Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/800

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7rt2 CLEINIAS secuuda^ of the Editio Secunda. [DoNATUS.] Of Cledonius personally we know nothintr ; but it is not improbable that he may have been attached to the Auditorium or University established in the capitolium of Constantinople, an institution to vhich we find an allusion in p. 1866. (Comp. Godofr. ad Cod. Theodos. 14. tit. 9 vol. v. p. 203, &c.) The only edition is that contained in the " Grammaticae Latinae Auctores Antiqui " of Putschius, 4to., Ilanov. 1605, pp. 1859—1939. (Osann, Beilr'dge zur Griech. und Rom. Litieratur- gesch. vol. ii. p. 314.) [W. R.] CLEE'MPORUS or CLEA'MPORUS, a phy- sician, who may have lived in the sixth or fifth century B. c, as Pliny says that a botanical work, •which was commonly attributed to Pythagoras, was by some persons supposed to have been written by him. (H. N. xxiv. 101.) [W. A. G.] CLEIDE'MUS (KA€t5r?Mos), an ancient Athe- nian author. Meursius is inclined to believe (Peisistr. c. 2), that the name, where it occurs in Plutarch, Athenaeus, and others, has been substi- tuted, by an error of the copyists, forCleitodemus, who is mentioned by Pausanias (x. 15) as the most ancient writer of Athenian history. We find in Athenaeus the following works ascribed to Clei- demus: — 1. "E^TjyjiTJKdy. (Athen. ix. p. 410, a.) This is probably the sjime work which is referred to by Suidas (s. r. "Ttjs). Casaubon {ad Athen. L c.) and Vossius (de Hist. Graec. p. 418, ed. Westermann) think that it was a sort of lexicon ; but it seems rather to have been an antiquarian treatise, in verse, on religious rites and ceremonies. (Comp. Ruhnken, atl Tim. s. v. 'E^-nyrjTal.) 2.

  • ATdts (Athen. vi. p. 235, a.), the subject of which

seems to have been the historj' and antiquities of Attica. It is probably the work quoted by Plu- tarch {TTies. 19, 27), who mentions prolixity as the especial characteristic of the author. 3. Upwro'^o- v(a, also apparently an antiquarian work. (Athen. xiv, p. 660, a.) 4. Ndtrroi, a passage from the eighth book of which is referred to by Athenaeus (xii. p. 609, c), relating to the first restoration of Peisistratus and the marriage of Hipparchus with Phya. (Comp. Herod, i. 60.) We cannot fix the exact period at which Cleidemus flourished, but it must have been subsequently to B.C. 479, since Plutarch refers to his account of the battle of Plataea. (Plut. Arisi. 19.) See further references in Vossius (/. c). [E. E.] CLEI'GENES {Kety4vr}s). 1. A citizen of Acanthus, sent as ambassador to Sparta, B.C. 382, to obtain her assistance for Acanthus and the other Chalcidian towns against the Olynthians. Xeno- phon records a speech of his, delivered on this oc- casion, in which he dwells much on the ambition of Olynthus and her growing power. His appli- cation for aid was successful. (Xen. Hell. v. 2. § 1 1, &c.; Diod. XV. 19, &c.; comp. p. 155, a.) 2. A man who is violently attacked by Aristo- phanes in a very obscure passage {Ran. 705-716), where he is spoken of as a bath-man, puny in per- son, dishonest, drunken, and quarrelsome. The Scholiast says {ad Arist. I. <•.), that he was a rich man, but of foreign extraction. He seems to have been a meddler in politics, and a mischievous char- latan of the da) [E. E.] CLEI'NIAS (KAetWas.) 1. Son of Alcibiades, who traced his origin from Eurysaces, the son of the Telamonian Ajax. This Alcibiades was the contemporary of Cleisthenes [Cleisthknes,No. 2 J, CLEINOMACHUS. whom he assisted in expelling the Peisistratidae from Athens, and along with whom he was subse- quently banished. Cleinias married Deinoma'jha, the daughter of Megaclcs, and became by her the father of the famous Alcibiades. He greatly dis- tinguished himself in the third naval engagement at Artemisium, B. c. 480, having provided a ship and manned it with 200 men at his own expense. He was slain in B. c. 447, at the battle of Coroneia, in which the Athenians were defeated by the Boeo- tian and Euboean exiles. (Herod, viii. 17; Plut. Ale. 1; Plat. Ale. Pnm. p. 112 ; Thuc. i. 113.) 2. A younger brother of the famous Alcibiades. Pericles, the guardian of the youths, fearing lest Alcibiades might corrupt him, sent him away from his own house and placed him for education with his brother Ariphron; but the latter sent him back at the end of six months, finding it impossible to make anything of him. (Plat. Protay. p. 320.) In another dialogue {Ale. Prim. p. 118, ad Jin. ; comp. Schol. ad loc.) he is spoken of as quite a madman. 3. Son of Axiochus, and the same who is intro- duced as a very young man by Plato in the " Euthydemus," was first cousin to No. 3 and to Alcibiades. 4. The father of Aratus of Sicyon. The Sicyo- nians committed to him the supreme power in theii state on the deposition, according to Pausanias, of the tyrants Euthydemus and Timocleidas, the latter of whom, according to Plutarch, was joined with Cleinias as his colleague. Soon after this Abantidas murdered Cleinias and seized the ty- ranny, B. c. 264. (Paus. ii. 8; ?xi. Arat. 2.) [Abantidas.] [E. E.] CLEI'NIAS (KA€ti/(as), a Pythagorean philo- sopher, of Tarentum, was a contemporary and friend of Plato's, as appears from the story (perhaps other- wise worthless) which Diogenes Laertius (ix. 40) gives on the authority of Aristoxenus, to the effect that Plato wished to bum all the writings of De- mocritus which he could collect, but was prevented by Amyclas and Cleinias. In his practice, Clei- nias was a true Pythagorejfn. Thus we hear that he used to assuage his anger by playing on his harp ; and, when Prorus of Cyrene had lost all his fortune through a political revolution (comp.Thrige, Res Cyre7iensitnn, § 48), Cleinias, who knew no- thing of him except that he was a Pythagorean, took on himself the risk of a voyage to Cyrene, and supplied him with money to the full extent of his loss. (lamblich. Vit. p'yth. 27, 31, 33 ; Ael. V. H. xiv. 23 ; Perizon. ad loc. ; Chamael. Pont. ap. Athen. xiv. p. 623, f.; Diod. Fragm. lib. x.; Fabric. Bill. Graec. i. pp. 840, 886.) [E. E.] CLEINIS {KKilvis), the husband of Harpe and father of Lycius, Ortygius, Harpasus, and Arte- micha. He lived in Mesopotamia, near Babylon, and was beloved by Apollo and Artemis. Having heard that the Hyperboreans sacrificed asses to Apollo, he wished to introduce the same custom at Babylon ; but Apollo threatened him, and com- manded that only sheep, goats, and heifers should be sacrificed. Lycius and Harpasus, the sons of Cleinis, however, persisted in sacrificing asses, whereupon Apollo infuriated the animals so as to attack the family of Cleinis. Other divinities, however, took pity upon the family, and changed all its members into diti'erent birds. (Anton Lib. 20.) [L. S.] CLEINO'MACHUS {KKiiv6naxGi a Megaric