Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/470

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452 BACIS. Bigne's BiLliotlieca Patrum, 1575, vol. i. 1589, vol. iii. 1654, vol. iii. ; in the Colc^ne edition, 1618, vol. v.; and in the Lyon8 edition, 1677, vol. vi. The treatise " de Fide " was first pub- lished in the second volume of Muratori's Anec- dola, Milan, 1697, where the text is given from a manuscript of great antiquity, and is accompanied by valuable prolegomena and notes. In 1748, both works were ably edited at Rome by Franciscus Florins, who, besides other illustrative matter, adds two learned dissertations, the first " de Haeresi Priscilliana," the second " de Scriptis et Doctrina Bachiarii." This edition is reprinted in the ninth volume ofGallandi's B'ddiotheca Patrunu The works of Bachiarius are also included in the fifteenth volume of Le Espatia Satfrada of Henrj' Florez, a voluminous collection in tharty-four vo- lumes quarto, Madrid, 1747-84. From the scanty remains of this author it is hardly possible to fonn a very exact judgment of his character, learning, and abilities. So far as may be collected from the above-named treatises, he appears to have possessed an understanding somewhat above mediocrity, and well exercised in the current theological erudition of the Latin church during the fifth century. His spirit and temper seem to have been singularly amiable. [J.M. M,] L. BACILLUS, praetor B. c. 45, to whom Caesar would not assign a province, but gave a sum of money instead. Bacillus felt the indignity so much, that he put an end to his life by voluntarj' starvation. (Dion Cass, xliii. 47.) It is conjec- tured that Babullius, whose death Cicero mentions in this year {ud Att. xiii. 48), may be the same as the above. BACIS (BoKJs), seems to have been originally only a common noun derived from jSofetv, to speak, and to have signified any prophet or speaker. In later times, however, Bacis was regarded as a proper noun, and the ancients distinguish several seers of this name. 1. The Boeotian, the most celebrated of them, was believed to have lived and given his oracles at Heleon in Boeotia, being inspired by the nymphs of the Corycian cave. His oracles were held in liigh esteem, and, from the specimens we still pos- sess in Herodotus and Pausanias, we see that, like the Delphic oracles, they were composed in hexa- meter verse. (Paus. iv. '27. § 2, ix. 17. § 4, x. 12. § 6, 14. § 3, 32. § 6 ; Herod, viii. 20, 77, ix. 43 ; Aristoph. Poor, 1 009 with the Schol., Equit. 1 23, Av. 907.) From these passages -it seems evident, that in Boeotia Bacis was regarded as an ancient pro- phet, of whose oracles there existed a collection made either by himself or by others, similar to the Sibylline books at Rome ; and, in fact, Cicero {de Divin. i. 18), Aelian {V. H. xii. 25), Tzetzes {ad Lycoph. 1278), and other writers, mention this Bacis always as a being of the same class with the Sibyls. 2. The Arcadian, is mentioned by Clemens of Alexandria as the only one besides the Boeotian. {Strom, i. p. 333.) According to Suidas, he be- longed to the town of Caphya, and was also called C^-das and Aletes. (Comp. Tzetzes, ad Lycoph. I.e.) 3. The Athenian, is mentioned along with the two others by Aelian, Suidas, Tzetzes, and the Scholiast on Aristophanes. (Pew, 1009; comp. Perizon. ad Aelian., V. H. xii. 25.) [L. S.] BACIS or PACIS, is only another name for the Egyptian Onuphis, the sacred biUl, who was BAEBIUS. worshipped at Ilermonthis in Upper Figypt, just as Apis was at Memphis. In size Bacis was re- quired to excel all other bulls, his hair to be bristly, and his colour to change every daj'. (Macrob. Sat. i. 21 ; Aelian, Hist. An. xii. 11.) [L. S.] BA'DIUS, a Campanian, challenged his hospes, T. Quinctius Crispinus, to single combat when the Romans were besieging Capua, B. c. 212. Crispi- nus at first refused, on account of the friendship subsisting between him and Radius, but was at length induced by his fellow-soldiers to accept the challenge. In the combat which ensued, he wounded Radius, who fled to his own party. (Liv. XXV. 18; Val. Max. V. 1. § 3.) BADRES (BaSpTjs), or BARES (Boprys), a Persian, of the tribe of the Pasargadae, was ap- pointed to the command of the naval portion of the force which Aryandes, governor of Egypt, sent against the Barcaeans on the pretext of avenging the murder of Arcesilaus HI. [Battiadae.] After the capture of Barca (about 512 b. c), the Persians were allowed to pass through Cyrene,and Radres was anxious to take the city ; but through the refusal of Amasis, who commanded the land force, the opportunity was lost. (Herod, iv. 167, 203.) This is perhaps the same Badres whom Herodotus mentions as commanding a portion of the Persian army in the expedition of Xerxes against Greece. (Herod, vii. 77.) [E. E.] BAE'BIA GENS, plebeian, of which the cog- nomens are Dives, Herennius (? see Liv. xxii. 34), Si>LCA, Tamphilus : the last is the only sur- name which appears on coins, where it is written Tuwpilus. (Eckhel, v. p. 149.) The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was Cn. Baebius Tamphilus, in b. c. 182. For those whose cognomen is not mentioned, see Baebius. BAE'BIUS. 1. L. Baebius, one of the am- bassadors sent by Scipio to Carthage, B, c. 202. He was afterwards left by Scipio in command of the camp. (Liv. xxx. 25 ; Polyb. xv. 1, 4.) 2. Q. Baebius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 200, endeavoured to persuade the people not to engage in the war against Philip of Macedon. (Liv. xxxi. 6.) 3. M. Baebius, one of the three commissioners sent into Macedonia, B. c. 186, to investigate the charges brought by the Maronitae and others against Philip of Macedon. (Polyb. xxxiii. 6.) 4. L. Baebius, one of the three commissioners sent into Macedonia, B. c. 168, to inspect the state of affairs there, before Aemilius PauUus invaded the country. (Liv. xliv. 18.) 5. A. Baebius, caused the members of the Aetolian senate to be killed in b. c. 167, and was in consequence afterwards condemned at Rome. Livy calls him praeses, a term which is applied in later times by the jurists to a governor of a pro- vince. Whether, however, Baebius had the go- vernment of Aetolia, or only of the town in which the murder was perpetrated, is uncertain. (Liv. xlv. 28, 31.) 6. C. Baebius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. Ill, was bribed by Jugurtha when the latter came to Rome. When Mummius commanded Jugurtha to give answers to certain questions, Baebius bade him be silent, and thus quashed the investigation. (Sail. Juff. 33, 34.) 7- C. Baebius was appointed by L. Caesar (called Sext. Caesar by Appian), b. c. 89, as hia successor in the command in the social war. (Ap- pian, n. a i. 48.)