Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/608

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590 CAMERINUS. The Arabs, however, did not restore him to liberty, but carried him to Tarsus in Cilicia for the purpose of exchanging him for Arab prisoners who had been taken by the Greeks. At Tarsus, Cameniata wrote a description of the capture of Thessalonica, entitled 'ludvuov KKepiKOv Kal Kov§ouKei(Tiov tov Ka/xevLaTov els tt)^ (xKuktiv tt/s QeaaaXoviKins, which is commonly called by its Latin title " De Excidio Thessalonicensi." It is divided into se- venty-nine chapters, and is as important for the plunder of Thessalonica by the Arabs as the work of Joannes Anagnosta for the sack of the same town by the Turks in 1430. The Greek text of this elegant work was first published, with a Latin translation, by Leo Allatius in hisSu/x^fCTo, 1653- 1658, where it is divided into forty-five sections. The second edition is by Combefisius, who pub- lished it with an improved Latin translation in his " Historiae Byzantinae Scriptores post Theopha- nem," P;iris, 1685, fol., which forms part of the Parisian " Corpus Script. Hist. Byzant." Combe- fisius divided it into seventy-nine chapters. The third and last edition, in the Bonn Collection, was published by Em.Bekker together with Theophanes (continuatus), Symon Magister, and Georgius Mo- nachug, Bonn, 1838, 8vo. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vii. p. 683 ; Hanckius, De Script. Hist. Byzant. p. 403, &c.; the"AcDcris of loannes Cameniata.) [W.P.] CAMERI'NUS, the name of an old patrician family of the Sulpicia gens, which probably derived its name from the ancient town of Cameria or Ca- merium, in Latium. The Camerini frequently held the highest offices in the state in the early times of the republic ; but after B. c. 345, when Ser. Sulpi- cius Camerinus Rufus was consul, we do not hear of them again for upwards of 400 years, till Q. Sulpicius Camerinus obtained the consulship in A. D. 9. The family was reckoned one of the noblest in Rome in the early times of the empire. (Juv. vii. 90, viii. 38.) . Ser. Sulpicius P. f. Camerinus Cornutus, consul B. c. 500 with M TuUius Longus in the tenth year of the republic. Livy says, that no- thing memorable took place in that year, but Dionysius speaks of a formidable conspiracy to re- store the Tarquins which was detected and crushed by Camerinus. After the death of his colleague, Camerinus held the consulship alone. Dionysius puts a speech into the inouth of Camerinus respect- ing a renewal of the league with the Latins in B.C. 496. (Liv. ii. 19 ; Dionys. v. 52, So, 57, vi. 20 ; Cic. Brut. 16; Zonar. vii. 13.) 2. Q. Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus, consul B. c. 490 with Sp. Larcius Flavus. He was after- wards one of the embassy sent to intercede with Coriolanus Avhen the latter was advancing against Rome. (Dionys. vii. 68, viii. 22.) 3. Ser. Sulpicius Ser. f. Ser. n. Camerinus Cornutus, consul b. c. 461, when the lex Teren- tillia was brought forward a second time for a re- form in the laws. (Liv. iii. 10; Dionys. x. 1; Diod. xi. 84 ; Plin. H. N. ii. 57.) This law, however, was successfully resisted by the patri- cians ; but when in B. c. 454 it was resolved to send three ambassadors into Greece to collect in- formation respecting the laws of the Greek states, Ser. Camerinus was one of their number, according to Dionysius (x. 52), though Livy calls him (iii. 31) Publius. The ambassadors remained three years in Greece, and on their return Ser. Camerinus was appointed a member of the decemvirate iu b. c. GAMERS. 451. (Liv. iii. 33; Dionys. x. 56.) In B. c. 446 he commanded the cavalry under the consuls T. Quinctius Capitolinus and Agrippa Furius Medul- linus in the great battle against the Volsi and Aequi fought in that year. (Liv. iii. 70.) 4. P. Sulpicius Camerinus. (Liv. iii. 31.) See No. 3. 5. Q. Sulpicius Ser. f. Ser. n. Camerinus Cornutus, son or grandson of No. 3, consular tribune in b. c. 402 and again in 398. (Liv. v. 8, 14; Diod. xiv. 38,82.) 6. Ser. Sulpicius Q. f. Ser. n. Camerinus, son of No. 5, consul b. c. 393, and military tribune in 391, in the latter of which years he conducted the war against the Salpinates, and carried off a great quantity of booty from their territory. (Liv. V. 29, 32 ; Diod. xiv. 99, 107.) He was one of the three interreges in B.C. 387. (Liv. vi. 5.) 7. C. Sulpicius Camerinus, consular tribune in B.C. 382, and censor in 380 with Sp. Postumius Regillensis Albinus. But no census was taken in this year, as Camerinus resigned his office on the death of his colleague. (Liv. vi. 22 ; Diod. xv. 41 ; Liv. vi. 27.) 8. Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus Rufus, consul B. c. 345. (Liv. vii. 28 ; Diod. xvi. QQ.) 9. Q. Sulpicius Q. f. Q. n. Camerinus, was consul in A. D. 9, the birth-year of the emperor Vespasian. (Suet. Vesp. 3 ; Plin. //. N. vii. 48. 8. 49.) 10. Sulpicius Camerinus, was proconsul of Africa together with Pomponius Silvanus, and on their return to Rome in a. d. 59, they were both ac- cused on account of their extortions in their province, but were acquitted by the emperor Nero. (Tac. A nn. xiii. 52.) Soon afterwards, however, Nero put Camerinus and his son to death, according to Dion Cassius (Ixiii. 18), for no other reason but because they ventured to make use of the surname Pythicus, which was hereditary in their family, and which Nero claimed as an exclusive prerogative for him- self. It appears from Pliny {Ep. v. 3), that they were accused by M. Regulus. CA^IERI'NUS, a Roman poet, contemporary with Ovid, who sang of the capture of Troy by Hercules. No portion of this lay has been pre- served, nor do we find any allusion to the work or its author except in a single line of the Epistles from Pontus. The supposition, that the Excidium Trojae mentioned by Apuleius {de Orlhoyraph. § 16) is the production in question, seems to rest on no evidence whatever. (Ov. Ep. ex. Font. iv. 16. 20.) [W. R.] CAMERI'NUS, SCRIBONIA'NUS, the as- sumed name of a runaway slave, whose real name was afterwards found out to be Geta. He made his appearance in the reign of Vitellius, and his object seems to have been to upset the government of Vitellius. He pretended to have been obliged to quit Rome in the time of Nero, and to have ever since lived concealed in Histria, because he belonged to the family of the Crassi, who had large possessions there. He succeeded in assembling around him the populace, and even some soldiers, who were misled by him or Avished for a revolu- tion. The pretender, however, was seized and brought before Vitellius ; and when his real origin was discovered, he was executed as a common slave. (Tac. Hist. ii. 72.) [L. S.] GAMERS, the name of two mythical personages in Virgil. {Aen. x. 562, xii. 224, &c.) [L. S.]