Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/934

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91G CYRIADES. of Aeetion. But the persons who were sent out for this purpose were moved by the Biniles of the infant ancPspared his life. Afterwards, however thevmade a second attempt, but they now could TJZl the child, for his mother had concealed him in a chest (Kt^eAr,), from w;hich he derived v-^rjp rvDselus. When he had grown up to "Zm S'c:^e forward as the champion of the Temos agkinst the nobles and with the help of the jlled iished himself as tyrant


Iished himself as tyrant. (Anstot. ^«^^- ^- «; &c ) The cruelties which he is charged with at fhe beginning of his reign were the result of the veheSt opposition on the part of the Bacchiadae for afterwards his government was peaceful and nonular and Cypselus felt so safe among the ?:r;rthians thaJ'he could even dispense with a body-guard. (Aristot. Polit. v. 9 ; Polyaen. v. 31.) Like most other Greek tyrants, Cyp-l- was -•y fond of splendour and magnificence, and he appear^ tohaveLcumulated great wcath. He dedicated at Delphi the chapel of the Connthians ^ith a We palm-tree (Pint. Conv Sept. Sap. 21, %»';'• L^rf. viii. 4); and at Olympia ^e erected a goTden-statue of Zeus, towards which the wealth ?;orinthians were obliged to pay an extraoi^ina^ tax for the space often years, (btrab. vni. pp. 3j>3. 378; comp. Pseud. Anstot Oeam. n. 2 bi and Phot.'*, r. ^v^^^os.) Cypselus rded^ Corinth for a period of thirty years, the begi by of which is placed by some in B. c 65K, -^n^y others in 655. He was succeeded in the^rated at Corinth by his son Penander. Ihe^ j^ory, chest of Cypselus, consisting of cedar 7 in relief, and gold, and richly adorned with tipreserved a of which Pau8ani;is (v. 17, &c-) .uired by one description, is said to have beePKept in it his of the ancestors of Cypselus, Ms remained in most costly treasures. It aftts, and it was in the possession of his doscrwas saved from the this chest that young Cypae. His grateful de- persecutions of the Bache temple of Hera at Bcendants dedicated i.'ecn by Pausanias about Olympia, where it ntury after Christ. (Comp. the end of the scccimuL § 57. 2, &c. ; Thiersch, M idler. ArcJuieol [L. S.] Epoch, p. 166, f)!?'"^), a daughter of Hypscus CYRE'N'-^hlidanope, a granddaughter of or Peneiu^eusa, was beloved by Apollo, who Peneius r"^"^ mount Pelion to Libya, where carried ^^^ ^^s name from her. She became Cyren«>'i^ mother of Aristaeua. (Pind. Pt/ih. jy ^ ; ApoUon. Rhod, i. 500, &c. ; Diod. iv. ix. f.adAm. iv. 42, 317 ; Hygin. /oA. 161.) }{a mere mistake that Justin (xiii. 7) calls lOcus, Nomius, and Argaeus sons of Cyrene. jmp. Aristaeus.) There are two other niythi- -il personages of the name of Cyrene. (Hvgin. Fub. 14 ; Apollod. ii. 5. § 8.) [L. S.] CYRl'ADES stands first in the list of the thirty tyrants enumerated by Trebellius PoUio [AuRKOLUs], from whose brief, indistinct, and apparently inaccurate narrative we gather that, after having robbed his father, whose old age he had embittered by dissipation and vice, he fled to the Persians, stimulated Sapor to invade the Ro- man provinces, and, having assumed the purple together with the title of Augustus, was slain by his own followers after a short career of cruelty and crime. Gibbon thinks fit to assume that these CYRILLUS. events took place after the defeat and captu^ of Valerianus (a. d. 260) ; but our only ai^jiority expressly asserts, that the death of the usurper happened while the emperor was upon his march to the East (a. d. 258 or 259); and by that state- ment we must, in the absence of all other evidence, be content to abide. The med;..s published by Goltzius and Iklediobarbus are rjjected by numis- matologists as unquestionably ;punous. (Trebell. FoW. rriff. Tvr. i.) .[V'-^-J CYRILLUS, a Graec Roman jurist, who wrote shortly after the cmpilations of Justinian were formed. From th scholiast on the Basilica r vii p 89) it may be nferred, that he translated into Greek the Digei f„l«"gjj ("^f '^^«^«J^ Rf ^ ad Theoph. p. 124<^J^}0- He also composed a commentary on ■« ^'gest, which is cited by the „„^^ Y'„s,tl_a ,>rd wJiich does not mean an alpha- name ivot^ — a • J • ^1 , '^ betical rcnsf- °^ ^"^^^ ^" *^« modem sense. (Bus. ii. p°p. '^^' ^^"^"^ ^^'"^ ^^^'^ thought that, as tphB n-'"^ ^ summary abridgment of the con- tents of '® tftl^s, so irAaros means an extended j^,^iry or paraphrase ; while Hugo (/?. H. G. ,,< ) mentions a suggestion made to him, that ^' OS and it/Si^ are used synonomously, the latter , d being interpreted in the Glossae Nomicae by ixt]vf'i(i. Cyrilius is designated, along with Ste- - - , , -hanus (who also wrote an Index), by the name 2;bui 'vZiKfvTt]s. (Z?a«. iii. p. 415.) On the authority of Ant. Augustinus, Suarez (Noiii. Busil. § 19) cites Matt. Blastares (in Praef. Spitag.) to shew that Cyrilius interpreted the Digest Kar firiTon-nv; but, in the edition of Blastares published by Bp. Beveridge (Si/noJicon., ii.), the name of Cyrilius does not occur in the context referred to. Cyrilius also commented upon the Code. {Bus. iii. pp. 60, 61.) Sometimes he is quoted by the scholiasts on the Bsisilica, and sometimes hi* opinions are embo- died in the text. {Bus. v. pp. 44, 82, 431, Bus. iv. p. 410.) He does not appear to have commented upon the Novells ; and Reiz (ad Tlieoph. pp. 12.^5, 1245) has observed, that both Cyrilius and Ste- phanus must have written before a. d. 535, when the 1 1 5th Novell was promulgated. In Bus. v. 225 is a quotJition from Cyrilius stating the law de Inofficioso Testamento as it existed before it was altered by the 115th Kovell, which an eminent jurist could scarcely have overlooked or been igno- rant of. C. E. Zachariae seems to think that there were two jurists named Cyrilius : one, who was among the preceptors of the jurists that flourished in the time of Justinian ; another, who was among the jurists that flourished in the period immediately after the compilation of the Corpus Juris. [Hist. J. G. R. § 14, 1, a., ib. § 14, 5, c.) Zachariae indeed does not expressly say that there were two, but, unless he thinks so, his mode of statement is calculated to mislead. The early Cyrilius is re- ferred to (if Zachariae properly expresses his meaning) in Bas. i. pp. 583, 646 (ed. Heimbach), in both of which passages he is designated by the honourable title Heros. In the passage, p. 646, Heros Patricias, who was a contemporary of Jus- tinian, seems (as quoted by the Scholiast) to call Cyrilius " the general schoolmaster of the world ;" but the meaning is ambiguous, and the high-flown compliments to Cyrilius may be the Scholiast's own. It is the later Cyrilius (if Zachariae ex- presses what he intends) who, in Bas. i. p. 7o9 (ed. Heimbach), cites Stephanus, his contemporary