Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/604

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d8S CALVUS. 34) the better MSS. read Sentius instead of Scx- tius. [L. S.] CALVI'NUS, T. VETU'RIUS, was twice con- sul, in B. c. 334 and 321. In his second consul- ship he and his colleague Sp. Postumius Albinus commanded the Roman army at Caudiura against the Samnites, where the Romans suffered the well- known defeat, and passed under the yoke. The consuls concluded a treaty with the Samnites ; but as this treaty was not approved of by the Romans, the consuls who had concluded it, and several other officers, were delivered up to the Samnites. (Liv. viii. IG, ix. 1, 6, 10 ; Appian, Samnif. 6 ; Cic. De Ssnec. 12, De Of. iii. 30; comp. Niebuhr. Huit. of Rome, m.^.'2U,kc.) [L. S.] CALVI'SIUS, a client of Junia Silana. This lady had been grievously injured by Agrippina, and now resolved to take vengeance. She there- fore sent Calvisius and a fellow-client to bring against Agrippina the charge of endeavouring to place Rubellius Plautus on the throne instead of Kero. It was so contrived that the charge came to the emperor's ears in a round-about way, and did not appear an intentional denunciation. Here- upon, Nero resolved to put Agrippina to death ; but the monstrous deed was yet deferred for a few years, and Junia Silana and her two clients were sent into exile ; but after the murder of Agrippina they were all recalled. (Tac. Ann. xiii. 19, 21, 22, xiv. 12.) ^ [L. S] CALVI'SIUS. A person of this name was en- trusted b}' Pliny the Younger with the task of in- forming the decuriones of Conium that Pliny was willing, as a matter of bountj', not of right, to effectuate the intention of one Saturninus, who, after leaving 400,000 sesterces to the respublica Comensiura (a legacy which was legally void), gave the residue of his property to Pliny. {Kp. v. 7.) Hence Guil. Grotius ( Vitae JClorum, ii. 5. § IG) h:'.s classed Calvisius among the jurists, although his duties might have been undertaken by any one of moderate discretion and delicacy of feeling. Upon the SJime slight ground, Guil. Grotius builds the supposition, that the Calvisius mentioned by Pliny was the author of the Actio CaMsiana. This action was introduced, probably in the time of the republic, by some praetor of the name Calvisius (Hugo, R.R.G. p. 333), to protect the patron's rights of succession to a portion of his freedman's property against fraudulent alienations made in the lifetime of the freedman. (Dig, 38, tit. 5, s. 3. § 3 ; Heineccius, Hist. Jur. Rom. § 2G4.) [J. T. G.] CALVI'SIUS, FLA'VIUS, the governor of Egypt under M. Aurelius, took part in the revolt of Avidius Cassias, but was treated by the emperor with great leniency, and only banished to an is- knd. (Dion Cass. Ixxi. 28.) . CALVI'SIUS NEPOS. [Nepos.] CALVI'SIUS SABI'NUS. [Sabinus.] CALUSI'DIUS, a soldier who distinguished himself by his insolence to Germanicus, when the legions in Germany revolted on the death of Augustus in a. d. 14. (Tac. Ann. i. 35, 43.) CALVUS, the ""bald-head," the name of a fa- mily of the Licinia gens. 1. P. LiciNiL'S Calvus, consular tribune in B.C. 400, and the first plebeian who was elected to that magistracy. (Liv. v. 12.) 2. P. LiciNius Calvus, a son of No. 1, was made consular tribune in b. c. 396, in the place and on the proposal of his father, who had been CALVUS. elected to this office, but declined it on account of his advanced age. (Liv. v. 18.) 3. C. LiciNius Calvus, a son of No. 2, was consular tribune in B. c. 377, and magister equitum to the dictator P. Manlius in B. c. 3G8, — an office which was then conferred upon a plebeian for the first time. (Liv. vi. 31, 39; Diod. xv. 37.) Plu- tarch {Cumill. 39) considers this magister equitum to be the same as the famous kw-giver C. Licinius Calvus Stole, who was then tribune of the people ; but it is inconceivable that a tribune should have held the office of magister equitiun. Dion Cassius {Fragm, 33) likewise calls the magister equitum erroneously Licinius Stole. (Comp. Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome^ iii. p. 27, n. 35.) 4 C. Licinius Calvus, sumamed Stolo, which he derived, it is said, from the care with which he dug up the shoots that sprung up from the roots of his vines. He brought the contest between the patricians and plebeians to a crisis and a happy termination, and thus became the founder of Rome's greatness. He v.-as tribune of the people from B.C. 376 to 367, and was faithfully supported in his exertions by his colleague L. Sextius. The laws which he proposed were : I. That in future no more consular tribunes should be appointed, but that consuls should be elected as in former times, one of whom should always be a plebeian. 2. That no one should possess more than 500 jugers of the public land, or keep upon it more than 1 00 head of large and 500 of small cattle. 3. A law regulating the affairs between debtor and creditor, which ordained that the interest already paid for borrowed money should be deducted from the capital, and that the remainder of the latter should be paid back in three yearly instalments. 4. That tlie Sibylline books should be entrusted to a college of ten men (decemviri), half of whom should be ple- beians, that no falsifications might be introduced in favour of the patricians. These rogations were passed after a most vehement opposition on the part of the patricians, and L. Sextius was the first plebeian who, in accordance with the first of them, obtained the consulship for the year B. c. 366. Licinius himself too received marks of the people's gratitude and confidence, by being elected twice to the consulship, in B. c. 364 and 361 ; but some years later he was accused by JI. Popilius Laenas of having transgressed his own law respecting the amount of public land which a person might possess. Avarice had tempted him to violate his own salu- tary regulations, and in B. c. 357 he was sentenced to pa3' a heavy fine. (Plin. H. N. xvii. 1, xviii. 4 ; Varro, De Re Rust. i. 2 ; Liv, vi. 35, 42, vii. I, 2, 9, 16; Florus, i. 26 ; Aur. Vict. De Vir.Illustr. 20; Pint. Camill. 39; Diod. xv. 82, 95 ; Zonar. vii. 24; VaL Max. viiL 6. § 3 ; comp. Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, iii. p. 1, &c.) [L. S.] CALVUS, C. LICI'NIUS MACER, who, as a forensic speaker, was considered by his country- men generally as not unworthy of being ranked with Caesar, Brutus, PoUio, and Messalia, while by some he was thought to rival even Cicero himself, and who as a poet is commonly placed side by side with Catullus, was bom on the 28th of May, B, c. 82, on the same day with M. Coelius Rufus. (Plin. //. A^. vii. 50.) He was the son of C. Licinius Macer, a man of praetorian dignity, Avho, when impeached (b.c. 66) of extortion by Cicero, finding that the verdict was against him, forthwith com- mitted suicide before the formalities of the trial