Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/720

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702 CHRYSOCOCCES. tmall importance, the "Oratio in Exaltationem Sanctae Cnicis," has been published, with a Latin translation, by Gretserus, in his great work " De Cruce." The most important work of Chrysoce- phalus is his Commentary on St. Matthew, in three volumes, each of which was divided into twenty books. Only the first volume, containing twenty books, is extant in the Bodleian, (Cod. Baronianus; it is entitled 'E^riyqais eh to Kara. Mardatou ayiov EvaYYeiov, crvWeyeTcra Kal crvvTcdeTcra Ke(paai- uScos TTopd MaKupiov MtjtpoitoAitou *iAa5eA<^6to$ Tou Xpua-oKe(pdov, &c.) Fabricius gives the pro- oemium to it, with a Latin translation. The most important among his other works are " Orationes XIV. in Festa Ecclesiae," " Expositio in Canones Apostolonim et Conciliorum," which he wrote in the island of Chios, "Magnum Alphabetum," a Commentary or Lucas, so called because it is di- vided into as many chapters as there are letters in the alphabet, viz. twenty-four ; it is extant in the Bodleian, and is inscribed EvayyfiK(vv Siduoiav bifiuT<av Xpv(roKe(paos auvriOricnv euBd^e Taireivos MaKoipios *tAo56^€ias, o otVeTTjy ttjs /nuKaplas TpidSos. Fabricius gives the prooemium, " Cosmo- genia," a Commentary on Genesis, divided into two parts, the first of which is entitled " Cosrao- genia,'"' and the second " Patriarchae." The MS. works of Chrysocephalus were nearly all known to Gretserus, and still more so to Leo Allatius, who often refers to them, and gives some fragments or passages of them in his works " De Concilio Flo- rentino, adversus Creightonium," " Diatriba de Script. Svmeon.," " De Psellis," &c. (Fabric. BM. Gnicc. viii. pp. 675—683 ; Cave, IlisL Lit. vol. ii. n. pp. 19, 20.) [W. P.] CHRYSO'CHOUS (Xpva-oxoos), a poor man at Alexandria, who may have lived between the fifth and tenth centuries after Christ, of whom a story is told by Nicolaus Myrepsus. (De Compos. Medicam. xxiv. 60, 85, pp. 664, 666.) At the age of thirtj'-two he lost his sight, upon which he went to a chapel of the Blessed Virgin to offer up prayers for his recovery. Here he is said to have been directed to a place where he would find a written paper, which contained a prescription for making an eye-wash ; by means of which he was himself restored to sight, and also gained a large income by healing others. At his death he gave the prescription to one of his daughters, and it has been preserved by Nicolaus Mvrepsus. [ W. A. G.] CHRYSOCOCCES, GEO'RGIUS {Tecipym 6 Xpv^^o'fOK/crjr), was a learned Greek physician, who lived in the middle of the fourteenth century of the Christian aera, and wrote several valuable works on astronomy and mathematics. It would seem that Georgius Chrysococces is identical with Chrysococces the friend of Theodore Gaza, both of whom were employed for some time in the library of the Vatican, and saved several valuable Greek MSS. from oblivion or destruction. None of the works of Chrysococces have been printed, although their publiaition would apparently be a valuable acquisition to the history of astronomy. His prin- cipal works extant in MS. are : 'E^i^yrjens els r-fiu (rvvTot^iv Tav Ylepaouv (v KecpaXaiois jU^, avu roiis A.(rTpovofjLiKo7i SiaypdfjLuaai^ Kal TeuypacpiKois iriua^ip, '* Expositio in Constructionem Persarura per Capita 47, cum Astronoraicis Designationibus, et Geographicis Tabulis," in the Bibl. Arabrosiana. It seems that this work is the same which we find iu the Royal Library at Paris, imder the title CHRYSOLORAS. Fecapyiou tov 'X.pvaoK6KKri rod larpov 'karpovn- fiiKa. There is another Codex in the same library, intitled rewpy'iov larpov tov XpvcroKOKKr] irepl t7;i evpTjcrecas rijs 7}/U€pas ttjs dnKws (Tv^iryias TJAtuu Kal crcKi^vTjs, " De inveniendis Syzygiis Lunae solaribus per singulos Anni Menses." In the Royal Librar}' at Madrid is Tlais Se? KaTacxKevd^dP 'npoa-Kovov, iJTOi 'Ao-rpoAagoi', " Quomodo con- struendum sit Horoscopium, aut Astrolabium." A codex in the Ambrosian Library, inscribed^EKSoo-ts els TO 'louSatKoi' e^aTrrepvyov, "Editio et Expositio Syntagmatis Canonum Astronomicorum Judaico- rum," is attributed to Georgius Chrysococces, who has also left a MS. of Homer's Odyssey, written and accompanied with scholia by himself, in the year of the world 6844 (a. d. 133G), as it is said in the copy of this work which was formerl}'- in the Bibl. Palatina at Heidelberg, whence it was sent to Rome by the Spaniards, and kept in the Vatican library till 1815, when it was sent back to Heidelberg with the rest of the Palatine library by order of pope Pius VII. It is doubtful if Georgius Chrysococces is the same Chrysococces who wrote a history of the Byzantine empire, of which a fragment on the murder of sultan Miirad I. in A. D. 1 389 is given by Fabricius. The com- plete astronomical works of Chrysococces, as stated above, have not been published, but several of his Astronomical and Geographical tables have been inserted in various modern works on Astronomy and Geography. (Fabric. BUjI. Graec. xii. pp. 54 57.) [W. P.] CHRYSO'GONUS {Xpv<r6yovo5.) I. A cele- brated player on the flute, who dressed in a sacred robe (ttu^jkt) <rToAr}) played to keep the rowers in time, when Alcibiades made his triumphal entry into the Peiraeeus on his return from banishment in B. c. 407. From a conversation between the father of Chrysogonus and Stratonicus, reported by Athenaeus, it st^ems that Chrysogonus had a brother who was a dnimatic poet. Chrysogonus himself was the author of a poem or dnima entitled TloKi- Tci'a, which some attributed to Epicharraus. (Athen. xii. p. 353, d., viii. p. 350, e., xiv. p. 648, d.) 2. The father of the poet Samus, was an inti- mate friend and devoted servant of Philip V. of Macedon. (b. c. 220 — 179.) He was employed by Philip both in war and in peace, and possessed great influence with the king, which he seems to have exercised in an honoumble manner, for Poh'bius says that Philip was most merciful when he followed the advice of Chrysogonus. (Polyb. v. 9, 97, vii. 12, ix. 23.) CHRYSO'GONUS, L. CORNE'LIUS, a fa- vourite freedman of Sulla, purchased, at Sulla's sale of the goods of the prosciibed, the property of S. Roscius Amerinus, which was worth 250 talents, for 2000 denarii, and afterwards accused Roscius's son, who was also named S. Roscius Amerinus, of the murder of his father, (b. c. 80.) Cicero pronounced his first public oration in de- fence of Roscius, and in that oration we have a powerful picture of the profligate character of Chrysogonus. It cannot be said with certainty whether in this proceeding Chrysogonus was, a.s Plutarch affirms, merely the instrument of Sulla. (Plut. Cic. 3; Cic. pro S. Bosc. Amcr. ; Plin. //. N. XXXV. 18. s. 58.) [P. S.] CHRYSOLO'RAS, DEME'TRIUS (Ae/xTf- Tpios 6 'Kpvcr6u}pas)y a native of Thessalonica, was a Greek priest renowned as a theologian, philow