Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/877

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CORNUTUS. CORNU'TIJS, a Roman historian, who, ac- cortling to the account of Suidas (s. v. Kopi/ouros, whore, however, the account of the philosopher L. Annaous Cornutus and the historian are jum- bled together in one article), seems to have been a contemporary of Livy, but very inferior to him in point of merit. His great wealth and the circum- stance of his having no children, attracted crowds of admirers around him, but no further particulars are known about him. (G. J. de Martini, Di«ptU. lit. de L. Antmeo Cornuto, p. 8, &c.) [L. S.] CORNUTUS, L. ANNAEUS {'hvyaios Kop- voCtoj), one of the commentators on Aristotle, concerning whose life but few particulars are known. The work of Diogenes Laertius is believed to have contained a life of Cornutus, which, however, is lost. (Salraas. EcrercU. Plin. p. 888, &c.) Our principal sources of information are Suidas («. v. KopvovTos) — where, however, only the last words of the article refer to the philosopher, and all the rest to Cornutus the historian — and Eudocia (p. 273). Cornutus was bom at Leptis in Libya, and came, probably in the capacity of a slave, into the house of the Annaei, which was distinguished for its love of literary pursuits. The Annaei emanci- pated him (whence his name Annaeus), and he became the teacher and friend of the poet Persius, on whose intellectual culture and development he exercised a very great influence. He was sent into exile by Nero, for having too freely criticised the literary attempts of the emperor. (Dion Cass. Ixii. 29.) This happened, according to Hieronymus in his Chronicle, in a. d. 68. The account of Dion Cassius furnishes a characteristic feature of the defiance peculiar to the Stoics of that time, to whom Cornutus also belonged, as we see from the fifth satire of Persius. That he was a man of very ex- tensive knowledge is attested by the authority of Dion Cassius, as well as by the works he wrote. One of the most important of the philosophical productions of Cornutus was his work on Aristotle's Categories, which is referred to by the later com- mentators, Simplicius and Porphyrius. (Schol. Aristot. p. 48, b. 13, p. 80, a. 22, ed. Brandis ; Simplic. fol. 5, a,, ed. Basil.) He seems to have been very partial to the study of Aristotle, for he wrote a work against Athenodorus, an opponent of the Aristotelian philosophy, which, according to Bake's emendation, bore the title 'AvriyfXKpri vpos 'AdiqvoScapov. (Simplic. p. 47, b. 22, ed. Brandis ; Porphyr. Ejrpos. Arist. Categ. p. 21, ed. Paris; Simplic. fol. 15, b.) He also wrote a philosophical work, entitled 'EAAtji/j/ct) ©60X0710, which is pro- bably still extant, and the same as the much muti- lated treatise Ilept rris twv ©eon/ ^vaecos, edited by Oale in his " Opusc. MythoL Phys. Eth." p. 139. (Ritter, Gesch. d. PhUos. iv. p. 202.) Others, however, consider this treatise as a mere abridg- ment of the original work of Cornutus. The other philosophical productions of Cornutus, which were very numerous, are completely lost, and not even their titles have come down to us. He also wrote on rhetorical and grammatical subjects. Thus he made, for example, a commentary on all Virgil's poems, wiiich he dedicated to the poet Silius Italicus. (Suringar, Hist. Crit. Scholiast. Lot. ii. p. 1 1 b &c. ) According to the fashion of the time, he also tried his hand in tragedy, in conjunction with his friend Seneca and his pupils Lucan and Persius (Welcker, Griech. Trag. iii. p. 1456, &c.) ; and he is even said to have made attempts at | CORONATUS. 85.<> writing siitires. ( VVemsdorf, Poet. I/xt. Min. iii. p. xvii. 4.) A minute account of his relation to the poet Persius, as well as of his pupils and his literary merits, is given by Ger. Jo. de Martini, Disputaiio Litteraria de L. Annaco Comuto, Lugd. Bat. 1825, and in Otto Jahn's Prolegomena to his edition of Persius, Lipsiae, 1843, pp. viii. — xxvii. (Comp. Stahr, Aristoteles bei d. liomern., p. 71, &c.) [A. S.] CORNU'TUS, CAECI'LIUS, a man of prae- torian rank in the reign of Tiberius, who was im- plicated, in A. D. 24, in the affair between young Vibius Serenus and his father, and put an end to his life to escape an unjust verdict (Tac. Ann. iv. 28.) [L. S.] CORNU'TUS TERTULLUS was consul suffectus in A. D. 101 together with Pliny the Younger, who mentions him several times as a person of great merit. {Epist. iv. 17, v. 15, vii. 21, 31.) [L. S.] CORO'BIUS {Kop<i§ios a purple-dyer of Ita- nus in Crete. When the Theraeans were seeking for some one to lead them to Libya, where the Delphic oracle had enjoined them to plant a colony, Corobius undertook to shew them the way. He accordingly conducted a party of them to the island of Platea, off the Libyan coast, and there he wjis left by them with a supply of provisions, while they sailed back to Thera to report how matters stood. As they did not however return to Plateii at the time appointed, Corobius was in danger of perishing from hunger, but was relieved by the crew of a Samian ship which had been driven to the island on its way to Egypt. (Herod, iv. 151, 152.) For the connexion of Crete with Them, and of Samos with Cyrene, see Herod, iv. 154, 162—164. [E. E.] COROEBUS (K6poi€os), a Phrygian, a son of Mygdon, was one of the heroes that fought in the Trojan war on the side of the Trojans. He was one of the suitors of Cassandra, and was slain by Neoptoleraus or Diomedes. (Paus. ix. 27. § 1 ; Virg. Aen. ii. 341.) [L. S.] COROEBUS {K6poi§os), an Elean, who gained a victory in the stadium at the Olympian games in 01. 1. (a c. 776.) According to tradition, he sL-w the daemon Poene, whom Apollo had sent into t!u; country of the Argives. He was represented ou his tomb in the act of killing Poene, and his sta- tue, which was made of stone, was one of the most ancient that Pausanias saw in the whole of Greece. (Paus. i. 43. § 7, 44. § 1, v. 8. § 3, viii. 26. § 2 ; Strab. viii. p. 355.) [L. S.] COROEBUS, architect at the time of Peri- cles, who began the temple of Demeter at Eleusi.s, but died before he had completed his task. (Plut. Pericl. 13.) [L. U.] CORO'NA, SILI'CIUS, a senator, who voted for the acquittal of Brutus and Cassius, when Oc- tavianus called upon the court to condemn the murderers of Caesar. The life of Silicius was spared at the time, but he was afterwards includeil in the proscription, and perished in B. c. 43. Plu- tarch calls him P. Silicius, and Appian Icilius. (Dion Cass. xlvi. 49 ; Plut. Brut. 27 ; Appian, Ii. a iv. 27.) CORONA'TUS, styled in MSS. Vir Clarissi- mus^ the author of three pieces in the Latin An- thology (ed. Burm. i. 176, v. 155, 157, or Nos. 549 — 551, ed. Meyer). The first, consisting of t warty-nine hexameters, is a poetical amplifica-