Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/909

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CRISPINILLA. CRINIPPUS {KpiviiriTos) is the name which, from a comparison of Diodorus (xv. 47), it has been proposed to substitute for Anippus in Xen. Hell. vi. 2. § 36. He was sent by Dionysius I. of Syracuse to Corcyra to the aid of the Spartans with a squadron of ten ships, B. c. 373 ; but through his imprudence he fell, together with nine of his ships, into the hands of Iphicrates. The latter, in the hope of extorting from him a large sum of money, threatened to sell him for a slave, and Crinippus slew himself in despair. (Xen. Hell. vi. 2. §§ 4, 33, &c.; comp. Schneid. adloc.; Wes- seling, ail Diod. I. c; Diod. xvi. 37.) [E. E.] CRINIS (Kpivis), a Stoic philosopher who is referred to several tinies by Diogenes Laertius (vii. 62, 68, 76), and seems to have founded an independent school within the boundaries of the Stoic system, since the authority of his followers (oi ircpl Kpivtv) is sometimes quoted. He wrote a work called StoAc/crj/oj rext'V, from which Dio- genes Laertius (vii. 71) quotes an opinion. IJe is mentioned also by Arrian. {Diss. Epid. iii. 2.) Suidas speaks of a Crinis who was a priest of Apollo, and may be the same as the one mentioned in a scholion (ad Horn. II. i. 396). [L. S.J CRINISUS. [AcESTES.] CRINON {Kpivo}v an officer of PhiUp V. of Macedon, joined Leontius and Megaleas in their treason, and took part in the tumult at Limnaea in Acarnania, in which they assailed Aratus and threatened his life, irritated as they were by the successful campaign of Philip in Aetolia, b. c. 218. For this offence Crinon and Megaleas were thrown into prison till they should find security for a tine of twenty talents. The fine was confinned, on their trial, by the king's council, and Crinon was detained in prison, while Leontius became security for Megaleas. (Polyb. v. 15, 16.) [E. E.] CRI'SAMIS (KpiVo/iis). 1. The fifth in des- cent from Aesculapius, the son of Dardanus, and the father of Cleomyttades I., who probably lived in the eleventh and tenth centuries B. c. (Jo. Tzetzes, Chil. vii. Hist. 1 55, in Fabric. BiU. Grate. vol. xii. p. 680, ed. vet.) 2. The ninth of the fiimily of the Asclepiadae, the son of Sostratus II., and the father of Cleo- myttades IL, who probably lived in the ninth and eighth centuries b. c. (Id. ihid.^ He is called "king Crisamis" (Paetus, Epist. ad Artax., in Hippocr. Opera., vol. iii. p. 770), but the country over which he reigned is not mentioned. By some writers he is said to have been the father, not of Cleomyttades II., but of Theodorus II. [W. A.G.] CRISPI'NA, daughter of Bruttius Praesens [Praksens], was married to Commodus (a. d, 177), and, having proved unfaithful to her husband, was divorced a few years after his accession to the throne, banished to Capreae, and there put to death. (Dion Cass. Ixxi. 33, Ixxii. 4; Capitolin. A[. Aurel. 27 } Laraprid. Coininod. 5.) [W. R.j CRISPLNIJS. 891 COIN OF CRISPINA. CRISPIMLLA, CA'LVIA, a Roman lady of rank, of tlie time of the emperor Nero. She pui- took hu-gely in the general corruption among fe- males of that period. She lived with Nero and his eunuch Porus, and was entrusted with the su- perintendence of the latter's wardrobe. She is said to have been given to stealing and to have secreted all on which she could lay her hand. Her inter- course with Nero was of such a kind, that Tacitus calls her the instructor of Nero in voluptuousness. In A. D. 68, shortly after the death of Nero, slie went to Africa to urge Claudius Macer to take up aims to avenge the death of the emperor. She thus intended to cause a famine at Rome, by pre- venting grain being imported from Africa. Clo- dius Macer was put to death by the command of Galba, and the general indignation of the people demanded that Crispinilla also should pay for her guilt with her life, but she escaped the danger by various intrigues and a cunning use of circum- stances. Afterwards she rose very high in public favour tiirough her marriage with a man who had been consul ; she was spared by Galba, Otho, and Vitellius, and her wealth, together with the circum- stance of her having no children, procured her great influence at the time. (Tacit. Hist, i, 73; Dion. Cass. Ixiii. 12.) [L. S.] CRISPl'NUS. 1. A person ridiculed by Ho- race {Sat. 1. 1. 120), was, according to the state- ment of the scholiasts on that passage, a bad poet and philosopher, who was surnamed Aretalogus, and wrote verses upon the Stoics. This is all that is known about him, and it is not improba- ble that the name may be a fictitious one, under which Horace intended to ridicule some philoso- phical poetaster. 2. A late Greek rhetorician, concerning w^hom nothing is known, but a sentiment of his, taken from a work Karoi Aiovixrlov, is preserved in fcto- baeus. {Flur. xlvii. 21.) 3. Of Larapsacus, wrote a life of St. Partheniu* of Lampsacus, who is said to have been a bishop in the time of Constantine the Great. A Latin version of that Life is printed in the collections of the lives of the Saints by Surius and Bollandus under the 7th of February. A MS. containing the Greek original exists in the imperial library at Vienna. {Fahnc. Bibl. Gr. xi. 'p. 597 .) [L.S.J T. CRISPl'NUS was quaestor about p. c. 69, but is otherwise unknown. (Cic. pro Fonteio^ loci Niebuhr. 1.) [L. S.J CRISPl'NUS, L. BRU'TTIUS QUI'NTIUS. was consul a. d. 224, and fourteen years after • wards (a. d. 238) persuaded the inhabitants of Aquileia to shut their gates and defend their walls against the savage Maximin, whose rage when he found his attacks upon the city baffled led to those excesses which caused his assassina- tion. [Maximinus.J (Capitolin. Max. duo^ c. 21 ; Herodian. viii. 4.) [W. R.J CRISPl'NUS CAE'PIO. [Caepio, p. 535, b.J CRISPl'NUS, QUI'NCTIUS. Crispinus oc- curs as an agnomen in the family of the Penni Capitolini of the Quinctia gens. [Capitolinijs, p. 606, a.J The full name of the L. Quinctius Crispinus, who was praetor in B. c. 186, and who triumphed in B. c. 184, on account of his victojies in Spain, was probably L. Quinctius Pennus Capi- tolinus Crispinus. (Liv. xxxix. 6, 8, 30, 42.) [L.S.] CRISPPNUS, RU'FIUS, a Roman eques and contemporary of the emperors Claudius and Nero. He was praefectus praetorio under Claudius, who employed him in arresting and dragging to liaioa