Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/395

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was afterwards highly honoured by the Persian king. (Herod. vii. 99, viii. 68, 87, &c., 93, 101, &c.; Polyaen. viii. 53; Paus. iii. 11. § 3.) According to a tradition preserved in Photius (Bibl. p. 153, a., ed. Bekker), she put an end to her life in a romantic manner. She was in love, it is said, with Dardanus, a youth of Abydos, and as her passion was not returned, she avenged herself by putting his eyes out while he was asleep. This excited the anger of the gods, and an oracle commanded her to go to Leucas, where she threw herself from the rock into the sea. She was succeeded by her son Pisindelis. Respecting the import of the phrase in regard to lovers, "to leap from the Leucadian rock," see Sappho.

2. The sister, wife, and successor of the Carian prince Mausolus. She was the daughter of Hecatomnus, and after the death of her husband, she reigned for two years, from b. c. 352 to b. c. 350. Her administration was conducted on the same principles as that of her husband, whence she supported the oligarchical party in the island of Rhodes. (Diod. xvi. 36, 45 ; Dem. de Rhod. Libert. pp. 193, 197, 198.) She is renowned in history for her extraordinary grief at the death of her husband Mausolus. She is said to have mixed his ashes in her daily drink, and to have gradually died away in grief during the two years that she survived him. She induced the most eminent Greek rhetoricians to proclaim his praise in their oratory ; and to perpetuate his memory she built at Halicarnassus the celebrated monument, Mausoleum, which was regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world, and whose name subsequently became the generic term for any splendid sepulchral monument. (Cic. Tusc. iii. 31 ; Strabo, xiv. p. 656 ; Gellius, x. 18 ; Plin. H. N. xxv. 36, xxxvi. 4. § 9 ; Val. Max. iv. 6. ext. 1 ; Suid. Harpocr. s. vv. Ἀρτεμισία and Μαύσωλος.) Another celebrated monument was erected by her in the island of Rhodes, to commemorate her success in making herself mistress of the island. The Rhodians, after recovering their liberty, made it inaccessible, whence it was called in later times the Ἄβατον. (Vitniv. ii. 8.) [L. S.] ARTEMl'SIUS, a physician who is quoted by Marcellus Empiricus (De Medicam. c. 36. p. 410), and who must therefore have lived some time in or before the fourth century after Christ. It seems most probable that he is the same person who is called by mistake in another passage Artemius. {Ibid.c. 13. p. 298.) [W. A.G.] ARTE'MIUS ANASTA'SIUS. [Anasta- sius II.] A'RTEMON ('AprifjLuu). 1. Of Cassandreia, a learned grammarian, who seems to have lived after b. c. 316. He is mentioned by Athenaeus (xii. p. 515) as the author of — 1. 116^2 auvayayyrjs (according to others dvayuyyiji) fii€(uv, which would either be on collecting books, or on assigning books to their proper authors. 2. Uepl ^iSKloov X/'^iirews, or Ilepl xp-ficnus twv irepl rds avvovaias dZo^iivwv. (Athen. xv. p. 694.) He is perhaps the same as the author of a work Trepl AiovvaiaKoO (TuaTriixaTos, quoted by Athenaeus (xiv. pp. 636, 637), without any distinguishing epithet. There is also a work on painters {trepl ^u'ypd<pci}v) which is ascribed to one Artemon. (Harpocrat. *. v. UoKvyvuTos.) Fabricius is inclined to believe, that our Artemon of Cassandreia is the one of whom Demetrius {de Eloeut 231) speaks as the person who collected letters of Aristotle. ARTEMON.

. Of Clazomknae, is mentioned by Aelian {Hist. An. xii. 38) as the author of ^poi KAa^ofievioiy in which he mentioned that, at one time, the terri- tory of Clazomenae was ravaged by a winged sow. Suidas (s. v. 'ApKT^vo^) ascribes to him a work oa Homer (Tfpl 'Ojurfpov), of which, however, not a trace is now extant. . A Heretic, who seems to have lived about the beginning of the third century of our ei-a. It is also probable that he resided in or near Rome, since we read in Photius {Bibl. p. 12, a., ed. Bek- ker), that the celebrated presbyter Caius (about A. D. 210) wrote against Artemon and his heresies. From the synodal letter of the bishops assembled at Antioch in a. d. 269, who deposed the heretic Paul of Samosata (Euseb. H. E. vii. 30), it seems clear that Artemon was regarded in the East as the precursor of the heresies of Paul, and perhaps also that Artemon was then still alive ; at any rate, however, that his sect was still in existence. Ar- temon and his friend Theodotus denied the divinity of Christ, and asserted, that he was merely a pro- phet raised by his virtues above all others, and that God had made use of him for the good of mankind. (Euseb. H. E. v. 28 ; Theodoret. Haeret. fabul. Epit. ii. 4.) These opinions were probably supported by Artemon and his followers, the Arte- monites, by philosophical arguments ; for Eusebius states, that they occupied themselves very much with philosophy and mathematics, and that they made use of them in their interpretation of Scrip- ture. They are charged with having introduced forged readings into the text of the Bible, and to have omitted certain passages from the copies they used. These accusations, however, rest on rather weak grounds. (C. H. Stemmler Diatribe de Secia Artemoniiuru?n, Leipzig, 1730 ; Schaffhausen, His- toria Artemonis et Arlemonitarumj Leipzig, 1737, 4 to.) . A Lacedaemonian, who built the military engines for Pericles in his war against Samos in B.C. 441. (Plut. Pericl. 27; Diod. xii. 28; SchoL ad Arisioph. Acham. 802.) There was a cele- brated statue of this Artemon made by Polycletus. (Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 19. § 2.) Servius {ad Aen. ix. 505) confounds him with Artemon of Clazo- menae. . Of Magnesia, is known only as the author of a work on the virtues of women (Tepi twj/ kut dperrlv yvvai^l ireirpayfxaT^vfxevwi' diriyrjfxdTteu), of which Sopater made an abstract (Phot. Bibl. p. 103, a.) ; but both the original and the abstract are lost. . Called MeAoTrojJs, from his being a melic poet, appears to have been a contemporary of the comic poet Aristophanes. {Acham. 830, with the Schol. ; Suid. s. v. o^wv.) It is usually believed, that he is the author of the two epigi-ams still ex- tant in the Anthologia Graeca. (xii. 55. 124.) . Of Miletus, wrote a work on the interpre- tation of dreams {oveipoKpiTiKoi), in twenty-two books, which is now lost. (Artemid. Chieir. ii. 49 ; Eustath. ad Horn. II. xvi. p. 1119 ; Tertull. de Anim. 46 ; Fulgent i. 13.) . Of Pergaiuus, a Greek rhetorician, who wrote a history of Sicily, which is nov lost, but is often mentioned bv the grammarians, (SchoL ad Pind.Pyih. i. 1, 32*, iii. 48 ; 01 ii. 16, v. I; Uih. ii. Argum.; Schol. ad Lycophr. 177.) . A rhetorician, who seems to have lived during the early period of the Roman empire, and