Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/928

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910 CYDAS. sea-coast, where he was found by shepherds, who seeing a swan descending upon hira, called him Cycnus. When he had grown up to manhood, he !)ecame king of Colonae in Troas, and married Procleia, the daughter of Laomedon or of Clytius (Paus. X. 14. § 2), by whom he became the father of Tenes and Hemithea. Dictys Cretensis (ii. 13) mentions different children. After the death of Procleia, he married Philonome, a daughter of Craugasus, who fell in love with Tenes, her step- son, and not being listened to by him calumniated him, so that Cycnus in his anger threw his son to- gether with Hemithea in a chest into the sea. According to others Cycnus himself leaped into the sea. (Virg. Aen. ii. 21.) Afterwards, when Cycnus learned the truth respecting his wife's con- duct, he killed Philonome and went to his son, who had landed in the island of Tenedos, and had become king there. According to some traditions, Tenes did not allow his father to land, but cut off the anchor. (Conon, Narrat. 28 ; Paus. x. 1 4. § 2.) In the war of the Greeks against Troy, both Cycnus and Tenes assisted the Trojans, but both were slain by Achilles. As Cycnus could not be wounded by iron, Achilles strangled him with the thong of his helmet, or by striking him with a stone. (Comp. Diod. v. 83; Strab. xiii. p. G04; Schol. ad T/ieocrit. xvi. 49; Diet. Cret. ii. 12, &c.; Ov. Met. xii. 144.) Ovid adds, that the body of Cycnus disappeared and was changed into a swan, when Achilles came to take away his annour. 3. A son of Ares and Pelopia, challenged Hera- cles to single combat at Itone, and was killed in the contest. (Apollod. ii. 7. § 7 ; Hesiod. Scui. Here. 345, where Cycnus is a son-in-law of Ceyx, to whom Heracles is going.) 4. A son of Ares and Pyrene, was likewise killed bv Heracles in single combat. (Apollod. ii. .'). § if; Schol. ad Piml. 01. xi. 19.) At his death he was changed by his father Ares into a swan. (Eustath. at/ //b/H. p. 254.) The last two personages are often confounded with each other, on account of the resemblance existing between the stories about them. (Schol. ad Find. 01. ii. 147, ad Aristoph. Ran. 963 ; Hygin. Fab. 31; Athen. ix. p. 393.) 5. A son of Sthenelus, kinsr of the Ligurians, and a friend and relation of Phaeton. He was the father of Cinyras and Cupauo. While he was lamenting the fate of Phaeton on the banks of the Eridanus, he was metamorphosed by Apollo into a swan, and placed among the stars. (Ov. Met. ii. 366-, &c.; Paus. i. 30. § 3 ; ^exv. ad Aen. x. 189.) A sixth personage of the name of Cycnus is men- tioned by Hyginus. {Fab. 97.) [L. S.] CYDAS (Ki^Sas), appears to have been a com- mon name at Gortyna in Crete. It is written in various ways in MSS., but Cydas seems to be the most correct form. (See Drakenborch, ad Liv. xxxiii. 3, xliv. 13.) 1. The commander of 500 of the Cretan Gorty- nii, joined Quinctius Flamininus in Thessaly in B. c. 197. (Liv. xxxiii. 3.) This Cydas may be the same as the Cydas, the son of Antitalces, who was cosmus or supreme magistrate at Gortyna, when a Roman embassy visited the island about B. c, 184, and composed the differences which existed between the inhabitants of Gortyna and Cnossus. (Polyb. xxxiii. 15.) 2. A Cretan, the friend of Eumenes, who at- tempted to negotiate a peace between Eumenes CYLLENIUS. and Antiochus in a. c. 168 (Liv, xliv. 13, Ii), may perhaps be the same as No. 1. 3. A native of Gortyna in Crete, a man of the most abandoned character, was appointed b}' An- tony in B. c. 44 as one of the judices at Rome. (Cic. Phil. v. 5, viii. 9.) CY'DIAS (KuSi'as). 1. An Athenian orator, a contemporary of Demosthenes, of whom Aristotle {Rliet. ii. 6. § 24) mentions an oration Tre^i ttjs

S.aixov Kr]povx'ias, which Ruhnken refers to the

Athenian colony which was sent to Samoa in B. c. 352 (Dionys. Deinarch. p. 118), so that the ora- tion of Cydias would have been delivered in that year. (Ruhnken, Hist. Crit. Orat. Graec. p. Ixxiv.) 2. One of the early Greek poets whom Plutarch {de Fac. in Orb. Lun. p. 931, e.) classes together with Mimnermus and Archilochus. Whether h!^ is the same as the author of a song which was very popular at' Athens in the time of Aristo- phanes, who however is called by the Scholiast ad Nub. QQQ) Cydides of Hermione, is uncertain. (Plat. Cliann. p. 155, d.; Schneidewin, Delectus Poi-t. Iamb, et Melic. Graec. p. 375, &c. ; Bergk, Poit. Lyr. Graeci, p. 837.) [L. S.] CY'DIAS, a celebrated painter from the island of Cythnus, B. c. 364, whose picture of the Argo- nauts was exhibited in a porticus by Agrippa at Rome. (Eustath. ad Dionys. Perieq. 526 ; Plin. H.N. XXXV. 40. § 26 ; Dion Cass. liii. 27; Uriichs, Deschr. der Stadl. Rom. iii. 3. p. 114.) [L. U.J CYDIPPE. [AcoNTius.] CYDIPPUS (KuSiTTTTos) of Mantineia, is men- tioned by Clemens of Alexandria {Strom, i. p, 132) among those who had written on inventions (Trtpl ei}prifidTwv); but nothing further is known about him. [L. S.] CYDON (Ku'Swf), the founder of the town of Cydonia in Crete. According to a tradition of Tegea, he was a son of Tegeates or of Hermes by Acacallis, the daughter of Minos, whereas others described him as a son of Apollo by Acacallis. (Pans. viii. 53. § 2 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. KvSwuia ; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1491.) [L. S.] CYDO'NIA (Ku8a)j//a), a surname of Athena, under which she had a temple at Phrixa in Elis, which was said to have been built by Clymenus of Cydonia. (Pans. vi. 21. ^ 5.) [L. S.] CYDO'NIUS DEME'TRIUS. [Demetril's.] CY'LLARUS (Ki5AAapos), a beautiful centaur, who was married to Hylonome, and was killed at the wedding feast of Peirithous. (Ov. Met. xii. 393, &c.) The horse of Castor was likewise called Cyllarus. (Virg. Georg. iii. 90 ; Val. Flacc. i. 426; Suidas, s.v.) [L. S.] CYLLEN (KuAArfr), a son of Elatus, from whom mount Cyllene in Arcadia was believed to have received its name. (Paus. viii. 4. § 3.) [L. S.] CYLLE'NE (KuAAtJi/tj), a nymph, who became the mother of Lycaon by Pelasgus. (Apollod. iii. 8. § 1.) According to others, she was the wife of Lycaon. (Dionys. Hal. A.R. i. 13.) [L. S.] CYLLE'NlijS {KvWrtvios), a surname of Her- mes, which he derived from mount Cyllene in Arcadia, where he had a temple (Paus. viii. 17. § 1), or from the circumstance of Maia having given birth to him on that mountain. (Virg. Aen. viii. 139, &c.) [L. S.] CYLLE'NIUS {KvXXrivios), the author of two epigrams in the Greek Anthology (Brunck, Anal. ii. p. 282 ; .Jacobs, ii. p. 257 ), of whom nothing more is known. His name is spelt differently in