus. ARISTAENUS. She was a native of Crete, and some tradition stated that it was this Arisbe who gave the name to the town of Arisbe. (Steph. Byz. *■. v. ; Lycophr. 1308.) According to others, Bateia was the wife of Dardanus. (Apollod. iii. 12. § 1 ; comp. Eustath. ad Horn. p. 894.) 3. A daughter of Macarus, and wife of Paris, from whom the town of Arisbe in Lesbos derived its name. (Steph. Bvz. s.v.; Eustath. I.e.) [L.S.] ARISTAE'NETUS ('Apto-TaiVeros), of Dymae, an Achaean general, the commander of the Achaean cavalry on the right wing in the battle of Mantiiieia, B. c. 207. (Polyb. xi. 11.) [Aristaenus.j 2. The author of a work on Phaselis, of which the first book is quoted by Stephanus Byz. (s. v. reAa.) He appears also to have written on Egypt and the good things of the Nile. (Eudoc. Viol. p. 67.) Fabricius {Bibl. Graec. ii. p. 697) mentions several other persons of this name. ARISTAE'NETUS ('Api(rTo/./eToy),the reputed author of two books of Love-Letters (eTritrToAol epwTj/cai), which were first edited by Sambucu?, (Antwerp, 1566), and subsequently bv de Pauw, (Utrecht, 1736), Abresch, (Zwo'U. 1749), and Boissonade (1822). These Letters are taken al- most entirely from Plato, Lucian, Philostratus. and Plutarch ; and so owe to their reputed author AristaenetuB nothing but the connexion. They are short unconnected stories of love adventures ; and if the language in occasional sentences, or even paragraphs, is terse and elegant, yet on the whole they aie only too insipid to be disgusting. Of the author nothing is known. It has been conjectured, that he is the same as Aristaenetus of Nicaea, to whom several of Libanius' Epistles are addressed, and who lost his life in the earthquake in Nicomedia, a. d. 358. (Comp. Ammian. Mar- cell, xvii. 7.) That this supposition, however, is erroneous, is proved by the mention of the cele- brated pantomimus Caramallus in one of the epis- tles, who is mentioned in the fifth century by Sidonius Apolloniaris (xxiii. 267) as his contem- ponirv. Sidonius died A. D. 484. [C. T. A.] ARISTAENUS ('ApiWoivos), of Megalopolis, sometimes called Aristaenetus by Polybius (Schweigh. ad Pohjh. xvii. 1) and Pfutarch PU- lop. 13, 17). Aristaenus, however, appears to be the correct name. He was strategus of the Achaean league in b. c. 198, and induced the Achaeans to join the Romans in the war against Philip of Ma- cedon. Polybius defends him from the charge of treachery for having done so. In the following year (b. c. 197) he was again strategus and accom- panied the consul T. Quinctius Flamininus to his interview with Philip. (Polyb. xxxii. 19 — 21, 32 ; Polyb. xvii. 1, 7, 13.) In the same year he also persuaded the Boeotians to espouse the side of the Romans. (Liv. xxxiii. 2.) In b. c. 195, when he was again strategus, he joined Flamininus with 10,000 foot and 1 000 horse in order to attack Nabis. (Liv. xxxiv. 25, &c.) He was also strategus in b. c. 185, and attacked Philopoeraen and Lycortas for their conduct in relation to the embassy that had been sent to Ptolemy. (Polvb. xxiii. 7, 9, 10.) Aristaenus was the political opponent of Philo- poemen, and showed more readiness to gratify the wishes of the Romans than Philopoemen did. He was eloquent and skilled in politics, but not dis- tinguished in war. (Polyb. xjcv. 9 ; comp. Plut. Phihp. 17 ; Pans. viii. 51. § 1.)