Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/553

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CAEPIO. Grrm. 37; Veil. Pat. ii. 12; Val. Max. iv. 7. § 3; Plut. Mar. 19, Sertor. 3, Lucull. 27.) Caopio survived the battle, but was deprived of the imperium by the people. Ten years afterwards (b. c 95) he was brought to trial by the tribune C. Norbanus on account of his misconduct in this wai;, and although he was defended by the orator L. Licinius Crassus, who was consul in that year (Cic. Brut. 44), and by many others of the Ro- man aristocracy, he was condemned and his pro- perty contiscated. He himself was cast into prison, where according to one account he died, and his body, mangled by the common executioner, was afterwards exposed to view on the Gemonian steps. (Val. :Max. vi. 9. § 13.) But according to the more generally received accoimt, he escaped from prison through the assistance of the tribune L. Antistius Reginus, and lived in exile at Smyrna. (Val. Max. iv. 7. § 3; Cic. pro Balb. II.) 8. Q. Servilius Caepio, quaestor urbanus in B. a 100. He may have been the son of No. 7, but as the latter in all probability obtained the

onsulship at the usual age, it is not likely that he

had a son old enough to obtain the quaestorship six years afterwards. In his quaestorship Caepio opposed the lex frumentaria of the tribime L. Satuminus, and when Saturninus insisted upon put- ting the law to the vote, notwithstanding the veto of his colleagues, Caepio interrupted the voting by force of arms, and thus prevented the law from being carried. He was accused in consequence of treason (majesfas), and it was perhaps upon this occasion that T. Betucius Barrus spoke against him. The oration of Caepio in reply was written for him by L. Aelius Praeconinus Stilo, who com- posed orations for him as well as for other distin- guished Romans at that time. (Auct. ad Herenri. i. 1-2; CicBrut. 46,56.) In the contests of the year B. c. 91, Caepio de- serted the cause of the senate and espoused that of the equites in opposition to the lex judiciaria of the tribune M. Livius Drusus, who proposed to divide the judicia between the senate and the equites. Caepio and Dnisus had formerly been very intimate friends, and had exchanged mar- riages, by which we are to understand, that Caepio had married a sister of Dnisus and Drusus a sister of Caepio, and not that they had exchang- ed wives, as some modern writers would interpret it. The enmity between the brothers-in-law is said to have arisen from competition in bidding for a ring at a public auction (Plin. H. N. xxxiii. 1. 8. 6), but whatever may have been its origin, it was now of a most determined and violent character. The city was torn asunder by their contentions, and seemed almost to be divided be- tween two hostile armies. To strike terror into the senate, Caepio accused two of the most distin- guished leaders of the body, M. Aemilius Scaurus of extortion {repetundae), and L. Marcius Philip- pus, the consul, of bribery (ambitus). Both accusa- tions, however, seem to have failed, and Scaurus, before his trial came on, retaliated by accusing Caepio himself. (Dion Caas. Frag. cix. ex. p. 45 ; Flor. iii. 17; Plin. H.N. xxviii. 9. s. 41; Cic. pro Dam. 46, Brut. 62, pro S<aur. 1 ; Ascon. in Scaur, p. ^1, ed. Orelli.) The assassination of Drusus shortly afterwards was supposed by some to have been committed at the instigation of Cae- pio. (Aurel. Vict, de Vir. III. 66.) C)n the breaking out of the social war in the CAERELLIA. 536 following year, b. c. 90, Caepio again accused his old enemy Scaurus under the provisions of the Varia lex, which had been passed to bring all to trial who had been instrumental in causing the revolt of the allies. (Cic. pro Scaur. 1 ; Ascon. in Scaur, p. 22.) Caepio took an active part in this war, in which he served as the legate of the consul P. Rutilius Lupus, and upon the death of the latter he received, in conjunction with C. Marius, the command of the consular army. Caepio at first gained some success, but was afterwards de- coyed into an ambush by Pompaedius, the leader ol the enemy's army, who had pretended to revolt to him, and he lost his life in consequence, (b. c. 90.) (Appian, B. C. i. 40, 44 ; Liv. EpU. 73.) 9. Q. Servilius Caepio, son of No. 8, was a tribune of the soldiers in the war against Spartacus, b. c. 72. He died shortly afterwards at Aenus in Thrace, on his road to Asia. He is called the brother of Cato Uticensis, because his mother Livia had been married previously to M. Porcius Cato, by whom she had Cato Uticensis. (Plut. Cat. Min.d, 11.) 10. 11. Skrviliae. [Servilia.] 12. Q. Servilius Caepio Brutus. [Brutus, No. 21.] 13. Cn. Servilius Caepio, the father of Ser- vilia, the wife of Claudius, perished by shipwreck. Who he was is uncertain. (Cic. ad Att. xii. 20.) 14. Servilius Caepio, was one of Caesar's supporters in his consulship (b. c. 59) against Bi- bulus. He had been betrothed to Caesar's daugh- ter, Julia, but was obliged to give her up in favour ofPompey. As a compensation for her loss, he received the promise of Pompey's daughter, who had likewise been betrothed to Faustus Sulhu (Appian, B. C. ii. 14 ; Suet. Caes. 21; Plut. Goes, 14, Pomp. 47 ; comp. Dion Cass, xxxviii. 9.) CAE'PIO, FA'NNIUS, conspired with Murena against Augustus in b. c. 22. He was accused of treason {majesias) by Tiberius, and condemned by the judges in his absence, as he did not stand his trial, and was shortly afterwards put to death. (Dion Cass. liv. 3; Veil. Pat. ii. 91 ; Suet. Atig. 19, Tib. 8 ; Senec. de Clem. 9, de Brevit. Vit. 5.) CAE'PIO CRISPI'N US, quaestor in Bithyni:^ accused Granius Marcellus, the governor of that province, of treason in A. d. 15. From this time he became one of the state informers under Tibe- rius. (Tac. An?!, i. 74.) He may be the same as the Caepio mentioned by Pliny {H. N. xxi. 4. s. 10), who Uved in the reign of Tiberius, and seems to have written a work on botany. CAERE'LLIA, a Roman lady of the time of Cicero, who was distinguished for her acquirements and a great love of philosophical pursuits. She was connected with Cicero by friendship, and stu- died his philosophical writings with great zeal. She was a woman of considerable property, and had large possessions in Asia. These estates and their procuratores were strongly recommended, in B. c. 46, by Cicero (ad Fani. xiii. 72) to the care of P. Servilius. Cicero, in his recommendatory- letter, speaks of her as an intimate friend, though, on other occasions, he seems to be rather inclined to sneer at her. {Ad. Att. xii. 51, xiii. 21, 22, xiv. 19, XV. 1, 26.) Q. Fufius Calenus charges Cicero with having, in his old age, had an adulterous con- nexion with Caerellia. (Dion Cass. xlvi. 18.) How far this charge may be true, it is not easy to say ; the only fiicts which are attested beyond a doubt