Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/611

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CANACIIUS. Artaxerxes against the Cadusii, b. c. 385, and was succeeded in his satrapy by his son. (Nep.£>a<, 1 ; comp. Diod. xv. 8, 10 ; Plut. Artax. 24.) [E. E.] CAMOENAE. [Camenae.] CAMPA'NUS, one of the leaders of the Tungri in the war of Civilis against the Romans, in a. d. 71. (Tac. //ts<. iv. 66.) [L. S.] CAMPA'NUS, a Roman jurist, quoted in the Digest, once by Valens (Dig. 38, tit. 1, s. 47), and once by Pomponius. (Dig. 40, tit. 5, s. 34. § 1.) As both Valens and Pomponius lived about the time of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius, Campanus probably flourished about the commencement of the second century. Both the passages quoted from him relate to Juleicommissa. A Cocceius Campanus, to whom was addressed a rescript of the emperors Severus and Antoninus (Dig. 36, tit. 1, s. 29), must have been of later date, though he is confounded with the jurist by Rcrtrandus. (Menag. Amoen. Jur. c. 38; Maian- sius, ad 30 JCtos, ii p. 197.) [J. T. G.] CAMPASPE, called Pancaste {TlayKacm]) by Aelian, and Pacate(naKaT7}) by Lucian, of La- rissa, the favourite concubine of Alexander, and the first with whom he is said to have had intercourse. Apelles being commissioned by Alexander to paint Ciimpaspe naked, fell in love with her, whereupon Alexander gave her to him as a present. Accord- ing to some she was the model of Apelles' cele- brated picture" of the Venus Anadyomene, but according to others Phryne was the original of this painting. (Aelian, V. ' H. xii. 34 ; Plin. H. N. XXXV. 10. s, 36. § 12 ; Lucian, Imag. 7 ; Athen. xiii. p. 591 ; comp. Anadyomene.) CAMPE (Kct^TTTj), a monster which was ap- pointed in Tartanis to guard the Cyclops. It was killed by Zeus when he wanted the assistance of the Cyclops against the Titans. (Apollod. i. 2. § 1.) Diodorus (iii, 72) mentions a monster of the same name, which was slain by Dionysus, and which Nonnus {Dionys. xviii. 237, &c.) identities with the former. [L. S.] CAMU'RIUS, a common soldier of the tenth legion, who was the murderer of the emperor Galba according to most authorities consulted bv Tacitus. ^Hist. i. 41.) [L. S.] CAN A. [Can us, Q. Gellius.] CANACE (Kara/cTj), a daughter of Aeolus and Enarete, whence she is called Aeolis (Callim. Hymn, in Cer. 100), who had several children by Poseidon. (Apollod. i. 7. § 3, &c.) She entertained an un- natural love for her brother Macareus, and on this account was killed by her own father ; but accord- ing to others, she herself, as well as Macareus, put an end to her life. (Hvgin. Fab. 238, 242 ; Ov.Her.W.) ' [L. S.] CA'NACHUS (Kdvaxos). 1. A Sicyonian ar- tist, about whose age the greatest uncertjiinty long prevailed, as one work of his is mentioned which must have been executed before 01. 75, and an- other 80 years later, which seems to be, and indeed is, impossible. The fact is, that there were two artists of the name of Canachus, both of Sicyon, and probably grandfather and grandson. This was first suggested by Schoni ( Ueb. d. Stud. d. Griech. K'tinstler, p. 199) and adopted by Thiersch {Epoch. Anra. pp. 38-44), K. 0. Miiller, and Bockh. The work which must have been finished B.C. 480, was a colossal statue of Apollo Philesius at Miletus, this statue having been carried to Ecbatana by Xerxes after his defeat in Greece, B. c. 479. Mul- C AND ACE. 593 ler {Kunslblatt, 1821, N. 16) thinks, that this sta- tue cannot have been executed before a. c. 494, at which time Miletus was destroyed and burnt by Dareius ; but Thiersch (l. c.) shews that the colos- sus might very well have escaped the general ruin, and therefore needs not have been placed there after the destruction of the city. Finding that all indications point to the interval between 01. 60 and 68 (b. c. 540-508), he has given these 32 years as the time during which Canachus flourished. Thus the age of our artist coincides with that of Gallon, whose contemporary he is called by Pausanias (vii. 18. § 6). He was likewise contemporary with Ageladas, who flourished about 01. ()6 [Agkla- das] ; for, together with this artist and with his own brother, Aristocles, he executed three Muses, who symbolically represented the diatonic, chro- matic, and enharmonic styles of Greek music. Be- sides these works, we find the following mentioned: Riding (KeXrjTi^ovTes) boys (Plin. //. N. xxxiv. 8. s. 19); a statue of Aphrodite, wrought in gold and ivory (Paus. ii. 10. §4); one of Apollo Ismenius at Thebes, made of cedar, and so very like the Apollo Philesius of Miletus, which was of metal, that one could instantly recognize the artist. (Paus. Z.c, ix. 10. § 2.) For Cicero's judgment of Canachus's perfonnances, see Calamis. 2. A Sicyonian artist, probably the grandson of the former, from whom he is not distinguished by the ancients. He and Patrocles cast the statues of two Spartans, who had fought in the battle of Ae- gospotamos, b. c. 405. (Paus. x. 9. § 4.) [W. I.] CANA'NUS, lOANNES {'lu>dvyr,5 KavavSs), lived in the first part of the fifteenth century, and wrote a description of the siege of Constantinople, by Sultan Miirad II. in a. D. 1422 (a. h. 826). The title of it is An^yrjais Trtpl tov iv Kuucrravri- vovTr6€i yeyofOTOs iroiJLOv Kara ro (TvlX' ctos (a. m. 6930), ore 6 'A/Mvpar Uffs (Bei) Trapeireae TavTTi ixeToL Swafxews )3opeiay, &c. It was first published with a Latin ti-anslation, by Leo Alla- tius, together with Georgius Acropolita and Joel, and accompanied with the notes by the editor and by Theodore Douza, Paris, 1651, fol. The best •edition is that of Immanuel Bekker, appended to the edition of Phranzes, Bonn, 1838, with a new Latin translation. (Fabric. Bibl. Grace, vii. pp. 773,774.) [VV. P.] CANDA'CE (KavUKv), a queen of that portion of Aethiopia which had Meroe for its metropolis. In B. c. 22, she invaded Egypt, being encouraged by supposing that the unsuccessful expedition of Aelius Gallus against Arabia, in B. c. 24, had Aveakened the Romans. She advanced. into the Thebaid, ravaging the country, and attacked and captured the Roman garrisons at Elephantine, Syene, and Philae ; but Petronius, who had suc- ceeded Gallus in the government of the province, compelled her to retreat, and defeated her with great loss in her own territory near the town of Pselcha. This place he took, and also Premnis and Nabata, in the latter of which the son of the queen commanded. After he had withdrawn, Candace attacked the garrison lie had left in Prem- nis ; but Petronius hastily returned, and again de- feated her. On this she sent jmibassadors to Au- gustus, who was then at Samos, and who received them favourably, and even remitted the tribute which had been imposed on their country. Strabo, who tells us that Candace was a woman of a manly spirit, also favours us with the information 2 4