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Artis Principes of H. Stephens, Par. 1567, fol. (Freind's Hist. of Physic; Sprengel, Hist. de la Méd.; Haller, Biblioth. Medic. Pract.; Barchusen, Hist. Medic.) [W. A. G.]

ACU'LEO occurs as a surname of C. Furius who was quaestor of L. Scipio, and was condemned of peculatus. (Liv. 38.55.) Aculeo, however, seems not to have been a regular family-name of the Furia gens, but only a surname given to this person, of which a similar example occurs in the following article.

C. ACULEO, a Roman knight, who married the sister of Helvia, the mother of Cicero. He was surpassed by no one in his day in his knowledge of the Roman law, and possessed great acuteness of mind, but was not distinguished for other attainments. He was a friend of L. Licinius Crassus, and was defended by him upon one occasion. The son of Aculeo was C. Visellius Varro; whence it would appear that Aculeo was only a surname given to the father from his acuteness, and that his full name was C. Visellius Varro Aculeo. (Cic. de Or. 1.43, 2.1, 65; Brut. 76.)

ACU'MENUS (Ἀκουμενός), a physician of Athens, who lived in the fifth century before Christ, and is mentioned as the friend and companion of Socrates. (Plat. Phaedr. init.; Xen. Memor. 3.13.2.) He was the father of Eryximachus, who was also a physician, and who is introduced as one of the speakers in Plato's Symposium. (Plat. Protag. p. 315c.; Symp. p. 176c.) He is also mentioned in the collection of letters first published by Leo Allatius, Paris, 1637, 4to. with the title Epist. Socratis et Socraticorum, and again by Orellius, Lips. 1815. 8vo. ep. 14. p. 31. [W. A. G.]

ACUSILA'US (Ἀκουσίλαος), of Argos, one of the earlier Greek logographers (Dict. of Ant. p. 575a.), who probably lived in the latter half of the sixth century B. C. He is called the son of Cabras or Scabras, and is reckoned by some among the Seven Wise Men. Suidas (s. v.) says, that he wrote Genealogies from bronze tablets, which his father was said to have dug up in his own house. Three books of his Genealogies are quoted, which were for the most part only a translation of Hesiod into prose. (Clem. Strom. vi. p. 629a.) Like most of the other logographers, he wrote in the Ionic dialect. Plato is the earliest writer by whom he is mentioned. (Symp. p. 178b.) The works which bore the name of Acusilaüs in a later age, were spurious. (s. v. Ἑκαταῖος Μιλήσιος, Ἱστορῆσαι, Συγγράφω.) The fragments of Acusilaüs have been published by Sturtz, Gerae, 1787; 2nd ed. Lips. 1824; and in the " Museum Criticum," i. p. 216, &c. Camb. 1826.

M. ACU'TIUS, tribune of the plebs B. C. 401, was elected by the other tribunes (by co-optation) in violation of the Trebonia lex. (Liv. 5.10; Dict. of Ant. p. 566a.)

ADA (Ἄδα), the daughter of Hecatomnus, king of Caria, and sister of Mausolus, Artemisia, Idrieus, and Pixodarus. She was married to her brother Idrieus, who succeeded Artemisia in B. C. 351 and died B. C. 344. On the death of her husband she succeeded to the throne of Caria, but was expelled by her brother Pixodarus in B. C. 340; and on the death of the latter in B. C. 335 his son-in-law Orontobates received the satrapy of Caria from the Persian king. When Alexander entered Caria in B. C. 334, Ada, who was in possession of the fortress of Alinda, surrendered this place to him and begged leave to adopt him as her son. After taking Halicarnassus, Alexander committed the government of Caria to her. (Arrian, Arr. Anab. 1.23; Diod. 16.42, 74; Strab. xiv. pp. 656, 657; Plut. Alex. 10.)

ADAEUS, or ADDAEUS (Ἀδαῖος or Ἀδδαῖος), a Greek epigrammatic poet, a native most probably of Macedonia. The epithet Μακεδόνος is appended to his name before the third epigram in the Vat. MS. (Anth. Gr. 6.228); and the subjects of the second, eighth, ninth, and tenth epigrams agree with this account of his origin. He lived in the time of Alexander the Great, to whose death he alludes. (Anth. Gr. 7.240.) The fifth epigram (Anth. Gr. 7.305) is inscribed Ἀδδαίου Μιτυληναίου, and there was a Mitylenaean of this name, who wrote two prose wroks Περὶ Ἀγαλματοποιῶν and Περὶ Διαφέσεως. (Athen. 13.606a, xi. p. 471, F.) The time when he lived cannot be fixed with certainty. Reiske, though on insufficient grounds, believes these two to be the same person. (Anth. Graec. 6.228, 258, 7.51, 238, 240, 305, 10.20; Brunck, Anal. ii. p. 224; Jacobs, xiii. p. 831.) [C. P. M.]


ADAMA'NTIUS (Ἀδαμάντιος), an ancient physician, bearing the title of Iatrosophista (ἰατρικῶν λόγων σοφιστής, Socrates, Hist. Eccles. 7.13), for the meaning of which see Dict. of Ant. p. 507. Little is known of his personal history, except that he was by birth a Jew, and that he was one of those who fled from Alexandria, at the time of the expulsion of the Jews from that city by the Patriarch St. Cyril, A. D. 415. He went to Constantinople, was persuaded to embrace Christianity, apparently by Atticus the Patriarch of that city, and then returned to Alexandria. (Socrates, l.. c.)He is the author of a Greek treatise on physiognomy, Φυσιογνωμονικὰ, in two books, which is still extant, and which is borrowed in a great measure (as he himself confesses, i. Prooem. p. 314, ed. Franz.) from Polemo's work on the same subject. It is dedicated to Constantius, who is supposed by Fabricius (Biblioth. Graeca, vol. ii. p. 171, 13.34, ed. vet.) to be the person who married Placidia, the daughter of Theodosius the Great, and who reigned for seven months in conjunction with the Emperor Honorius. It was first published in Greek at Paris, 1540, 8vo., then in Greek and Latin at Basle, 1544, 8vo., and afterwards in Greek, together with Aelian, Polemo and some other writers, at Rome, 1545, 4to.; the last and best edition is that by J. G. Franzius, who has inserted it in his collection of the Scriptores Physiognomiae Veteres, Gr. et Lat., Altenb. 1780, 8vo. Another of his works, Περὶ Ἀνέμων, De Ventis, is quoted by the Scholiast to Hesiod, and an extract from it is given by Aetius (tetrab. i. serm. 3, c. 163); it is said to be still in existence in manuscript in the Royal Library at Paris. Several of his medical prescriptions are preserved by Oribasius and Aetius. [W. A. G.]

ADEIMANTUS (Ἀδείμαντος). 1. The son of Ocytus, the Corinthian commander in the invasion of Greece by Xerxes. Before the battle of Artemisium he threatened to sail away, but was bribed by Themistocles to remain. He opposed Themistocles with great insolence in the council which the commanders held before the battle of Salamis. According to the Athenians he took to flight at the very commencement of the battle, but this