Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/576

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«5S CAESONINUS. of Scrvius, or rather Namusa's Digest of their works, is referred to. If so, it is likely that the eight included T. Caesius, and did not include A. Ofilius. Dirksen {lieitraege zur Kunde des Roem. Rechts, p. 23, n. 52, et p. 329), who thinks tliis supposition unnecessary, does not, in our opinion, shake its probability. Gellius (vi. 5) quotes the v/ords of a treaty between the Romans and Carthaginians from Alfenus, " in libro Diges- torum trigesimo et quarto, Conjectaneorum [al. Conlectaneorum] autem secundo." As it is known from tlie Florentine Index, that Alfenus wrote forty books Digestorum, and as no other work of his is elsewhere mentioned, it has been supposed that the Conjectanea or Conlectanea cited by Gel- lius is identical with the compilation of Namusa in which were digested the works of Servii audi- tores. It must be observed, however, that the Florentine Index ordinarily enumerates those works only from which the compiler of the Digest made extracts, and that the Roman jurists frequently inserted the same passages verbatim in different treatises. That the latter practice was common may be proved by glancing at the inscriptions of the fragments and the fonnulae of citation, as col- lected in the valuable treatise of Ant. Augustinus, dc Nominihm Propriis Pandedarum. For ex- ample, in Dig. 4. tit. 4. s. 3. § 1, Ulpian cites Celsus, " Epistolarum libro undecimo et Digesto- rum secundo." (Bertrandi, Bfoi NofxiKwv, ii, 13; Guil. Grotii, Vitae JCtorum, i. 11. § 9 ; Zimmem, i?. i?. a i. § 79.) LJ. T.G.] CAE'SIUS BASSUS. [Bassus.] CAE'SIUS CORDUS. [Cordus.] CAE'SIUS NASrCA. [Nasica.] CAE'SIUS TAURI'NUS. [Taurinus.] CAESO'NIA, or according to Dion Cassius (lix. 23), MILONIA CAESONIA, was at first the mistress and afterwards the wife of the emperor Caligula. She was neither handsome nor young when Caligula fell in love with her ; but she was a woman of the greatest licentiousness, and, at the time when her intimacy with Caligula began, she was already mother of three daughters by another man. Caligula was then married to Lollia Paullina, whom however he divorced in order to marry Caesonia, who was with child by him, A. D. 38. According to Suetonius {Cal. 25) Caligula married her on the same day that she was delivered of a •daughter (Julia Drusilla) ; whereas, according to Dion Cassius, this daughter was bom one month after the marriage. Caesonia contrived to preserve the attachment of her imperial husband down to the end of his life (Suet. Cal. 33, 38 ; Dion. Cass. lix. 28); but she is said to have effected this by love-potions, which she gave him to drink, and to which some persons attributed the unsettled state of Caligula's mental powers during the latter years of his life. Caesonia and her daughter were put to death on the same day that Caligula was mur- dered, A. D. 41. (Suet. Cal. 59 ; Dion Cass. lix. 29 ; Joseph. Ant. Jtid. xix. 2. § 4.) [L. S.] CAESONI'NUS. [Piso.] CAESONI'NUS, SUI'LIUS, was one of the parties accused A. D. 48, when Messalina, the wife of Claudius, went so far in contempt of her hus- band as to marry the young eques, C. Silius. Ta- citus says, that Caesoninus saved his life through his vices, and that on the occasion of Messalina's marriage he disgraced himself in the basest man- ner. (Tac. Ann. xi. 36.) [L. S.] CAIETA. M. CAESO'NIUS, one of the judices at Rome, an upright man, who displayed his integrity in the inquiry into the murder of Cluentius, B. c. 74, when C. Junius presided over the court. He was aedile elect with Cicero in b. c 70, and conse- quently would not have been able to act as judex in the following year, as a magistrate was not allowed to discharge the duties of judex during his year of office. This was one reason among others why the friends of Verres were anxious to post- pone his trial till B. c. 69. The praetorship of Caesonius is not mentioned, but he must have ob- tained it in the same year as Cicero, namely, b. c. 66, as Cicero writes to Atticus in 65, that there was some talk of Caesonius becoming a candidate with him for the consulship. (Cic. Verr. Act. i. 10 ; Pseudo-Ascoru in loc; Cic. ad Ait. i. 1.) This Caesonius is probably the one whom Cicero speaks of in B.C. 45. (Ad Att. xii. 11.) CAESO'NIUS MA'XIMUS. [Maximus.] L. CAESULE'NUS, a Roman orator, who was already an old man, when Cicero heard him. Cicero {Brut. 34) calls him a vulgar man, and adds, that he never heard any one who was more skilful in drawing suspicions upon persons, and in making them out to be criminals. He appears to have been one of the many low persons of those times, with whom accusation was a regular busi- ness. [L. S.] C. CAETRO'NIUS, legate of the first legion in Germany at the accession of Tiberius in a. d. 14. A mutiny had broken out among the soldiers, but they soon repented, and brought their ring- leaders in chains before C. Cactronius, who tried and punished them in a manner which had never been adopted before, and must be considered as an usurpation of the soldiery. The legions (the first and twentieth) met with dra^vn swords and formed a sort of popular assembly. The accused indivi- dual was led to some elevated place, so as to be seen by all, and when the multitude declared him guilty, he was forthwith put to death. This sort of court-martial was looked upon in later times as a welcome precedent. (Tacit. Ann. i. 44; Aramiau. Marc. xxix. 5.) [L. S.] CAFO or CAPHO, a centurion and one of Caesar's veteran soldiers, was a zealous supporter of Antony after the murder of Caesar in B. c. 44, and is accordingly frequently denounced by Cicero. {Phil. viii. 3, 9, x. 10, xi. 5.) CAIA'NUS or GAIA'NUS {TaXavis), a Greek rhetorician and sophist, was a native of Arabia and a disciple of Apsines and Gadara, and he ac- cordingly lived in the reign of th« emperors Maxi- mus and Gordianus. He taught rhetoric at Berj'tus, and wrote several works, such as On Syntax (rifpl SuvTctlecDs), in five books, a System of Rhetoric (Tex"'? 'PTjTopjKij), and Declamations (MeAerat) ; but no fragments of these works are now extant. (Suidas, s. V. Va'iavos ; Eudoc. p. 100.) [L. S.] CAICUS (KaiWs), two mythical personages, one a son of Oceanus and Tethys (Hesiod, Theoy. 343), and the other a son of Hermes and Ocyrrhoe, who threw himself into the river Astraeus, hence- forth called Caicus. (Plut. de Fluv. 21.) [L. S.] CAIE'TA, according to some accounts, the nurse of Aeneas (Virg. Aen. vii. 1 ; Ov. Met. xiv. 442), and, according to others, the nurse of Creusa or Ascanius. (Serv. ad Aen. I. c.) The promontory of Caieta, as well as the port and town of this name on the western coast of Italy, were believed