Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/538

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520 CABASILAS. is, either in the first centurj' before or the first century after Christ. [Auistagoras.] BUZYGE. [BuDEiA.J BYBLIS {Bv§Ais), a daughter of Miletus and Eidothea (others call her mother Tragasia or Areia), and sister of Caunus. The story about her is re- lated in different ways. One tradition is, that Caunus loved his sister with more than brotherly affection, and as he could not get over this feeling, he quitted his father's home and Miletus, and settled in Lycia. Byblis, deeply grieved at the flight of her brother, went out to seek him, and having wandered about for a long time, hung her- self by means of her girdle. Out of her tears arose the well Byblis. {Parthen. Eroi. 11; Conon, iVt/r- rat. 2.) According to another tradition, Byblis herself was seized with a hopeless passion for her brother, and as in her despair she was on the point of leaping from a rock into the sea, she was kept back by nymphs, who sent her into a profound sleep. In this sleep she was made an immortal Hamadryas ; and the little stream which came down that rock was called by the neighbouring people the tears of Byblis. (Antonin. Lib. 30.) A third tradition, which likewise represented Byb- lis in love with her brother, made her reveal to him her passion, whereupon Caunus fled to the country of the Leleges, and Byblis hung herself. (Parthen. I. c.) Ovid {Met. ix. 446-665) in his description combines several features of the different legends ; Byblis is in love with Caunus, and as her love grows from day to day, he escapes ; but she follows him through Caria, Lycia, &c., until at last she sinks down worn out ; and as she is crying perpe- tually, she is changed into a well. The town of Byblus in Phoenicia is said to have derived its name from her. (Steph. Byz. s. v.) [L. S.] BYZAS(Bi;fas),a son of Poseidon and Ceroessa, the daughter of Zeus and lo. He was believed to be the founder of Byzantium. (Steph. Byz. s. v.; Diod. iv. 49.) This transplantation of the legend of lo to Byzantium suggests the idea, that colonists from Argos settled there. The leader of the Me- garians, who founded Byzantium in B. c. 658, was likewise called Byzas. (Miiller, Dor. i. 6. § 9.) [L. S.] C. CAANTHUS (Kdavdos), a son of Oceanus and brother of Melia. He was sent out by his father in search of his sister who had been carried off, and when he found that she was in the posses- sion of Apollo, and that it was impossible to rescue her from his hands, he threw fire into the sacred grove of Apollo, called the Ismenium. The god then killed Caimthus with an arrow. His tomb was shewn by the Thebans on the spot where he had been killed, near the river Ismenius. (Paus, ix. 10. § 5.) [L. S.] CABADES. [Sassanidae.] CABARNUS (KaSapuos), a. mythical personage of the island of Paros, who revealed to Demeter the fact of her daughter having been carried off, and from whom the island of Paros was said to have been called Cabarnis. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Ildpos.) From Hesychius (s. v. KuSapvoi) it would seem that, in Paros, Cabarnus was the name for any pi-iest of Demeter. [L. S.] CABA'SILAS, NEILUS.(Ne:Aos KaSaaiAas), CABASILAS. archbishop of Thessalonica, lived according to some about A. D. 1314, and according to others somewhat later, about 1340, in the reign of the emperor Joannes Cantacuzenus. He was a bitter opponent of the doctrines of the Latin Church, whence he is severely censured by modern writers of that church, whereas Greek and even Protestant writers speak of him in terms of high praise. Cabasilas is the author of several works, of which, however, two only have jet appeared in print. 1. An oration on the cause of the schism between the Latin and Greek churches {-Trepl rwu ahiouu ttjs €KKri(naa- TiKiis StocTTacreajs), and 2. A small work on the primacy of the pope {Trepl ttjs dpxvs rod Trdna). The first edition of the latter treatise, with a Latin translation by Mathias Flacius, appeared at Frank- furt in 1555, in small 8vo. This was followed by the editions of B. Vulcanius, Lugd. Bat. 1595, 8vo. and of Salmasius, Hanover, 1608, 8vo. This last edition contains also a work of Barlaam, on the same subject, with notes by the editor, and also the first edition of the oration of Cabasilas on the schism between the two churches, which Salmasius has printed as the second book of the work on the primacy of the pope. Of this latter work there is an English translation by Thomas Gressop, London, 1560, 8vo. A list of the works of Neilus Cabasilas which have not yet been printed is given by Fabri- cius. (Bibl. Graec. x. p. 20, &c.; comp. Wharton's Appenduv to Caves Hist. Lit. i. p. 34, &c., vol. ii. p. 521, &c. ed. London.) [L. S.] CABA'SILAS, NICOLAUS (Nj/coAaos Ka€a- alKas)., archbishop of Thessalonica, was the ne- phew and successor of Neilus Cabasilas, with whom he has often been confounded. He lived about A. D. 1350. He first held a high office at the im- perial court of Constantinople, and in that capacity he was sent in 1346 by Joannes, patriarch of Con- stantinople, to the emperor Cantacuzenus to induce him to resign the imperial dignity. In the year following he was sent b}' the emperor Cantacuzenus himself, who had then conquered and entered the city, to the palace of the empress Anna, to lay be- fore her the terms of peace proposed by the con- queror. (Cantacuz. Hist. Byz. iv. 39, &c., xiv. 16.) Nicolaus Cabasilas, who was a man of great learn- ing, wrote several works, of which however only a few have been published, perhaps because he was, like his uncle, a vehement antagonist of the Latin church. The following works have appeared in print : 1. 'EpjxTjvela KecpaXeLu^Tjs, &c., that is, a compendious explanation of the holy mass or liturgy. It first appeared in a Latin translation by Gentia- nus Heruetianus, Venice, 1548, 8vo., from whence it was reprinted in the " Liturgia SS. Patrum," edited by J. S. Andreas and F. C. de Sainctes, Paris, 1560, fol, and Antwerp, 1562, 8vo., and also in the Bihlioth. Pair. xxvi. p. 173, ed. Lugd. The Greek original was first edited by Fronto Ducaeus in the Auctarium to the Bibl. Patr. of 1624, vol. ii. p. 200, &c. 2. A work on the life of Christ, in six books, in which, however, the au- thor treats principally of baptism, the last unction, and the eucharist. This work is as yet published only in a Latin version by J. Pontanus, together with some other works, and also an oration of Nicol. Cabasilas against usury, Ingolstadt, 1604, 4to. From this edition it Avas reprinted in the Bibl. Patr. xxvi. p. 136, ed. Lugd. In some MSS. this work consists of seven books, but the seventh has never appeiired in print. 3. An oration on